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HAIL & FIRE - a resource for Reformed and Gospel Theology in the works, exhortations, prayers, and apologetics of those who have maintained the Gospel and expounded upon the Scripture as the Eternal Word of God and the sole authority in Christian doctrine.
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"Test all things: hold fast that which is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21
ABOUT DOCTRINE: Doctrines are select quotations and excerpts on Biblical and historical Christian Theology from Scripture and the books, sermons and apologetics of ancient Christians, Pre-Reformation Christians, Protestant Reformers, Puritans, and Martyrs.
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "Letter to Serapion of Thmuis")
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "Treatise on the Priesthood") QUOTE: "But some one will say, 'it is to the priests that these charges are given' ... But that the apostle gives the same charge to the laity, hear what he says in another epistle to other than the priesthood: 'Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.'"
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "The Stromata") QUOTE: "For those who make the greatest attempts must fail in things of the highest importance; unless, receiving from the truth itself the rule of the truth, they cleave to the truth. But such people, in consequence of falling away from the right path, err in most individual points; as you might expect from not having the faculty for judging of what is true and false … For if they had, they would have obeyed the Scriptures."
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians")
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "Against the Heresy of One Noetus")
Authority of the Scripture (excerpt from "Against Heresies") QUOTES: "Thou dost gradually learn from the Word the dispensations of God who made thee." "The entire Scriptures, the prophets, and the Gospels, can be clearly, unambiguously, and harmoniously understood by all, although all do not believe them." "Having therefore the truth itself as our rule and the testimony concerning God set clearly before us, we ought not, by running after numerous and diverse answers to questions, to cast away the firm and true knowledge of God."
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpts and quotations from "The Principal Works of St. Jerome")
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "Dialogue with Trypho")
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus")
Doctrine on the Scripture (excerpt from "Against Hermogenes")
Authority of the Scripture (excerpt from "An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue" 1531) QUOTE: "The Spirit of God teacheth his children to believe; and the devil blindeth his children, and keepeth them in unbelief, and maketh them to consent unto lies, and think good evil, and evil good: as the Acts of the apostles say in many places, 'There believed as many as were ordained unto everlasting life.' And Christ saith (John viii.), 'They that be of God hear God's word.'" BAPTISM:
On Baptism (excerpt from "An Alarm to the Unconverted Sinners") QUOTE: "Ananias and Sapphira were baptized as well as the rest"
The Sacrament of Baptism Described (from "The Works of Tyndale & the Works of Frith") QUOTE: "Paul testifies, saying, 'He is not a Jew which is a Jew outwardly, neither is that circumcision anything, which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew which is hid within the circumcision of the heart' (Romans 2), which is the cutting off of carnal desires and is the true circumcision. This circumcision was in price with God, with the which, the Gentiles were circumcised. And in like manner, may we say of our baptism, he is not a Christian man which is washed with water, neither is that baptism which is outward in the flesh; but that is the very baptism which God alloweth, to be baptized spiritually in the heart."
On Baptism (excerpt from "Dialogue with Trypho") QUOTE: "By reason, therefore, of this laver of repentance and knowledge of God, which has been ordained on account of the transgression of God’s people, as Isaiah cries, we have believed, and testify that that very baptism which he announced is alone able to purify those who have repented; and this is the water of life."
QUOTE: "The outward administration of this ordinance considered materially, extends only to the washing away the filth of the flesh; but it signifies the answer of a good conscience; a conscience purged from sin, and quickened by virtue of the resurrection of Christ to holy obedience, Heb. ix. 14; Rom. vi. 3-7."
QUOTE: "I beseech you for the Lord's sake, do not deceive yourself; never dream that Baptism is the New Birth, or any other external ordinance or operation whatever. Baptism is an outward work performed upon the body, by the arm of flesh, and can no more change your heart, or save your soul, than it can create a world."
On Baptism (excerpt from "Obedience of a Christian Man") QUOTE: "Baptism is called volowing in many parts of England, because the priest saith ‘volo’ (‘I wish it’) … The child was well volowed (say they)" CHRISTIAN CHARACTER:
Character of a Christian (excerpt from "Religious Affections" 1746) QUOTE: "Christ gives of the qualities and temper of such as are truly blessed, that shall obtain mercy, and are God’s children and heirs: Matt. 5:5,7,9, “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” And that this spirit is the special character of the elect of God" The True Nature of Conversion (excerpt from "Religious Affections" 1746) QUOTE: "If a man before his conversion; was by his natural constitution especially inclined to lasciviousness, or drunkenness, or maliciousness; converting grace will make a great alteration in him, with respect to these evil dispositions; so that however he may be still most in danger of these sins, yet they shall no longer have dominion over him; nor will they any more be properly his character."
Manners of the Christians (excerpt from "Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus") QUOTE: "What the soul is in the body, that are Christians in the world. ... The soul dwells in the body, yet is not of the body; and Christians dwell in the world, yet are not of the world. ... The flesh hates the soul, and wars against it, though itself suffering no injury, because it is prevented from enjoying pleasures; the world also hates the Christians, though in nowise injured, because they abjure pleasures." CHRISTIAN LOVE & CHARITY:
On Who Is My Neighbor (excerpt) QUOTES: "Every man is my neighbor, who although he hath done me some wrong, or hurt me by any manner of way"
On Godly Love (excerpt from "An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue" 1531ad) QUOTE: "When we say, faith only justifieth us, that is to say, receiveth the mercy wherewith God justifieth us and forgiveth us; we mean not faith which hath no repentance, and faith which hath no love unto the laws of God again, and unto good works, as wicked hypocrites falsely belie us."
