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ABOUT ESCHATOLOGY (End-Times Prophecy and Theology): These works have been placed online so that those of a Catholic as well as a Protestant and Gospel faith might become more familiar with the two great divisions in eschatological interpretation, that is, of end-times theology, and for the purpose of presenting the points of the eschatological controversy through the examination of pre- and post-Reformation vs. Counter-Reformation and modern interpretations. Modern prophetic interpretation gives us a number of views (e.g. dispensationalism, premillennailism, etc.) and a future Antichrist, while the historical interpretation watches the rise of Antichrist with the apostasy of the early church and the fall of the Roman empire; a view which prevailed from Apostolic, Medieval, and through Reformation thought.


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Brevint, Daniel (1616-1695)

Daniel Brevint, D.D., was a French Huguenot Christian and Dean of Lincoln in 1682. Brevint is the author of "Saul and Samuel at Endor or The New Ways of Salvation and Service, which Usually Tempt Men to Rome, and Detain Them There, Truly Represented, and Refuted."

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Protestant Apologetics


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Ribera, Francisco (1537-1591)

Francisco Ribera, S.J. was a Roman Catholic Doctor of Theology and a Jesuit Priest of the Society of Jesus (Francisci Riberae Villacastinensis Presbyteri Societatis Iesu, Doctorisque Theologi). Sometimes called the "Father of Futurism."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: In sacram beati Ioannis Apostoli and Evangelistae Apocalypsin Commentarii by Francisco Ribera, S.J. In sacram beati Ioannis Apostoli and Evangelistae Apocalypsin Commentarii
by Francisco Ribera, S.J.

A 1602 Edition in Latin In Latin. Francisco Ribera's Counter-Reformation commentary on the Apocalypse or the book of Revelation of the holy saint John, the apostle and evangelist.


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Seiss, Joseph Augustus (1823-1904)

Joseph Augustus Seiss was a Lutheran Christian Pastor and a Doctor of Divinity.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Apocalypse. A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ with Revised Text (Volume 1)
by Joseph Augustus Seiss

Originally published in 1869-1881. An 1909 Edition in 3 Volumes.

"There is a widespread prejudice against the study of the Apocalypse. Though it is the great prophetic Book of the New Testament, the last of all the writings of Inspiration, a special message from the ascended Saviour to His Churches on earth, and pressed upon every one's attention with uncommon urgency, there are religious guides, sworn to teach "the whole counsel of God," who make a merit of not understanding it, and of not wishing to occupy themselves with it. If such treatment of an acknowledged part of the Sacred Canon is compatible with ministerial fidelity and Christian duty, the author of these Lectures is very much mistaken in his understanding of Christ's commands, as well as in his estimate of the purposes for which a Divine Revelation has been given."


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W.L.S.G. (1627-1704)

W.L.S.G., Rev., a Friend to St. Peter, Professor of Stenography; and Author of "Four Dialogues between the Apostle St. Peter and His Holiness the Pope of Rome."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Trial of Antichrist, otherwise the Man of Sin, for High Treason against the Son of God. Tried at the Session House of Truth, before the Right Hon. Divine Revelation, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Equity; the Hon. Justice Reason, of said court; and the Hon. Justice History, one of the Justices of His Majesty's Court of Information.
by Rev. W.L.S.G., a Friend to St. Peter

An 1830 Edition.

"Cardinal Bellarmine, Sworn. Q. Are you the Bellarmine that wrote what is called the Fifteen Marks of the True Church, to prove the Church of Rome the only true Church, &c.? A. I am. Q. Do you know the prisoner at the bar? A. Yes, I am intimately acquainted with him. Q. Are you not a Roman Catholic by profession? A. I am. Q. Did you not write and publish several books to vindicate his authority? A. I did. Q. Did you publish in your 4th book de Pontiff, as follows: 'In good sense and judgment, Christ hath given to Peter, (and consequently to the Pope) the power of making that to be sin, which is no sin, and that which is no sin to be sin?' A. Let me see the copy. It was shewn to him. Q. Do you acknowledge it to be your own writing and publishing? A. I do acknowledge it. Q. Did you publish this book, with others, by the prisoner's authority? A. I did. I acted by his commission, and was supported by his government."


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