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Read Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin in Spanish: Institución de la Religión Cristiana, de Juan Calvino (edición en Español )
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HOME > Library > Books > Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (1840 Edition in 2 Volumes)
Institutes of the Christian Religion Translated from the Original Latin, and Collated with the Author's Last Edition in French, by John Allen. by John Calvin (1509-1564ad, French Protestant Reformer) 1840 Edition in 2 Volumes Hail & Fire REPRINTS 2009
Non tamen omnino potuit mors invida totum
VOLUME I - click to read this volume. The Author's Preface to the edition published in 1559 ... p. 17. Dedication ... 20. General Syllabus... 41. BOOK I. Chapter I: The connection between the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves. Chapter II: The nature and tendency of the knowledge of God. Chapter III: The mind of man naturally endued with the knowledge of God. Chapter IV: This knowledge extinguished or corrupted, partly by ignorance, partly by wickedness. Chapter V: The knowledge of God conspicuous in the formation and continual government of the world. Chapter VI: The guidance and teaching of the Scripture necessary to lead to the knowledge of God the Creator. Chapter VII: The testimony of the Spirit necessary to confirm the Scripture, in order to the complete establishment of its authority. The suspension of its authority, on the judgment of the Church, an impious fiction. Chapter VIII: Rational proofs to establish the belief of the Scripture. Chapter IX: The fanaticism which discards the Scripture, under the pretence of resorting to immediate revelations, subversive of every principle of piety. Chapter X: All idolatrous worship discountenanced in the Scripture, by its exclusive opposition of the true God to all the fictitious deities of the heathen. Chapter XI: Unlawfulness of ascribing to God a visible form. All idolatry a defection from the true God. Chapter XII: God contradistinguished from idols, that he may be solely and supremely worshipped. Chapter XIII: One Divine essence, containing three persons, taught in the Scripture since the beginning. Chapter XIV: The true God distinguished in the Scripture from all fictitious ones, by the creation of the world. Chapter XV: The state of man at his creation; the faculties of the soul, the Divine image, free-will, and the original purity of his nature. Chapter XVI: God's preservation and support of the world by his power and his government of every part of it by his providence. Chapter XVII: The proper application of this doctrine to render it useful to us. Chapter XVIII: God uses the agency of the impious, and inclines their minds to execute his judgments, yet without the least stain of his perfect purity.
Chapter I: The fall and defection of Adam the cause of the curse inflicted on all mankind, and of the degeneracy from their primitive condition. The doctrine of original sin.
Chapter II: Man in his present state despoiled of freedom of will, and subjected to a miserable slavery.
Chapter III: Every thing that proceeds from the corrupt nature of man worthy of condemnation.
Chapter IV: The operation of God in the hearts of men.
Chapter V: A refutation of the objections commonly urged in the support of free-will.
Chapter VI: Redemption for lost man to be sought in Christ.
Chapter VII: The law given not to confine the ancient people to itself, but to encourage their hope of salvation in Christ, till the time of his coming.
Chapter VIII: An exposition of the moral law.
Chapter IX: Christ, though known to the Jews under the law, yet clearly revealed only in the gospel.
Chapter X: The similarity of the Old and New Testaments.
Chapter XI: The difference of the two Testaments.
Chapter XII: The necessity of Christ becoming man, in order to fulfil the office of Mediator.
Chapter XIII: Christ's assumption of real humanity.
Chapter XIV: The union of the two natures constituting the person of the Mediator.
Chapter XV: The consideration of Christ's three offices, prophetical, regal, and sacerdotal, necessary to our knowing the end of his mission from the Father, and the benefits which he confers on us.
Chapter XVI: Christ's execution of the office of a Redeemer to procure our salvation; his death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven.
Chapter XVII: Christ truly and properly said to have merited the grace of God and salvation for us.
Chapter I: What is declared concerning Christ rendered profitable to us by the secret operation of the Spirit.
Chapter II: Faith defined, and its properties described.
Chapter III: On repentance.
Chapter IV: The sophistry and jargon of the schools concerning repentance, very remote from the purity of the gospel. On confession and satisfaction.
Chapter V: The supplements to their doctrine of satisfactions, indulgences, and purgatory.
Chapter VI: The life of a Christian. Scriptural arguments and exhortations to it.
Chapter VII: Summary of the Christian life. Self-denial.
Chapter VIII: Bearing the cross, which is a branch of self-denial.
Chapter IX: Meditation on the future life.
Chapter X: The right use of the present life and its supports.
Chapter XI: Justification by faith. The name and thing defined.
Chapter XII: A consideration of the Divine tribunal necessary to a serious conviction of gratuitous justification.
Chapter XIII: Two things necessary to be observed in gratuitous justification.
Chapter XIV: The commencement and continual progress of justification.
Chapter XV: Boasting of the merit of works equally subversive of God's glory in the gift of righteousness, and of the certainty of salvation.
Chapter XVI: A refutation of the injurious calumnies of the Papists against this doctrine.
Chapter XVII: The harmony between the promises of the law and those of the gospel.
Chapter XVIII: Justification from works not to be inferred from the promise of a reward.
Chapter XIX: On Christian liberty.
Chapter XX: On prayer, the principal exercise of faith, and the medium of our daily reception of Divine blessings.
Chapter XXI: Eternal election, or God's predestination of some to salvation, and of others to destruction.
Chapter XXII: Testimonies of Scripture in confirmation of this doctrine.
Chapter XXIII: A refutation of the calumnies generally, but unjustly, urged against this doctrine.
Chapter XXIV: Election confirmed by the Divine call. The destined destruction of the reprobate procured by themselves.
Chapter XXV: The final resurrection.
Chapter I: The true Church, and the necessity of our union with her, being the mother of all the pious.
Chapter II: The true and false Church compared.
Chapter III: The teachers and ministers of the Church, their election and office.
Chapter IV: The state of the ancient Church, and the mode of government practised before the Papacy.
Chapter V: The ancient form of government entirely subverted by the Papal tyranny.
Chapter VI: The primacy of the Roman see.
Chapter VII: The rise and progress of the Papal power to its present eminence attended with the loss of liberty to the Church, and the ruin of all moderation.
Chapter VIII: The power of the Church respecting articles of faith, and its licentious perversion under the Papacy, to the corruption of all purity of doctrine.
Chapter IX: Councils; their authority.
Chapter X: The power of legislation, in which the pope and his adherents have most cruelly tyrannized over the minds, and tortured the bodies of men.
Chapter XI: The jurisdiction of the Church, and its abuse under the Papacy.
Chapter XII: The discipline of the Church; its principal use in censures and excommunication.
Chapter XIII: Vows; the misery of rashly making them.
Chapter XIV: The sacraments.
Chapter XV: Baptism.
Chapter XVI: Paedobaptism perfectly consistent with the institution of Christ, and the nature of the sign.
Chapter XVII: The Lord's supper and its advantages.
Chapter XVIII: The Papal mass not only a sacrilegious profanation of the Lord's supper, but a total annihilation of it.
Chapter XIX: The five other ceremonies, falsely called sacraments, proved not to be sacraments; their true nature explained.
Chapter XX: On civil government.
... content list and book to come ....
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"They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them." John 16:2-4 KJV
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