On Charity (excerpt from "Real Christianity" 1797 Edition) QUOTE: "Wherein does this goodness of heart and this innocence appear? Remember that we are fallen creatures, born in sin, and naturally depraved. Christianity recognizes no innocence or goodness of heart, but in the remission of sin, and in the effects of the operation of divine grace. Do we find in these ... persons the characters, which the Holy Scriptures lay down as the only satisfactory evidences of a safe state? ... Can the blindest partiality persuade itself that they are loving, or striving 'to love God with all their hearts, and minds, and souls, and strength?' Are they 'seeking first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness?' Are they 'working out their salvation with fear and trembling?'" PETER THE ROCK:
Doctrine on Peter the Rock and the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven QUOTE: "Augustine unhesitatingly explains the verse in Matthew 16 and records for us the opinion of the Apostolic Church and the faith of the Apostolic Fathers: 'Let us be saved by Him, let us walk in Him. This it is to "believe that Jesus is the Christ," as Christians believe, who are not Christians only in name, but in deeds and in life, not as the devils believe. For "the devils also believe and tremble," as the Scripture tells us. What more could the devils believe, than that they should say, "We know who thou art, the Son of God?" What the devils said, the same said Peter also. When the Lord asked them who He was, and whom did men say that He was, the disciples made answer to Him, "Some say that thou art John the Baptist; some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." And this he heard from the Lord: "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." See what praises follow this faith. "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church." What meaneth, "Upon this rock I will build my Church"? Upon this faith; upon this that has been said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Upon this rock," saith He, "I will build my Church."'" SABBATH:
Doctrine on the Sabbath (excerpt and quotation from "An Answer to the Jews") SALVATION, PREDESTINATION & FREE WILL:
Doctrine of Salvation (excerpt from "Homily of Salvation") QUOTE: "Because all men be sinners and offenders against God, and breakers of his law and commandments, therefore can no man by his own acts, works, and deeds (seem they never so good) be justified and made righteous before God; but every man of necessity is constrained to seek for another righteousness, or justification, to be received at God's own hands, that is to say, the remission, pardon, and forgiveness of his sins and trespasses in such things as he hath offended. And this justification or righteousness, which we so receive by God's mercy and Christ's merits, embraced by faith, is taken, accepted, and allowed of God for our perfect and full justification."
On Predestination (excerpt from "The Common Principles of the Christian Religion") QUOTE: "And that little or nothing may be left to the absolute sovereign will of God, to which the Scripture ascribes all things, they must again imagine, that upon his purpose of sending Christ to save sinners, he is yet undetermined about the particular end of particular men, but watches on the tower of foreknowledge to espy what they will do, whether men will believe on his Son or not, whether they will persevere in faith or not, and according to his observation of their doings, so he applies his own will to carve out their reward or portion of life or death. These are even the thoughts which are inbred in your breasts by nature. That which the learned call Arminianism is nothing else but the carnal reason of men’s hearts, which is enmity to God" SAINTS (PRAYER & VENERATION)
QUOTE: "First, it is a great presumption to pretend to more wisdom, in point of serving God and saving ourselves, then either God has appointed, or all the holy prophets and Apostles have known and taught: and it is most just and likely, that men should meet with strong delusions, and with the devils themselves, when they venture upon slippery, & unknown, and dark bypaths, where not one of God's saints ever dared walk."
QUOTE: "If one adores all wood in the form of a cross, because Christ was crucified, one should adore all mangers because Jesus was placed in one; one should also adore asses, because Jesus rode on one; and the same with boats, since often He spoke to the people from a boat. We have not received a command to worship the cross, but to carry it and to deny ourselves." FAITH & GOOD WORKS:
On Faith and Good Works (excerpt from "Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue") QUOTE: "When the great multitude, that be called and not chosen, Cain, Ishmael, Esau, and carnal Israel, that serve God night and day with bodily service and holy works, such as they were wont to serve their idols withal, behold little flock, that they come not forth in the service of God" OFFENDED AT THE WORD:
Offended at the Word (excerpt from "The Parable of the Sower, and of the Seed" 1621 Edition) QUOTES: "Even so not a few, that boast sometimes of their faith and love to Religion; of their settledness and resolution to die with Christ, rather than deny him ... let the Gospel begin to meddle with their Herodius, or bosom sin; let it call them from service of the world, and pull them from their lusts; let it be busy with their usery, their pride, wantoness, malice; let it seek to pull them from their dissordered customs, their unlawful pleasures, their profain courses; let it lay nothing but the yokes of Christ upon professed Christians; let it discover to them their inside, and lead them to that filthy sink which is within, and stir a little in that mud: a wonder it is to see how many suddenly fall off by degrees; now they are angry at the Word, and he is the greatest enemy that tells them the truth: now they distaste the Word, they pick quarrels, then begin to shake it off, and at last openly to resist it." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Support this website and work - purchase a book from our BOOKSTORE today >>
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