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LISTEN ONLINE: READ THIS BOOK ONLINE: this book as well as other works by John Flavel are available for free online reading. "To keep the heart then, is carefully to preserve it from sin which disorders it; and maintain that spiritual and gracious frame, which fits it for a life of communion with God." - John Flavel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Touchstone of Sincerity or Trial of True and False Religion
Puritan Sermon
by John Flavel
1814 Edition
"My design in these meditations, is not to shake the well founded hopes of any man, or to excite unreasonable apprehensions; but to discover the radical and fatal defects, in the basis of many men's expectations of future happiness. Men must judge of their religion by examining its foundation, if that fail, the superstructure is perishable and worthless. There is a laudable spirit of caution, cherished by the saints, which makes them sensible to the danger of self-deception, and renders them watchful and circumspect; there is also a culpable anxiety and fear, tending only to gloom and despondency, to which they sometimes give way: by the former they are guarded against evil; by the latter they incur needless grief, and are restrained from inward peace. Sometimes good men, indulging groundless fears of hypocrisy, are blind to the clearest evidences of their gracious state; but more frequently, the wicked, regardles of consequences, close their eyes upon the proofs of their guilt and jeopardy." - John Flavel ABOUT THE HAIL & FIRE AUDIO LIBRARY: The Hail & Fire Audio Library is an online Christian audiobook resource. Listen online using the Hail & Fire Audio Player (link at bottom), download to play on your computer, or load onto your iPod or portable player. These books and sermons have been selected for the purity of their Gospel message and for the various author's witness to the power of the Gospel, of repentance, and of a new life. It is always to be remembered that every writer is but a fallible man and an earthern vessel and we, therefore, must test all things (1 Thes 5:21) against the pure light of Scripture: "all Scripture, is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work," 2 Tim 3:16. The main theme of each of these works is the absolute necessity of godliness; for, as Scriptures declares, "pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord," Heb 12:14.
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