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Certain Sermons or Homilies

Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of

Queen Elizabeth I

of Famous Memory

edited by

John Griffiths

Originally Published 1562 by the authority of Queen Elizabeth

1864 Edition

Hail & Fire REPRINTS 2009

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Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory (Originally Published 1562, 1864 Edition)




Considering how necessary it is, that the Word of God, which is the only food of the soul, and that most excellent light that we must walk by, in this our most dangerous pilgrimage, should at all convenient times be preached unto the people,
READ ONLINE: Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory - Hail and Fire Library

"Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory"

1864 Edition
Work is underway to re-publish a paperback version: Hail & Fire REPRINTS 2009

READ ONLINE: Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory (1864 Edition)

that thereby they may both learn their duty towards God, their prince, and their neighbours, according to the mind of the Holy Ghost, expressed in the Scriptures, and also to avoid the manifold enormities which heretofore by false doctrine have

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Click to Read Doctrine on the Scripture by St. John Chrysostom - Hail and Fire

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ONLINE LIBRARY: Sermons on the Card and Other Discourses by Hugh Latimer, martyr 1555

Click to Read About the life of William Tyndale - Hail and Fire Book Library

Illustration of the Burning of English Bible Translations in 15th century England. READ LOLLARD WRITINGS online


"When they burned the New Testament they pretended a zeal very fervent to maintain only God’s honor, which they said with protestation, was obscured by translation in English, causing much error. But the truth plainly to be said, this was the cause why they were afraid, least laymen should know their iniquity."

A Lollard (1450ad)

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A Proper Dialogue between a Gentleman and Husbandman each complaining to other their miserable calamite, through the ambition of the clergy.

A 15th century Apology written by an English Lollard.


Illustration of the Burning of English Bible Translations in 15th century England. READ LOLLARD WRITINGS online

crept into the church of God; and how that all they which are appointed Ministers have not the gift of preaching sufficiently to instruct the people, which is committed unto them, whereof great inconveniences might rise, and ignorance still be maintained, if some honest remedy be not speedily found and provided: the Queen's most excellent Majesty, tendering the souls' health of her loving subjects, and the quieting of their consciences in the chief and principal points of Christian religion, and willing also by the true setting forth and pure declaring of God's Word, which is the principal guide and leader unto all godliness and virtue, to expel and drive away as well corrupt, vicious, and ungodly living, as also erroneous and poisoned doctrines, tending to superstition and idolatry, hath, by the advice of her most honourable Counsellors, for her discharge in this behalf, caused a Book of Homilies, which heretofore was set forth by her most loving brother, a prince of most worthy memory, Edward the Sixth, to be printed anew, wherein are contained certain wholesome and godly exhortations, to move the people to honour and worship Almighty God, and diligently to serve him, every one according to their degree, state, and vocation. All which Homilies her Majesty commandeth and straitly chargeth all Parsons, Vicars, Curates, and all others having spiritual cure, every Sunday and Holy-day in the year, at the ministering of the Holy Communion, or if there be no Communion ministered that day, yet after the Gospel and Creed, in such order and place as is appointed in the Book of Common Prayers, to read and declare to their parishioners plainly and distinctly one of the said Homilies, in such order as they stand in the book, except there be a Sermon, according as it is enjoined in the book of her Highness' Injunctions; and then for that cause only, and for none other, the reading of the said Homily to be deferred unto the next Sunday or Holy-day following. And when the foresaid Book of Homilies is read over, her Majesty's pleasure is, that the same be repeated and read again, in such like sort as was before prescribed. Furthermore, her Highness commandeth that, notwithstanding this order, the said ecclesiastical persons shall read her Majesty's Injunctions at such times, and in such order, as in the book thereof appointed; and that the Lord's Prayer, the Articles of Faith, and the Ten Commandments, be openly read unto the people, as in the said Injunctions is specified, and that all her people, of what degree or condition soever they be, may learn how to invocate and call upon the name of God, and know what duty they owe both to God and man: so that they may pray, believe, and work according to knowledge, while they shall live here, and after this life be with Him, that with His blood hath bought us all. To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory for ever. Amen.

CONTENTS: LIST OF SERMONS - click to read individual sermons: (as they become available in real text, or read the book as scanned images above.)


A Fruitful Exhortation to the Reading of Holy Scripture

QUOTE: "As many as be desirous to enter into the right and perfect way unto God must apply their minds to know holy Scripture; without the which they can neither sufficiently know God and his will, neither their office and duty. And, as drink is pleasant to them that be dry, and meat to them that be hungry, so is the reading, hearing, searching, and studying of holy Scripture to them that be desirous to know God or themselves, and to do his will."

A Sermon: Of the Misery of all Mankind

A Sermon: Of the Salvation of Mankind by only Christ our Savior from Sin and Death Everlasting

A Short Declaration Of the True, Lively, and Christian Faith

A Sermon: Of Good Works Annexed unto Faith

A Sermon: Of Christian Love and Charity

A Sermon: Against Swearing and Perjury

A Sermon: How Dangerous a Thing it is to Fall from God

An Exhortation Against the Fear of Death

An Exhortation: Concerning Good Order and Obedience to Rulers and Magistrates

A Sermon: Against Whoredom and Adultery

A Sermon: Against Strife and Contention


An Admonition to all Ministers Ecclesiastical

An Homily: Of the Right Use of the Church or Temple of God, and of the Reverence due the same

An Homily: Against Peril of Idolatry and Superfluous Decking of Churches

An Homily: For Repairing and Keeping Clean and Comely Adorning of Churches

An Homily: Of Good Works: and First of Fasting

An Homily: Against Gluttony and Drunkenness

An Homily: Against Excess of Apparel

An Homily or Sermon: Concerning Prayer

An Homily: Of the Place and Time of Prayer

An Homily: Common Prayer and Sacraments ought to be ministered in a Tongue understood by the Hearers

An Information for Them Which Take Offence at Certain Places of Holy Scripture

An Homily: Of Almsdeeds and Mercifulness towards the Poor and Needy

An Homily or Sermon: Concerning the Nativity and Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ

An Homily: Concerning the Death and Passion of our Savior Jesus Christ

An Homily: Of the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ

An Homily: Of the Worthy Receiving and Reverent Esteeming of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood

An Homily: Concerning the Coming Down of the Holy Ghost and Manifold Gifts of the Holy Spirit

An Homily: For the Rogation Week, That all Good Things Come from God

An Homily: Of the State of Matrimony

QUOTE: "We see how wonderfully the devil deludeth and scorneth this state, how few matrimonies there be without chidings, brawlings, tauntings, repentings, bitter cursings, and fightings. ... yet they are of necessity compelled to live together, which yet cannot be in quiet together. ... Learn thou therefore ... if thou desirest to live peaceably and comfortably in wedlock, how to make thy earnest prayer to God, that he would govern both your hearts by his Holy Spirit, to restrain the devil's power, whereby your concord may remain perpetually."

An Homily: Against Idleness

An Homily: Of Repentance and True Reconciliation unto God

An Homily: Against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion

A Thanksgiving for the Suppression of the Last Rebellion


HAIL & FIRE - a resource for Reformed and Gospel Theology in the works, exhortations, prayers, and apologetics of those who have maintained the Gospel and expounded upon the Scripture as the Eternal Word of God and the sole authority in Christian doctrine.

"They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them." John 16:2-4 KJV
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