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Allen, William (1532-1594)

William Allen was an English Roman Catholic Cardinal and Founder of the English Jesuit Colleges at Douai and Rome (Society of Jesus). Allen was involved in the Spanish Armada, which attempted to invade England to depose Protestant Queen Elizabeth I and return it to Roman Catholic control. Allen was also a chief player in the creation of the original annotated edition of the Roman Catholic Douai-Rheims Bible (see the 1582 Rheims New Testament).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A True, Sincere and Modest Defence of English Catholics that Suffer for their Faith Both at Home and Abroad, Against a False, Seditious and Slanderous Libel, Entitled: 'The Execution of Justice in England.' Wherein is declared how unjustly the Protestants do charge Catholics with treason; how untruly they deny their persecution for Religion; and how deceitfully they seek to abuse strangers about the cause, greatness and manner of their sufferings, with divers other matters pertaining to this pamphlet.
by Cardinal William Allen

Originally published in 1584. A 1914 Edition in 2 volumes.

"Whether the Bull of Pius V. against the Queen's Majesty be a lawful sentence, and ought to be obeyed by the subjects of England? Whether the Queen's Majesty be a lawful Queen, and ought to be obeyed by the subjects of England, notwithstanding the Bull of Pius V. or any other bull or sentence that the Pope hath pronounced or may pronounce against her Majesty? Whether the Pope have or had power to authorize her subjects to rebel or take arms against her, or to invade her dominions; and whether such subjects so doing, do lawfully therein? Whether the Pope have power to discharge any of her Majesty's subjects, or the subjects of any Christian prince from their allegiance or oath of obedience to her Majesty, or to their Prince for any cause?"

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Alleine, Joseph (1634-1668)

Joseph Alleine was an English Puritan Divine and Nonconformist Pastor who was imprisoned twice for his continued preaching after the Uniformity Act of 1662. Alleine authored a number of excellent books and sermons.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: An Alarm to the Unconverted Sinners by Joseph Alleine An Alarm to the Unconverted Sinners
by Joseph Alleine

Originally Published in 1672. Prefixed with an Epistle by Rev. Richard Baxter (1615-1691) entitled "To the Unconverted Reader," 1818 Edition.

"Will you still be cheated by this deceitful world, and spend all your days in pampering your guts, and providing for the flesh, that must be rotting shortly in a grave? Were you made for no better use than this? May not we bring you to some sober thoughts of your condition? Not one hour seriously to think whither you are going? What! not one awakened look into the world where you must be for ever?"

ONLINE BOOK: Earail Dhurachdach do Pheacaich Neo-Iompaichte le Joseph Alleine Earail Dhurachdach do Pheacaich Neo-Iompaichte
le Joseph Alleine

Gaelic Edition in Scottish Gaelic.

Originally Published 1672. Prefixed with An Roi'radh le Rev. Richard Baxter (1615-1691), 1860 Edition of "An Alarm to the Unconverted Sinners" in Gaelic.

"O what a deceiver is the devil, that can thus lead on souls to their own damnation! O what a cheat is this transitory world, that can make men so forget that world where they must live for ever! O what an enemy is this flesh, that thus draweth down men's souls from God! O what a besotting thing is sin, that turneth a reasonable soul into worse than a beast! What a bedlam is this wicked world, when thousands are so busy labouring to undo themselves and others, and gratifying the devil against their God and Saviour, who would give them everlasting blessed life!" ~ from the English Edition.

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Allestree, Richard (1619-1681)

Richard Allestree was an English churchman, chaplain to the King of England, Regius Professor of Divinity, and provost of Eton College in 1665. Allestree is the author of the "Whole Duty of Man." He was a soldier in the king's army prior to becoming a clergyman and a Royalist, who even carried despatches between Charles II of England and sympathisers.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Government of the Tongue by Richard Allestree, Updated and Modernized from the 1675 Oxford Edition with Annotations added by H&F Books, 2021 Pre-Print Edition The Government of the Tongue
by Richard Allestree
Updated and Modernized from the 1675 Oxford Edition with Annotations added by H&F Books, 2021 Pre-Print Edition

"It is very observable that God, who 'made of one blood all nations of the earth,' Acts 17:26, has so equally distributed all the most valuable privileges of human nature, himself designing to preclude all insulting of one man over another." - Richard Allestree

"It is the peculiar insolence of those degenerate Christians who surely cannot be thought to be in earnest when they speak of singing Hallelujahs to God in the next world, while they entertain him here only with the sullen noise of murmuring and repining. For we are not to think that heaven will suddenly metamorphose us, and turn our exclamations and wild clamors against the will of God towards us in particular into lauds and magnificats of the same. Heaven will indeed perfect and crown those graces which were inchoate and begun in us here, but no person's conversion will follow upon his or her entering into heaven; for Christ expressly told us that, 'except we be converted, we shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.' Thus, if we go on in

the future in our froward discontent, that discontent will associate us with those with whom is 'Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.'" - Richard Allestree

"Faults of the tongue are the harder to avoid because they are exemplified to us every day in common practice, and some of them are even recommended as reputable and ingenious. And it is a strange insinuative power that example and custom have over us. We see this influence in every trivial secular instance in our every habit. And for this very reason, all sobriety and strict virtue now lies under heavy prejudice, and no part of that virtue is more prejudiced than that of the tongue, which current and common custom has now enfranchised from all the bonds that moralists and preachers of the Gospel had laid upon it. But the greater the difficulties are, the more it ought to awaken our diligence, for if we are loose and careless, odds are that we will be carried away with the rest. We had better therefore fix ourselves. And by sober recollection of the ends for which speech was given us and the account we must one day give of our use of it, we had better impress upon ourselves the baseness and the danger of misemploying our tongue in this use of speech." - Richard Allestree

ONLINE BOOK: The Government of the Tongue by Richard Allestree The Government of the Tongue
by Richard Allestree
also attributed to William Sancroft

Published Oxford 1675.

