HAIL & FIRE - a resource for Reformed and Gospel Theology in the works, exhortations, prayers, and apologetics of those who have maintained the Gospel and expounded upon the Scripture as the Eternal Word of God and the sole authority in Christian doctrine.
HAIL & FIRE - a resource for Reformed and Gospel Theology in the works, exhortations, prayers, and apologetics of those who have maintained the Gospel and expounded upon the Scripture as the Eternal Word of God and the sole authority in Christian doctrine.

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The Prophet Jonah with An Introduction by William Tyndale

Originally Published in 1531, Hail & Fire REPRINT

QUOTE: "[All] stories of the bible without exception are the practicing of the law and of the Gospel, and are true and faithful examples and sure earnest that God will even so deal with us as he did with them in all infirmities, in all temptations, and in all like cases and chances. Wherein you see, on the one side, how fatherly and tenderly and with all compassion God entreats his elect, which submit themselves as scholars to learn to walk in the ways of his laws and to keep them of love. ... And on the other side you see how they that hardened their hearts and sinned of malice and refused mercy ... and had no power to repent, perished at the later end" - William Tyndale

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The Works of the English Reformers: William Tyndale and John Frith

1831 Edition in 3 Volumes, Hail & Fire REPRINT

"God careth for his elect; and therefore hath provided them of scripture, to try all things, and to defend them from all false prophets." - William Tyndale

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An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue

by William Tyndale

Originally published in 1531, 1850 Edition
Hail & Fire REPRINT

"And thus are we come into this damnable ignorance and fierce wrath of God, through our own deserving; because, when the truth was told us, we had no love thereto. And to declare the full and set wrath of God upon us, our prelates whom we have exalted over us, to whom we have given almost all we had, have persuaded the worldly princes (to whom we have submitted ourselves, and given up our power) to devour up body and soul, and to keep us down in darkness, with violence of sword, and with all falsehood and guile; insomuch that, if any do but lift up his nose to smell after the truth, they swap him in the face with a fire-brand, to singe his smelling; or if he open one of his eyes once to look toward the light of God's word, they blear and daze his sight with their false juggling: so that if it were possible, though he were God's elect, he could not but be kept down, and perish for lack of knowledge of the truth." - William Tyndale

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The Supper of the Lord After the True Meaning

by William Tyndale

Originally published in 1531, 1850 Edition
Hail & Fire REPRINT

"He bade them work for that meat that should never perish, telling them that to believe in him whom God hath sent was the work of God; and whoso believeth in him, should never thirst nor hunger, but have life everlasting. Confer also this that followeth, and thou shalt see it plain, that his words be understood spiritually of the belief in his flesh crucified, and his blood shed; for which belief we be promised everlasting life, himself saying, 'Whoso believeth in me hath life everlasting.' Here, therefore, their question, 'How may this man give us his flesh to eat it?' - is solved; even when he gave his body to be broken, and his blood to be shed. And we eat and drink it indeed, when we believe stedfastly that he died for the remission of our sins." - William Tyndale

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The Hail & Fire Audio Library is an online Christian audiobook resource. Listen online using the Hail & Fire Audio Player (link at bottom), download to play on your computer, or load onto your iPod or portable player.

These books and sermons have been selected for the purity of their Gospel message and for the various author's witness to the power of the Gospel, of repentance, and of a new life. It is always to be remembered that every writer is but a fallible man and an earthern vessel and we, therefore, must test all things (1 Thes 5:21) against the pure light of Scripture: "all Scripture, is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work," 2 Tim 3:16.

The main theme of each of these works is the absolute necessity of godliness; for, as Scriptures declares, "pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord," Heb 12:14.

HOME > Library > Audio > Works by William Tyndale (1627-1691)

The Hail & Fire Audio Library provides Christian Audio Books and Sermons in MP3 audio format. Listen online using the Hail & Fire Audio Player (link at bottom), download to play on your computer, or load onto your iPod or portable player.

WILLIAM TYNDALE (1494-1536ad), William Tyndale (or William Tindal) was an English Reformer (known as 'the Apostle of England in the time of the Reformation') and the translator of the first English New Testament from the Greek (1526). Tyndale was martyred for his translation work and his writings in the defense of Biblical Christianity. Tyndale was hunted as a heretic, taken and imprisoned under the laws of the Church; after being condemned for heresy, he was formally stripped of his priesthood, strangled and then burned at the stake. Tyndale's English Translation is read yet today as the greater part of the King James Bible, first published in 1611.

"The Prophet Jonah with an Introduction by William Tyndale, or "The prophet Jonah with an introduction before teaching to understand him and the right use also of all the scripture and why it was written, and what is therein to be sought and shown wherewith the scripture is locked up that he which reads it cannot understand it though he study therein never so much: and again with what keys it is so opened that the reader can be stopped out with no subtle or false doctrine of man from the true sense and understanding thereof" by William Tyndale (Originally published in 1531):

play audio file  The Prophet Jonah 01 (of 2) mp3 6.2MB
play audio file  The Prophet Jonah 02 (of 2) mp3 4.5MB
play audio file  OR: The Prophet Jonah (complete in 1) mp3 10.6MB

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Words of Wisdom: William Tyndale Quotes

READ William Tynale on the Authority of Scripture.


"God careth for his elect; and therefore hath provided them of scripture, to try all things, and to defend them from all false prophets."


READ William Tynale on the Authority of Scripture.


"For we love not God first, to compel him to love again; but he loved us first, and gave his Son for us, that we might see love and love again, saith St John in his first epistle"


Click to Read About the life of William Tyndale - Hail and Fire Book Library
"One circumstance appears plain from the Registers of their persecutors, and is well worthy of being noted: that these martyrs do not appear to have held a variety of doctrines and opinions, as the Roman Catholics contend is always the consequence of leaving that communion; their doctrines were uniform; and scarcely one that is not now held by every true Protestant."


new audio files added: June 29, 2009

"God careth for his elect; and therefore hath provided them of scripture, to try all things, and to defend them from all false prophets."

William Tyndale

Portrait of William Tyndale, English Reformer, Bible Translator, Apologist and Martyr by burning at the stake 1536

QUOTE: "Truly to confess out of the heart that all benefits come of God, even out of the goodness of his mercy and not the deservings of our deeds, is the only sacrifice that pleases God.” - William Tyndale (The Prophet Jonah)

QUOTE: "The scripture contains three things in it: first the law to condemn all flesh: secondarily, the Gospel that is to save, promises of mercy for all that repent and acknowledge their sins at the preaching of the law and consent in their hearts that the law is good and submit themselves to be scholars to learn to keep the law and to learn to believe the mercy that is promised them: and thirdly, the stories and lives of those scholars both what chances fortuned them and also by what means their schoolmaster taught them and made them perfect and how he tried the true from the false." - William Tyndale (The Prophet Jonah)

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