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"These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so."
Acts 17:11
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HOME » Words of Wisdom » Reformed and Puritan Quotes » Elnathan Parr Quotes
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Elnathan Parr (1597-1632)
Elnathan Parr, 1597-1632, Minister of the Word of God.
On Diligence in Studying the Word of God:
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"For even as a house without walls and windows, and other necessary furniture, is accounted forlorn; so that is a very forlorn and naked conscience which is destitute of the knowledge of the Word. And as it is an easy matter to lead the blind out of the way, so the ignorant are easily led and taken in the snares of the devil. And this reproves the negligence of such who are not careful to apply themselves with all diligence to the study of the Word: our negligence herein being the cause of the barrenness of knowledge in these plentiful times. If men would bestow that time in the study of the Word, which they for the most part bestow, some in hunting and hawking; some in dicing and carding; some in drinking, swilling and following bad company; some in sloth and idleness; thus wisely redeeming the time: then certainly knowledge would abound among us ... Even as in matters of the Word, though a man have never so good a trade; yet without labor and diligence he can do no good in it: and as the diligent shall bear rule and stand before kings: so knowledge shall increase to the diligent, when the negligent shall be under darkness." - Elnathan Parr
read online: "The Grounds of Divinity. Plainly Discovering the Mysteries of Christian Religion" by Elnathan Parr (page 9)
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On willful disobedience or ignorance of God's Word after Christ; and the severity of it's damnation (Reference: Matthew 11:20-24, Luke 10:10-16, Acts 17:30-31:
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"The more plentifully the Lord gives the means, the more fearful is our blindness, and the nearer we are to judgment, if we make not good use of it. When John the Baptist preached repentance, and the kingdom of God, he said, Now is the axe laid, etc. (Matthew 3:10 or Luke 3:9), as if he should have said: Howsoever God has hitherto spared, yet when the Son from the Father's bosom shall teach, he that hears not now, shall be hewn down, and cast into the fire. How culpable in this way our English nation is, is too manifest, and what we have cause to expect, for it I tremble to write." - Elnathan Parr
read online: "The Grounds of Divinity. Plainly Discovering the Mysteries of Christian Religion" by Elnathan Parr (page 26)
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Every person is bound to study and understand the Word of God:
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"All parents and children are bound to the knowledge of the Word ... all degrees, orders, and conditions of men; are in these contained: therefore all. ... the Apostle Peter writes thus: Be ready always to give anywhere, to every man that asks you, a reason of the hope that is in you. But render a reason, and readily, we cannot without the Word: therefore all, whether teachers or learners, able or not able to read, are bound to the study of the Word. Away then with the fig leaves of the multitude, who think themselves hereof discharged, either for their worldly business or because they are not book learned, or for some such foolish excuse." - Elnathan Parr
read online: "The Grounds of Divinity. Plainly Discovering the Mysteries of Christian Religion" by Elnathan Parr (page 6)
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Not the Word, but the absence of the Word, causes heresies: (Reference: 2 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 5:15)
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"This ... reproves the Papists, who bar the common people the reading of the Scriptures, fearing lest that thereby they should prove heretics: but this is a foolish fear; for the Scripture teaches the contrary; affirming, that the Law makes not wise men simple, but simple men wise; not putting out the eyes of them that see, but giving light to the eyes (Psalm 19). And indeed their reason is without reason ... the Word is a light (Psalm 119:105) ... the light causes not darkness, but the absence of the light; so the Word causes not heresies, but the absence of the Word." - Elnathan Parr
read online: "The Grounds of Divinity. Plainly Discovering the Mysteries of Christian Religion" by Elnathan Parr (page 6)
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Natural man's will does not choose God: (Reference:Philippians 2:13, Romans 9:11 and 13-23, 1 Corinthians 3:7, John 6:44, John 15:16)
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"I verily believe, that ... there is no free will in man unto things spiritual and pleasing to God. ... God inclines the will, so that the will does by the judgment of it's own reason, freely and willingly move itself." - Elnathan Parr
read online: "The Grounds of Divinity. Plainly Discovering the Mysteries of Christian Religion" by Elnathan Parr