"The tongue is so slippery that it easily deceives a drowsy or heedless guard. Nature seems to have given it some unhappy advantage towards that. Tis in its frame the most ready for motion of any member, needs not so much as the flexure of a joint, and by access of humors acquires a glibness too, the more to facilitate its moving. And alas we too much find the effect of this, its easy frame: it often goes without giving us warning ... so the childish parts of us, our passions, our fancies, all our mere animal faculties, can thrust our tongues into such disorders as our reason cannot easily rectify. The due managery, therefore, of this unruly member, may rightly be esteemed one of the greatest mysteries of wisdom and virtue." - Richard Allestree

ONLINE BOOK: The Lively Oracles Given to Us, or, The Christians Birth-right and Duty, in the Custody and Use of the Holy Scripture, by Richard Allestree The Lively Oracles Given to Us, or, The Christian's Birth-Right and Duty, in the Custody and Use of the Holy Scripture
by Richard Allestree
also attributed to Robert Boyle

Originally published in 1678. An 1832 Edition.

"I had occasion to take notice among the exorbitances of that unruly part, which sets on fire the whole course of nature, and itself is set on fire from hell, of the impious vanity prevailing in this age, whereby men play with sacred things, and exercise their wit upon those Scriptures by which they shall be judged at the last day. But that Holy Book, not only suffering by the petulancy of the tongue, but the malice of the heart, out of the abundance whereof the mouth speaks, and also from that irreligion ... which the pursuit of sensual pleasures certainly produces. ... I have therefore thought it necessary ... to attempt a professed and particular vindication of the Holy Scriptures, by displaying their native excellence and beauty, and enforcing the veneration and obedience that is to be paid unto them."

H&F Paperback Republications:

PAPERBACK BOOKSTORE: The Updated Edition of the Government of the Tongue by Richard Allestree, Originally Published at Oxford 1675. Edited, Modernized, and Annotated by H&F Books, 2022 Paperback Edition The Updated Edition of the Government of the Tongue
"Death and Life are in the power of the Tongue." Proverbs 18:21

by Richard Allestree

Originally Published at Oxford 1675. Edited, Modernized, and Annotated by H&F Books, 2022 Paperback Edition

"Faults of the tongue as are the hardest to avoid because they are exemplified to us every day in common practice, and some of them are even recommended as reputable and ingenious. And it is a strange insinuative power that example and custom have over us. We see this influence in every trivial secular instance in our every habit. And for this very reason, all sobriety and strict virtue now lies under heavy prejudice, and no part of that virtue is more prejudiced than that of the tongue, which current and common custom has now enfranchised from all the bonds that moralists and preachers of the Gospel had laid upon it. But the greater the difficulties are, the more it ought to awaken our diligence, for if we are loose and careless, odds are that we will be carried away with the rest. We had better therefore fix ourselves. And by sober recollection of the ends for which speech was given us and the account we must one day give of our use of it, we had better impress upon ourselves the baseness and the danger of misemploying our tongue in this use of speech."

"The tongue is a busy and active part of us that can scarcely be kept from motion, and if that activity is not resolved to good employments, it will be practicing itself upon bad. For the mind is like the stomach in requiring wholesome nourishment, and if it is not supplied with that which is wholesome, it will at last indulge in those things to which the fleshly nature is most inclined. So that, if in our conversation we do not interchange sober and useful notions between us, we will at best only traffic in toys and baubles and most commonly, infection and poison. Whoever would keep their tongue from exposing themself or others to sin, must tune it to a quite contrary key by making it an instrument and an incentive to virtue."

"And if you must speak of other people's faults of the tongue, let it not be to defame but to amend; let us convert our detraction and backbiting into admonition and fraternal correction. If people had the zeal for virtue to which they pretend when they inveigh against vice, they would surely take this course of action, for this method alone provides for the possibility of reforming the offender."

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American Sunday School Union (ASSU)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: History of the Huguenots History of the Huguenots
by the American Sunday School Union

An 1844 Edition history. Written for the American Sunday School Union and revised by the committee of publication.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: CHAPTER I: Dawn of the Reformation in France. Le Fevre and William Farel. Francis Angoulême and his sister. Count Briçonnet, Bishop of Meaux. Francis ascends the throne. Portions of the Scripture translated and distributed. Apostasy of Briçonnet. Persecution of his flock. Intolerant spirit of the court and ecclesiastics. Martyrdom of the Hermit of Livry. CHAPTER II: John Calvin. Marriages of Margaret to Henry D'Albret. Her writings. Expiatory procession instituted. Version of the Psalms. Calvin publishes his Institutes. Persecution of the Christians in Provence. Death of Francis I. Accession of Henry II. Influence of the Lorrain princes. Conversion of Admiral Coligny. Edict of Chateaubriand. Attack upon an assembly of Protestant worshippers. The Pré-aux-clercs. Five members of the Parliament committed to the Bastile. First National Synod of the Reformed. Death of Henry and accession of Francis II. Martyrdom of Dubourg. Catharine de Medicis. Protestants first called Huguenots. Death of Francis II. Accession of Charles IX. Outrages at Vassay. Beza. Persecutions increase. Death of the King of Navarre. Treatise of Amboise. Longjumeau, and St. Germains. Plot against Condé and Coligny. Bloody warfare. Catharine's new policy. Coligny and Jane of Navarre at the French court. Forebodings of the Huguenots. ...


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Baird, Henry Martyn

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The History of The Rise of the Hugenots of France by Henry Martyn Baird The History of The Rise of the Hugenots of France
by Henry Martyn Baird

An 1879 Edition in 2 volumes.

"The history of the Huguenots during a great part of the period covered by this work is, in fact, the history of France as well. The outlines of the action and some of the characters that come upon the stage are, consequently, familiar to the reader of general history. The period has been treated cursorily in writings extending over wider limits, while several of the most striking incidents, including, especially, the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, have been made the subject of special disquisitions. Yet, although much study and ingenuity have been expended in elucidating the more difficult and obscure points, there is, especially in the English language, a lack of works upon the general theme, combining painstaking investigation into the older (but not, necessarily, better known) sources of information, and an acquaintance with the results of modern research."

