"Every scribe who is instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like a man who is a householder, who brings forth from his treasure things new and old."

Matthew 13:52

"These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so."

Acts 17:11

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A Lifting Up for the Downcast
by William Bridge

A Lifting Up for the Downcast by William Bridge (Puritan Paperback) - Buy this book on Amazon.com

Thirteen sermons preached in 17th century London. Each sermon is aimed at carefully and biblically lifting up true believers who, for various causes, struggle under the burden of an injured conscience or self condemnation.

First published in 1649.
Reprint: Banner of Truth, Puritan Paperback series

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William Bridge (1600-1670)


Times of Doubting, Spiritual Darkness and Self-Condemnation
excerpt (sermon) from "Keeping the Heart"

by John Flavel
(1627-1691ad English Puritan Preacher)

QUOTE: "Are sense and feelings suitable to judge of the dispensations and designs of God by? Can their testimony be safely relied on? Is it safe to argue thus: 'If God had any love for my soul, I should feel it now, as well as in former times; but I cannot feel it, therefore it is gone? May you not as well conclude, when the sun is invisible to you, that he has ceased to exist?"

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William Bridge, M.A., 1600-1670, was an English Puritan Preacher, Fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge, and Pastor of the Church of Christ in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. The following quotations are selected from the writings of William Bridge.

On Strong and Weak Christians

William Bridge quote on the strong Christian drawing edification from all things, and the weak Christian's struggle:

"A strong Christian will use that for his edification which seems to be against him; but the weak Christian will use that against himself which is in truth for him." – William Bridge

Quotation from "A Lifting Up for the Downcast: in Thirteen Sermons, on Psalm 42:11" (1845 Edition) by William Bridge.

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On Discouragement

William Bridge quote on the sinfulness of discouragement:

"Discouragement itself is a sin, another sin, a Gospel sin; now my sin against the Law, is not just cause why I should sin against the Gospel." – William Bridge

Quotation from "A Lifting Up for the Downcast: in Thirteen Sermons, on Psalm 42:11" (1845 Edition) by William Bridge.

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On Christ Washes Away All Sins

William Bridge quote on the blood of Christ cleansing believers from all their sins. "Sinning not unto death." 1 John 1:7; Mark 3:28; 1 John 5:16.

"Suppose that a man have sinned greatly against his conscience, or against his light, against his knowledge, hath he not just cause or reason then to be cast down, and to be quite discouraged? No; for if there be a sacrifice for such a sin as this is, then a man hath no reason to be quite discouraged; cause to be humbled ... but no reason to be discouraged. ... Do you not think that Peter, when he denied his Lord and Master, sinned against his conscience, against his light, and against his knowledge? ... for though your sin be great, is not God's mercy great, exceeding great? Is not the satisfaction made by Christ great? ...Is Jesus Christ only a Mediator for small sins? Will you bring down the satisfaction of Christ, and the mercy of God, to your own model? Will you bring down the satisfaction of Christ, and the mercy of God, to your own model? Has not the Lord said concerning pardoning mercy, that His 'thoughts are not as our thoughts, but as the heavens are greater than the earth, so are his thoughts (in this respect) beyond our thoughts'?" – William Bridge

Quotation from "A Lifting Up for the Downcast: in Thirteen Sermons, on Psalm 42:11" (1845 Edition) by William Bridge.

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On Little Faith Not Opposing Great Faith

William Bridge quote on how sincere Christian believers are not opposed to growing in godliness, sanctification, obedience, knowledge, and understanding; "the least spark ... will not oppose the flame.":

"I will tell you what small, weak, little grace will do, and not do, to dinstinguish it from common grace. It will not oppose much grace; the least spark of fire will not oppose the flame, or resist the flame. Water will, because fire and water are contrary: and so, false grace will oppose the highest degree of grace, saying, Why need you be so strict and precise? You may go to heaven with less ado: but the least degree of true gace will not oppose the highest. True grace loves examination. It loves to examine, and to be examined; for it is sincere, and sincerity is much in examination." – William Bridge

Quotation from "A Lifting Up for the Downcast" by William Bridge.

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On the Purifying Power of Affliction

William Bridge quote on the purification of sincere Christians by affliction:

"So long as men are in prosperity, and have their leaves on, they do not see what nests of sins and lust are in their hearts and lives; but when all their leaves are off, in the day of their affliction, then they see them and say, I did not think I had such nests of sin and lusts in my soul. ... 'Before I was afflicted I went astray,' says David, Psa 119:67. And Job 36:10, 'He openeth also their ear to discipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity.' Yea, these afflictions and sufferings of the saints not only reveal and heal their sins, but also put them upon the excerse of grace: 'In their affliction (says God) they will seek me early,' Hosea 5:15. Yea, they not only draw out their graces but reveal their graces too, which possibly they never too notice of before." – William Bridge

Quotation from "A Lifting Up for the Downcast" by William Bridge.