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ABOUT BIBLES: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV. Read various translations of the Bible and their historical annotations and commentaries by both Protestant Christian and Roman Catholic authors.

Rheims New Testament (1582)

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ONLINE BOOK: 1582 Rheims New Testament (with Original Annotations)
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Translated Out of the Latin Vulgate, Diligently Copared with the Original Greek, and First Published by the English College of Rheims, Anno 1582, with Original Preface, Arguments and Tables, Marginal Notes, and Annotations.

by the English College at Rheims

ONLINE BOOK: An 1834 Edition Reprint of the Original 1582 Annotated Edition of the Roman Catholic Rheims New Testament. The Rheims New Testament presented here is a 19th Century Protestant Reprinting of the 1582 Rheims New Testament (annotated edition). It contains the original translation and preface, and the notes and annotation that were included in the 1582 volume prepared by the English College at Rheims. The Testament is a translation made by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), as a tool of the Counter Reformation. The Jesuit translation was provided under the direction of Gregory Martin, an Englishman and the chief linguist at Rheims, who was an outspoken Catholic Apologist and Controversialist. The annotations in the Rhemish Testament were provided under the direction of Nicholas Saunders (Jesuit), a controversialist dedicated to countering the historical and scriptural proofs of the Reformation. This translation became the basis for the revised Douai-Rheims or Douay-Rheims Bible still used by Catholics today.

"Drunken of the blood. It is plain, that this woman signifieth the whole corp of all the persecutors that have and shall shed so much blood of the just: of the Prophets, Apostles, and other Martyrs from the beginning of the world to the end. The Protestants foolishly expound it of Rome, for that there they put Heretics to death, and allow of their punishment in other countries: But their blood is not called the blood of Saints, no more than the blood of thieves, mankillers, and other malefactors: for the shedding of which by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer." (Original Annotation on Apocalypse 17:6)

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Catholic Apologetica

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Latin Vulgate / English Douay-Rheims Compared

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ONLINE BOOK: The Latin Vulgate New Testament, with the Douay Version of 1582 in Parallel Columns The Latin Vulgate New Testament, with the Douay Version of 1582 in Parallel Columns

An 1872 Edition of the New Testament of the Bible in Latin and English parallel columns In Latin In English, specifically the Latin Vulgate New Testament compared to the 1582 Douay-Rheims New Testament.

"As the Protestant exiles at Geneva, in the reign of Mary, had provided a version of the Scriptures for their fellow-countrymen, so the Popish exiles at Rheims, in the reign of Elizabeth, imitated their example, and produced another version for the use of their brethren in the faith. The principal persons engaged in the translation were William Allen, Gregory Martin, and Richard Bristow. The first of these was a very distinguished man among the Papists. In the reign of Mary he had been Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, and Canon of York, but on the accession of her protestant sister had fled to London, and afterwards to Douay. There he was made Doctor of Divinity, and soon afterwards was created Canon of Cambray, whence he was subsequently appointed to a Canonry at Rheims. He there established a Popish seminary, and vigorously exerted himself in opposing Protestantism, for which he was rewarded with a cardinal's hat, and the archbishopric of Mechlin." (Preface. Reprinted from the Introduction to the English Hexapla)

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Greek New Testament

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ONLINE BOOK: "H KAINH ΔIAΘHKH. Novum Testamentum Graecum or Novum Testamentum accedunt Parallela S. Scripturae Loca. necnon Vetus Capitulorum Notatio et Canones Eusebii. (Greek New Testament)
by Johann Albrecht Bengel

Originally Published in 1734. An 1836 Edition Greek New Testament (1734 Tübingen & Stuttgart, Bengelii Novi Testamenti) by Johann Albrecht Bengel (1687-1752), also known as Johanne Alberti Bengelii, a Lutheran divine of Württemberg, Germany. Eusebius Canonum (Canonibus Eusebii).

"Monitum. Damus tibi in manus, L. B. Novum Testamentum idem profecto, quod ad textum attinet, cum ed. Milliana, cum divisione Pericoparum, et Interpunctura J. A. Bengelii. Accedunt praeterea Parallela S. Scripturae loca secundum editionem Curcellaei, et Epistola ad Carpianum cum Canonibus Eusebii. Et de hac nostra editione, etsi nihil novi aut quod ad rem criticam pertinet moliti sumus, pauca tamen in usum juniorum liceat praefari. Et primo, de Bengelii Pericopis ipse Bengelius audiatur: 'Divisio,' ait, 'in Capita, haec quidem, qua hodie utimur, Graecis ignota fuit, et in Latinis codicibus primum, iisque Manuscriptis, deinde in impressis exstitit; dehinc in editiones N. T. Graeco-Latinas immigravit; postremo mere Graecis adhaesit. Divisionem in versiculos a Roberto Stephano introductam esse, constat."

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Book of Jonah

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ONLINE BOOK: The Prophet Jonah with An Introduction by William Tyndale The Prophet Jonah with An Introduction by William Tyndale
by William Tyndale

Originally Published in 1531. An 1621 Edition. William Tyndale (1494-1536) was an English Protestant Christian Reformer, an appologist, and a bible translator, who was martyred at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church in 1536.

"The scripture contains three things in it: first the law to condemn all flesh: secondarily, the Gospel that is to save, promises of mercy for all that repent and acknowledge their sins at the preaching of the law and consent in their hearts that the law is good and submit themselves to be scholars to learn to keep the law and to learn to believe the mercy that is promised them: and thirdly, the stories and lives of those scholars both what chances fortuned them and also by what means their schoolmaster taught them and made them perfect and how he tried the true from the false."

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English Hexapla

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ONLINE BOOK: The English Hexapla, exhibiting the Six Important English Translations of the New Testament Scriptures The English Hexapla, exhibiting the Six Important English Translations of the New Testament Scriptures

Book Queue - a running list of the works currently being digitized for the Hail & Fire Books Online Library An 1841 First Edition featuring the Wycliffe (1380), Tyndale (1534), Cranmer (1539), Geneva (1557), Rheims (1582), and Authorise (1611) translations of the New Testament Scriptures. The original Greek text after Scholz with the various readings of the textus receptus and the principal constantinopolitan and Alexandrine manuscripts, and a complete collation of Schol's text with Griesbach's edition of 1805. Preceded by an historical account of the English translations. Wycliffe 1380, Tyndale 1534, Cranmer 1539, Geneva 1557, Rheimish 1582, Authorise 1611, and the Original Greek. This book is in the Hail & Fire Book Queue.

BIBLES: The English Hexapla - Six Translations: Wycliffe, Tyndale, Cranmer, Geneva, Rheimish, Authorise, Greek "The scripture contains three things in it: first the law to condemn all flesh: secondarily, the Gospel that is to save, promises of mercy for all that repent and acknowledge their sins at the preaching of the law and consent in their hearts that the law is good and submit themselves to be scholars to learn to keep the law and to learn to believe the mercy that is promised them: and thirdly, the stories and lives of those scholars both what chances fortuned them and also by what means their schoolmaster taught them and made them perfect and how he tried the true from the false."