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Bale, John

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Select Works of John Bale, Containing the Examinations of Lord Cobham, William Thorpe, and Anne Askewe, and the Image of Both Churches Select Works of John Bale, Containing the Examinations of Lord Cobham, William Thorpe, and Anne Askewe, and the Image of Both Churches
by John Bale

An 1849 Edition, edited for and published by The Parker Society.

"Of his own chosen martyrs Christ looketh for none other miracle but that only they persevere faithful to the end, Matt, x., and never deny his verity afore men, Luke xii. For that worthy victory of the sinful world standeth in the invincibleness of faith, and not in miracles and wonders, as those wavering wits suppose, 1 John v."

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Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677)

Isaac Barrow, D. D. was Master of Trinity College at Cambridge from 1672 until his death in 1677. Prior to his being appointed to this position by Charles II, he held a Greek Professorship and the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge. It was his friend and former pupil, Isaac Newton, who succeeded to this chair after he chose to devote himself entirely to divinity. The works of Isaac Barrow, were, upon his death, presented by his father, Thomas Barrow, to Heneage, the Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Chancellor of England and member of the King's Privy Council, for the imparting of such works and sermons to the public. Isaac Barrow is entombed in Westminster Abbey.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy by Isaac Barrow A Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy
by Isaac Barrow

An 1834 Edition. Originally published in 1670.

"If so illustrious an office was instituted by our Saviour, it is strange that no where in the evangelical or apostolical history (wherein divers acts and passages of smaller moment are recorded) there should be any express mention of that institution; there being not only much reason for such a report, but many pat occasions for it: the time when St. Peter was vested with that authority; the manner and circumstances of his instalment therein; the nature, rules, and limits of such an office, had surely well deserved to have been noted, among other occurrences relating to our faith and discipline, by the holy Evangelists; no one of them, in all probability, could have forborne punctually to relate a matter of so great consequence, as the settlement of a monarch in God's Church, and a sovereign of the apostolical college; (from whom so eminent authority was to be derived to all posterity, for compliance wherewith the whole Church, for ever must be accountable;) particularly it is not credible that St. Luke should quite slip over so notable a passage, who had, as he telleth us, attained a perfect understanding of all things, and had undertaken to write in order the things that were surely believed among Christians in his time (Luke 1:1); of which things, this, if any, was one of the most considerable."

ONLINE BOOK: Sermons on Various Subjects by Isaac Barrow (1823 Edition) Sermons, on Various Subjects
by Isaac Barrow

An 1823 Edition in 5 Volumes.

"The slanderer is an enemy, as the most fierce and outrageous, so the most base and unworthy that can be: he fights with the most perilous and most unlawful weapon, in the most furious and foul way that can be. His weapon is an envenomed arrow, full of deadly poison, which he shooteth suddenly, and feareth not; a weapon which by no force can be resisted, by no art declined, whose impression is altogether inevitable and unsustainable." ~ from Sermon XVIII on The Folly of Slander.

H&F Paperback Republications:

BOOKSTORE: Godliness is Profitable for All Things by Isaac Barrow (2011 H&F Paperback Edition) Godliness is Profitable for All Things (Paperback)
by Isaac Barrow, D. D.
Featuring other evidences by John Newton, Robert Leighton, and St. John Chrysostom.

A 2011 Paperback Edition published by Hail & Fire. Originally Published in 1683, London.

BOOKSTORE: Godliness is Profitable for All Things by Isaac Barrow (2011 Paperback) In all places and in all societies, piety—or godliness—produces, advances, and establishes order, peace, safety, prosperity, all that is good, all that is lovely and agreeable, and all that is convenient and pleasant for human society and ordinary life.

Piety is the special interest of all who are involved in governing and education. Piety is their greatest wisdom and policy; it will both preserve their outward state here in this world, and it will satisfy their consciences and save their souls. All the Machiavellian arts and tricks amount to nothing in comparison to this one plain and easy way of securing and furthering the interests of men. Piety is not moved to needless change. Piety cherishes worth and encourages industry, whereupon virtue flourishes and wealth is increased and, as a result, the occasions and means of disorder are stopped . . . read more »

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Bates, William (1625-1699)

William Bates, D.D., was an English Presbyterian Minister and ejected Nonconformist under the Act of Uniformity in 1662. He was later a Chaplain to Charles II of England, and known as "The Queen's Puritan" under William and Mary. He preached the funeral sermons of Richard Baxter, Thomas Manton, and David Clarkson.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Sermons on Spiritual Perfection Unfolded and Enforced by William Bates (1848 Edition) Spiritual Perfection Unfolded and Enforced
by William Bates, D.D.

Originally published 1699. An 1848 Edition, The Religious Tract Society, The Writings of the Doctrinal Puritans and Divines of the Seventeenth Century.

"The fear of God also is a grace of excellent efficacy to perfect holiness in us. It is the apostle's direction, 'Perfecting holiness in the fear of God.' ... Fear introduces serious religion, preserves and improves it. It is the principle of conversion to God, and knocks at the door of the soul that Divine love may have admission into it. It arises from the conviction of guilt, and the apprehension of judgment that follows. ... Till there is felt something more tormenting than carnal sweets are pleasing, men will not mortify their lusts. One will not suffer a part of his body to be cut off, unless an incurable gangrene threatens speedy death. The world is present and sensible, and continually diverts men from the consideration of their souls, unless eternal things are by a strong application impressed on their minds." ~ from page 207.

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Beattie, William

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Waldenses or Protestant Valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, and the Ban De La Roche by William Beattie The Waldenses or Protestant Valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, and the Ban De La Roche
by William Beattie

An 1838 Edition, London.

"Of all nations or provinces, where the noblest virtues have been called into action, and where love of country and zeal for religion have alternately endured the most grievous calamities, or led to the most glorious results, these Valleys of Piedmont - a spot scarcely noticed in the maps of Europe - stand forth in brilliant distinction. From the magnanimous traits, heroic sacrifices, and startling incidents which their history presents, it has all the character of an ancient epic, all the materials and variety of a tragic drama, but of a drama stamped with the seal of truth. As a distinct people, the Waldenses became first known in history at the commencement of the ninth century, during the life of Claudius, bishop of Turin - the Wickliffe of his day, and the strenuous advocate of primitive Christianity. By tradition, however, carefully handed down through a long line of ancestors, they trace their origin to the first dawn of revelation, and, in the present day, profess the same doctrines which they imbibed from the apostles. ... During the general tide of corruption ... the Waldenses stood aloof. ... They regarded image worship, or the offerings presented to the relics of saints, as not only diverting the mind from the sacred channel of devotion, but as an insult offered to their reason, degrading to the dignity of christian worship, and in direct opposition to its first principles. Their rules of life and doctrine were drawn from the authority of Scripture; and by this infallible standard their religious opinions were framed and exemplified in practice." (pages 1-2)

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Becani, Martini

Martini Becani was a Roman Catholic Theologian and Jesuit Priest of the Society of Jesus (Societatis Iesu).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Opusculorum Theologicorum (Theological Works) by by Martini Becani, S.J. Opusculorum Theologicorum (Theological Works)
by Martini Becani, S.J.

A 1621 Edition in Latin In Latin.

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Becon, Thomas (1511-1567)

Thomas Becon, D.D., was an English Protestant Reformer who studied under Hugh Latimer. During the reign of Protestant King Edward VI, Becon served as a Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer and was made one of the Six Preachers of Canterbury. During the reign of Catholic Queen Mary, he was divested of clerical position and he traveled abroad; afterwards, in the reign of Protestant Queen Elizabeth I, he returned to England and was a Prebendary of Canterbury.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Catechism of Thomas Becon with Other Pieces Written by Him in the Reign of King Edward the Sixth (1844 Parker Society Edition) The Catechism of Thomas Becon with Other Pieces Written by Him in the Reign of King Edward the Sixth
by Becon, Thomas, D.D.

An 1844 Parker Society Edition.

"The sabbath therefore of the Christians is spiritual and everlasting, not to be observed one day in the week only, after the manner of the Jews, but every day so long as we live, by ceasing to do evil, and by studying to do good, as it is written: 'There shall be a new moon for the other, and a new sabbath for the other; and all flesh shall come to worship before me, saith the Lord.' ... We read, that on the sabbath-day Christ healed divers persons that were diseased, and restored them to their health, to give us an example to do the like, when either faith, charity, or necessity requires. For to the true godly, every day is the sabbath-day; forasmuch as they spend every day in holy works, and have nothing to do with such deeds as be uncomely to be done of true Christians; forasmuch also as every day they lift up their minds unto God, call on his holy name by fervent prayer, praise his glorious majesty, and have their meditation in the law of the Lord, yea, and that in the midst of their godly travails and labors."

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Bede or Baeda (673-735)

Bede or Baeda was an Priest of the Monastery of Jarrow on the Tyne who lived from 673-735 ad.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Ecclesiastical History Of The English Nation by Bede The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation
by the Venerable Bede

Originally published in 731 a.d. as "Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum." 1909 Edition. 2009 Reprint Edition, H&F Books, Series Católica.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: BOOK I: PREFACE: To the most glorious king Ceolwulph, Bede, the servant of Christ and Priest. CHAPTER I: Of the Situation of Britian and Ireland, and of their ancient inhabitants. CHAPTER II: Caius Julius Caesar, the first Roman that came into Britian. CHAPTER III: Claudius, the second of the Romans who came into Britian, brought the islands Orchades into subjection to the Roman Empire; and Vespasian, sent by him, reduced the Isle of Wight under their dominion. CHAPTER IV: Lucius, king of Britian, writing to Pope Eleutherus, desires to be made a Christian. CHAPTER V: How the Emperor Severus divided that part of Britian, which be subdued, from the rest by a Rampart. CHAPTER VI: The reign of Diocletian, and how he persecuted the Christians. CHAPTER VII: The Passion of St. Alban and his ...

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Bersier, Eugène

Eugène Bersier was a French Protestant Pastor (Pasteur Français).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Quelques Pages de L'Histoire des Huguenots by Eugène Bersier Quelques Pages de L'Histoire des Huguenots
par Eugène Bersier
préface par Auguste Sabatier

French Edition (en Français) en Français (in French).

Prefaced by Auguste Sabatier. 1891 French Edition.

"C'est une juste et heureuse pensée qui a fait recueillir en un même volume les conférences, les discours et les autres morceaux consacrés par Eugène Bersier, dans la dernière partie de sa vie, à l'histoire des Huguenots. Ces pages que des circonstances diverses semblaient avoir fait naître presque au hasard, une fois rangées dans l'ordre chronologique, se sont rejointes et réunies d'ellesmêmes pour former un ensemble d'une belle suite et d'une frappante unité. Elles tracent à travers toute l'histoire du protestantisme français, comme un large et magnifique sillon de lumière."

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Bible (the Holy Bible)

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV. Read various translations of the Bible and their historical annotations by both Protestant Christian and Roman Catholic authors.

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Binning, Hugh (1627-1653)

Hugh Binning was a Scottish Covenanting preacher, ordained minister of Govan, near Glasgow, in 1650. He was only twenty-six years old when he died in 1653.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Christian Love by Hugh Binning Treatise of Christian Love
by Hugh Binning

"Humility levels men to a holy subjection and submission to another, without the confusion of their different degrees and stations. ... Eph. v. 21, "Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God." 1 Pet 5:5, "All of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility." Now, if humility can put a man below others, certainly it will make him endure patiently and willingly to be placed in that same rank by others. When others give him that place to sit into, that he had chosen for himself, will he conceive himself wronged and affronted, though others about him think so? Nay, it is hard to persuade him of an injury of that kind, because the apprehension of such an affront hath for its foundation the imagination of some excellency beyond others, which lowliness hath razed out. He hath placed himself so low for every man's edification and instruction, that others can put him no lower, and there he sits quietly and peaceably."

ONLINE BOOK: The Common Principles of the Christian Religion, Clearly Proved, and Singularly Improved or A Practical Catechism by Hugh Binning The Common Principles of the Christian Religion, Clearly Proved, and Singularly Improved or A Practical Catechism
by Hugh Binning

"I beseech you consider, that what you give your time, pains, thoughts and affections to, that is your God. You must give God all your heart, and so retain nothing of your own will if God be your God. But do you not know that your care and grief and desire and love vents another way, towards base things? You know that you have a will of your own which goes quite contrary to His holy will in all things, therefore Satan has bewitched you and your hearts deceive you, when they persuade you that you have had no other God but the true God. Christianity raises the soul again, and advances it by degrees to this love of God, from which it had fallen."

Also find author under:

Audio Books

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Bossuet, James Benignus (1627-1704)

James Benignus Bossuet, or Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, was a French Roman Catholic Bishop of Condom and afterwards Meaux. Bossuet was a Court Preacher to Louis XIV of France and a controversialist.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Conference of the Authority of the Church: held March 1st, 1679, Between James Benignus Bossuet and John Claude, Calvinist Minister at Charenton. Together with Reflections on a Treatise by M. Claude, by the Bishop of Condom
by Bishop James Benignus Bossuet

Originally published in 1679, "Conférence Avec le Pasteur Claude." An 1842 Edition, Baltimore.

"In no country is Protestantism more active than in the United States, in endeavoring to uphold its discordant principles, and consequently no where does the evil call for a more powerfully counteracting influence. The ablest controversial works for undeceiving our dissenting brethren, are those which point out the fallacies of the Protestant system, and expose its utter inconsistency with the plainest maxims of Christian morality. Among the works of this class, the "Conference between Bossuet and Claude" has always been considered of the highest merit and of surpassing interest; and it is now offered to the public, under the conviction that it will be found a most valuable accession to the polemical literature that is in circulation amongst us." (Preface to the American Edition)

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Boston, Thomas (1676-1732)

Thomas Boston was born the son of Covenanter parents in Scotland. He was first a schoolmaster and afterwards a minister. Boston occassioned the Marrow Controversy within the Church of Scotland after reading The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher. He recommended the books reprinting in 1718 and was again involved in its reprinting in 1726, this time with his own preface and annotations in defence of the book's doctrines.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Soliloquy on the Art of Fishing for Men by Thomas Boston A Soliloquy on the Art of Fishing for Men, for a pattern to every preacher of the Gospel
by Thomas Boston

Originally Published in 1699. An 1900 Edition.

"What an honourable thing is it to be fishers of men! How great an honour shouldst thou esteem it, to be a catcher of souls! We are workers together with God, says the apostle. If God has ever so honoured thee, O that thou knewest it, that thou mightst bless his holy name, that ever made such a poor fool as thee to be a co-worker with him. God has owned thee to do good to those who were before caught. O my soul, bless thou the Lord. Lord, what am I, or what is my father's house, that thou hast brought me to this? 5. Then seest thou not here what is the reason thou toilest so long, and catchest nothing? The power comes not along. Men are like Samuel, who, when God was calling him, thought it had been Eli. So when thou speakest many times, they do not discern God's voice, but thine; and therefore the word goes out as it comes in. 6. Then, O my soul, despair not of the conversion of any, be they ever so profligate. For it is the power of the Spirit that drives any person into the net; and this cannot be resisted. Mockers of religion, yea, blasphemers may be brought into the net; and many times the wind of God's Spirit in the word lays the tall cedars in sin down upon the ground, when they that seem to be as low shrubs in respect of them, stand fast upon their root. Publicans and harlots shall enter the kingdom of heaven before self-righteous Pharisees."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Brevint, Daniel (1616-1695)

Daniel Brevint, D.D., was a French Huguenot Christian and Dean of Lincoln in 1682. Brevint is the author of "Saul and Samuel at Endor or The New Ways of Salvation and Service, which Usually Tempt Men to Rome, and Detain Them There, Truly Represented, and Refuted."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Saul and Samuel at Endor or The New Ways of Salvation and Service by Daniel Brevint Saul and Samuel at Endor, or The New Ways of Salvation and Service, Which Usually Tempt Men to Rome, and Detain Them There. Truly Represented, and Refuted. With A Brief Account of R.F. his Missale Vindicatum or Vindication of the Roman Mass
by Daniel Brevint

A 1674 Edition.

"It is great pity that this fancy of distributing presidencies and powers thus among Roman Saints, has no better ground then that had which Julian the Apostate alleges [Julian ap Cyrill. Alexand. l. 4. sub init.], and St. Augustin observes to have been constantly practiced among the ancient pagan gods [Augustin. de Civitate l. 6-8]. What signifies, says the holy Father elsewhere, that trifling division of offices among your gods, wherefore must they be severally prayed to, but to make it rather a play fit for a stage, than anything which may become the worth and gravity of a true God? This new comedy is still the same, only the actors wear better clothes, or rather borrow better names; and the Roman People that stand about it, adore the Virgin for Juno, and St. George instead of Mars ... First, it is a great presumption to pretend to more wisdom, in point of serving God and saving ourselves, then either God has appointed, or all the holy prophets and Apostles have known and taught: and it is most just and likely, that men should meet with strong delusions, and with the devils themselves, when they venture upon slippery, & unknown, and dark bypaths, where not one of God's saints ever dared walk."

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Brome, Henry

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Seasonable Discourse Showing the Necessity of Maintaining the Established Religion, In Opposition To Popery, printed for Henry Brome (1673 Edition) A Seasonable Discourse Showing the Necessity of Maintaining the Established Religion, in Opposition to Popery
printed for Henry Brome

A 1673 Edition Pamphlet.

"Paul the Third sent against King Henry VIII in ... 1538, his terrible thundering Bull ... in which punishments to the King were deprivation of his kingdom, and to his adherents of whatsoever they possessed, commanding his subjects to deny him obedience, and strangers to have any commerce in that kingdom, and all to take arms against, and to persecute both himself and his followers, granting them their estates and goods for their prey, and their persons for their slaves. Upon like terms Paul the Fourth would not acknowledge Queen Elizabeth because the kingdom was a See of the Papacy, and it was audaciously done of her to assume it without his leave."

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Bunyan, John (1628-1688)

John Bunyan was a Protestant Christian Preacher, Nonconformist, and the author of that well known allegorical work, "The Pilgrim's Progress, From this World to that which is to Come." Bunyan was born the son of a laborer in Elstow, England in 1628. He started out life as a worldling, but was at length converted to Christ and even spent considerable time imprisioned for preaching the Gospel.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
by John Bunyan

Full title: Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners in a faithful account of the life and death of John Bunyan, or, A brief relation of the exceeding mercy of God in Christ to him namely in His taking him out of the dunghill, and converting him to the faith of His blessed son Jesus Christ. Here is also particularly shewed, what sight of, and what troubles he had for sin; and also, what various temptations he hath met with, and how God hath carried him through them.

"When I thought I kept this or that commandment, or did, by word or deed, anything that I thought was good, I had great peace in my conscience, and should think with myself, God cannot choose but be now pleased with me; yea, to relate it in mine own way, I thought no man in England could please God better than I. But poor wretch as I was! I was all this while ignorant of Jesus Christ; and going about to establish my own righteousness; and had perished therein, had not God in mercy showed me more of my state by nature. But upon a day, the good providence of God called me to Bedford. ... I came where there were three or four poor women ... talking about the things of God ... I drew near to hear what they said, for I was now a brisk talker also myself, in the matters of religion; but I may say, I heard but understood not; for they were far above, out of my reach. Their talk was about a new birth, the work of God on their hearts, also how they were convinced of their miserable state by nature; they talked how God had visited their souls with His love in the Lord Jesus, and with what words and promises they had been refreshed, comforted, and supported, against the temptations of the devil: moreover, they reasoned of the suggestions and temptations of Satan in particular; and told to each other, by which they had been afflicted and how they were borne up under his assaults. They also discoursed of their own wretchedness of heart, and of their unbelief; and did contemn, slight and abhor their own righteousness, as filthy, and insufficient to do them any good."

Also find author under:

Audio Books

Quotations: Words of Wisdom


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Calvin, John (1509-1564)

John Calvin was a French Protestant Reformer and Pastor. Calvin was forced to flee France and live in Switzerland due to the heavy Roman Catholic persectution of Protestantism in France. Calvin ultimately ended up in Geneva and is the famous author of the "Institutes of the Christian Religion" (1536), as well as his Bible Commentaries. He is also know as Jean Calvin (French) and Giovanni Calvino (Italian).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin Institutes of the Christian Religion
by John Calvin

An 1840 Edition in 2 volumes. Translated from the Original Latin and Collated with the Author's Last Edition in French by John Allen.

"Let them now go and clamour against us as heretics for having withdrawn from their Church, since the only cause of our estrangement is, that they cannot tolerate a pure profession of the truth. I say nothing of their having expelled us by anathemas and curses. The fact is more than sufficient to excuse us, unless they would also make schismatics of the apostles, with whom we have our common cause. Christ, I say, forewarned his apostles, 'they shall put you out of the synagogues' (John 16: 2). ... it is certain that we were cast out, and we are prepared to show that this was done for the name of Christ ... to me it is enough that we behoved to withdraw from them in order to draw near to Christ."

ONLINE BOOK: Istituzione della Religione Cristiana di Giovanni Calvino (edizione 1557 in Italiano) Istituzione della Religione Cristiana LEGGA ONLINE: Istituzione della Religione Cristiana di Giovanni Calvino (1557 edizione in Italiano)
di Giovanni Calvino

Edizione 1557 in Italiano (1557 Italian Edition) in Italiano (in Italian). John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion in Italian.

Raro e storico nell'italiano originale di Giulio Cesare Paschali, che ha fuggito l'Italia per tradurre e pubblicare il libro inestimabile del Giovanni Calvino, Institutiones della Religione Christiana. Calvin ha pubblicato la prima edizione del suo Institutio Christianae Religionis o Institutione della Religione Christiana in 1536. Il lavoro è un apologia o una difesa della Fede Riformata e una dichiarazione della dottrina religiosa dei Protestants.

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Campion, Edmund (1540-1581)

Saint Edmund Campion, S.J., was an English Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest of the Society of Jesus who was tried and executed for high treason during the reign of Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England. Campion was canonised as a Roman Catholic Saint in 1970 by Pope Paul VI.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Rationes Decem or Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities
by St. Edmund Campion, S.J.

Originally published in 1581. A 2009 Reprint of the 1910 Edition. In Latin and English parallel columns In Latin In English, with notes and footnotes by the 1910 translator, a Jesuit Priest.

"What induced Luther's whelps to expunge off-hand from the genuine canon of Scripture, Tobias, Ecclesiasticus, Maccabees, and, for hatred of these, several other books involved in the same false charge?" "These people, if they want to have a Church at all, are compelled to crack up a Church all hidden away; and to claim parents whom they themselves have never known, and no mortal has ever set eyes on. Perhaps they glory in the ancestry of men whom every one knows to have been heretics, such as Aerius, Jovinianus, Vigilantius, Helvidius, Berengarius, the Waldenses, the Lollards, Wycliffe, Huss, of whom they have begged sundry poisonous fragments of dogmas."

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Care, Henry

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The History of Popery in Great Britian, An historial account of the Usurpations, Cruelties, &c. of the Bishops of Rome and the Creatures, in matters of Fact, from the Primitive Age to the Council of Trent, which is the principal Standard of Popery to this very Day, To show the Times and Manner of their introducing their several idolatrous and erroneous Innovations into the Church, and to state the Pretences and Arguments, on which they ground their ridiculous Doctrines, and return satisfactory Answers thereunto.
by Henry Care

Originally published 1678-1683. Reprinted by Several Gentlemen in the 1735-1736 Edition in 2 Volumes.

"If Paul were not inferior to the very chief of the Apostles, then Peter had no such superiority: but the first is asserted, 2 Cor 11:5. Ergo ... There is no instance of any appeal, that was ever made to Peter, to decide controversies; but, when a debate arose between Paul and Barnabas, and others, about circumcision, they referred the point, not to Peter, but to the Church, and the Apostles and elders at Jerusalem, who debated upon it, and formed their determination about it, exactly according to James' sentence, which was an improvement of, and addition to what Peter had said upon it; and this they wrote to the gentiles, not as the decree of Peter, (and 'twas indeed rather the decree of James) but as what seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to the Apostles, and elders, and brethren, who met at Jerusalem on that occasion. Acts 15:2-29. Therefore Peter had no such authority"

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Cauzons, Th. des

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Les Vaudois Et L'Inquisition par Th. des Cauzons Les Vaudois Et L'Inquisition
par Th. des Cauzons

A 1908 Édition en Français (French Edition) en Francais (in French). The Vaudois and The Inquistion.

"Sentiment Profond du Besoin d'une Réforme. On ne saurait nier l'existence de singuliers abus dans la société ecclésiastique du moyen âge. Sans entrer dans des détails infinis, il nous sera permis d'indiquer parmi les sources de ces abus: d'abord, la situation politique de l'Eglise dans la société féodale; les évêques et les abbés devenus seigneurs temporels; les papes tendant à se rendre princes indépendants, protecteurs, puis dominateurs de l'Italie. En second lieu, nous devons signaler l'excès des richesses, qui constituaient un danger sérieux. D'une part, elles favorisaient la luxure et la paresse dans les églises riches, la jalousie et la cupidité dans les églises pauvres; d'autre part, elles déterminaient un malaise dans la société civile. Alors les princes s'opposaient à l'accumulation des biens ecclésiastiques, par des coups de force, de véritables vols, ou des violences stupides, à moins qu'ils ne prissent des mesures légales approuvées en leurs conseils et dictées par la raison.En dépit ou, plus justement, à cause de ces misères, il exista toujours, dans le sein de l'Eglise elle-même, un parti, plus fort à certaines époques, moins influent dans d'autres, qui, conscient de la décadence actuelle et soucieux de l'idéal proposé par le Christ à ses fidèles, chercha à réagir, en obtenant la réforme plus ou moins complète des abus."

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Cecil, Sir William (1520-1598)

Sir William Cecil, also known as Lord Burleigh, was a Protestant Christian and a Counselor to the Protestant Queen Elizabeth I of England.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Collection of Several Treatises Concerning the Reasons and Occasions of the Penal Laws
by Sir William Cecil, William Watson, etc.

A 1675 Edition containing the following books: I. The Execution of Justice in England, not for Religion, but for Treason: 17 Dec. 1583 written by William Cecil (Lord Burleigh), Protestant Christian Counselor to Queen Elizabeth I of England. II. Important Considerations, by the Secular Priests: Printed A.D. 1601. written by the Roman Catholic Priest William Watson (1559-1603ad, trained at Rheims) and others. III. The Jesuits Reasons Unreasonable: 1662. written by a Catholic.

"The design of publishing these Treatises, is to vindicate the Honour and Justice of our Laws from the rude aspersions, which have been lately cast upon them, by such who are better versed in Hollinshead and Stow, than in the true Reasons and Occasions of those Laws. This is the present method of dealing with our Church and Laws, when our Adversaries have been quite tired with scolding, they betake themselves to throw dirt in the face of them; and I am sorry the weakness or imprudence of any late Historians among us should furnish them with dunghils for this purpose. But since we have to deal with such who have no advantage, but what the weakness and mistakes of their Adversaries give them, it were heartily to be wished, that some effectual course were taken, that the History of our Church since the Reformation, might be delivered to Posterity with greater care and sincerity than hath yet been used about it."

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Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729)

Samuel Clarke was an Anglican Clergyman and English Philosopher. Clarke played a significant role in the Trinitarian Controversy within the Church of England and is the author of "The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, Wherein Every Text of the New Testament Relating to that Doctrine is Distinctly Considered." Clarke served as a chaplain to Queen Anne, afterwards rector of St James, Westminster (1709), and later the mastership of of Wigston's Hospital (1719).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Character of a Good Man The Character of a Good Man
by Samuel Clarke

A 1780 Edition Sermon.

"The great and principal design of every man's life, ought to be the promoting of the glory of God; the encouraging of virtue, and discouraging every kind of vice. Not that any man is obliged to be perpetually employed in actions that are immediately of a religious nature; or that all his thoughts and discourses are to be wholly confined to things sacred: but that his principal and final aim, his general and constant view, the settled temper and disposition of his mind, and the habitual tendency of all his actions, be the establishing of truth and right in the world. And when once a man has habitually fixed to himself this great end, and it is become, as it were, his natural temper; when he is "transformed," as St. Paul expresses it, "by the renewing of his mind," and his "meat and drink," as our Savior speaks concerning himself, is to "do the will of his Father which is in Heaven:" this love of goodness, will naturally, like all other habits, influence even the most common actions of his life: even when he is not actually thinking of it, but employed perhaps in the most vulgar affairs, or even in diversions themselves; yet still everything he does, will habitually have somewhat in it, tending to promote a general sense of truth and equity, a general regard to God and virtue."

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Clay, William Keatinge(Editor)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Private Prayers of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Private Prayers of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth

Book in English and Latin in English in Latin.

1851 Edition. Edited for the Parker Society by William Keatinge Clay.

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who wast crucified for our sins, and didst rise again for our justification, and, ascending up to heaven, reignest now at the right hand of the Father, with full power and authority, ruling and disposing all things according to thine own gracious and glorious purpose: we, sinful creatures, and yet servants and members of thy church, do prostrate ourselves and our prayers before thy imperial majesty, having no other patron nor advocate to speed our suits, or to resort unto, but thee alone, beseeching thee to be good to thy poor church ... here in this wretched earth" ~ "Prayer for the Church, and all the states thereof" by John Foxe.

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Collins, William Edward

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The English Reformation and its Consequences by William Edward Collins The English Reformation and its Consequences
by William Edward Collins

"We declare, in the fulness of the apostolic power, the aforesaid Elizabeth a heretic, and an encourager of heretics, together with those who abet her, under the sentence of excommunication, cut off from the unity of the Body of Christ. Moreover, We declare that she has forfeited her pretended title to the afore­said kingdom, to all and every right, dignity, and privilege; We also declare that the nobles, the subjects, and the people, who have taken any oath to her, are for ever released from that oath, and from every obligation of allegiance, fealty, and obedience, as We now by these letters release them, and deprive the said Elizabeth of her pretended right to the throne, and every other right whatsoever aforesaid; We command all and singular the nobles, the people subject to her, and others aforesaid, never to venture to obey her monitions, mandates, and laws. If any shall contravene this Our decree, We bind them with the same bond of anathema." (From the "Bull of Deposition against Queen Elizabeth I of England")

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Comba, Emilio

Emilio Comba, Waldensian Theological College, Florence, Italy.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: History of the Waldenses of Italy, from their Origin to the Reformation by Emilio Comba History of the Waldenses of Italy, from their Origin to the Reformation
by Emilio Comba

An 1889 Edition. Translated from the author's revised edition by Teofilo E. Comba.

"The course of the history of the Waldenses may well be typified by that of one of their own Alpine rivers. Like a river, the history interests us from the very mystery of its origin. ... From such a place ... issue those rivers that bless Europe, and make it fertile. ... Its course is marked by many, and ofttimes surprising irregularities; but a vigorous people, like an Alpine river, will make for itself an outlet, in spite of all obstacles. ... People who judge only by appearances may be deceived by this; for, just as in the case of the Rhone, it may happen that defeat is proclaimed when victory is nearest at hand. Is not the very spot known as "la perte du Rhône" the scene of its most marvellous victory?"


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D'Aubigné, Jean-Henri Merle (1794-1872)

Jean-Henri Merle D'Aubigné was a Swiss Protestant Christian Minister and a Reformation Historian.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Historia de la Reformacion del Siglo Decimosesto by by Jean-Henri Merle D'Aubigné Historia de la Reformacion del Siglo Decimosesto
por Jean-Henri Merle D'Aubigné

19th Siglo American Tract Society Edición en Español en Español (in Spanish). Traducida de la Cuarta Edicion Francesa por Ramon Monsalvatge.

"Llamo accesorio, el estado de las cosas de esta vida caduca y transitoria. Llamo principal, el gobierno espiritual, en que resalta soberanamente la providencia de Dios." (Teodoro de Beze)

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De Thou, Jacques-Auguste (1553-1617)

Jacques-Auguste De Thou, or Jacobus Augustus Thuanus, was a French Roman Catholic Historian (Historien Français), Privy Councillor to the King of France, and President of the Supreme Senate.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Histoire Universelle de Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Avec La Suite Par Nicolas Rigault; Les Memoires de la Vie de L'Auteur, un Recueil de Pieces Concernant sa Personne & ses Ouvrages: y comrises les Notes & Principales Variantes, Corrections & Restitutions, qui se trouvent dans les MSS. de la Biblioteque du ROI de France, de Mrs. Du Puy, Rigault, & de Sainte-Marthe. Le tout traduit sur las nouvelle Edition Latine de Londres. Et Augmenté de Remarques Historiques & Critiques de Casaubon, de Du Plessis Mornay, G. Laurent, Ch. de L'Ecluse, Guy Patin, P. Bayle, J. Le Duchat (Tome Second, 1551-1560 ad)
by Jacques-Auguste de Thou

1742 Édition Français (French Edition) en Francais (in French). Tome Second, 1551-1560 ad (Volume 2). Suivant la Copie imprimée à Londres, a Basle, Chez Jean Louis Brandmuller.

"L'Empereur étoit fort inquiet de voir que malgré les heureux succès dont Ferdinand de Gonzague l'avoit flatté, la guerre de Parme traînoit en longueur, qu'un feu dangereux étoit allumé dans le Piémont, & (ce qui lui faisoit le plus de peine) que le Pape dégouté de la guerre, souhaitoit extrêmement de faire la paix." (Henri II, 1551 Affaires d'Italie)

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Du Pin, Lewis Ellies (1520-1598)

Lewis Ellies Du Pin was a Roman Catholic Doctor of the Sorbon College, a theological college in Paris, France.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A New Ecclesiastical History Containing an Account of the Controversies in Religion; The Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors; An Abridgment of their Works and a Judgement on their Style and Doctrine: Also A Compendious History of the Councils and All Affairs Transacted in the Church
by Lewis Ellies Du Pin

A 1699 Edition in English, translated from the Original French.

"In the Third [Canon] , the Lords of the respective places are recommended to search after Heretics, and to ruin the places whither they resort. In the Fourth, there is added the Penalty of Losing their Estates, against those who know that a Heretic lives in their territories and will suffer it. And with respect to those who shall neglect to make Inquisition after them, it is ordered in the next Canon, that they shall likewise be punished for their neglect. The houses where Heretics shall be found are not so much as spared; and in the Sixth Canon, it is declared that they shall be destroyed, and that the ground shall be confiscated. The Bailiffs are condemned to the loss of their Offices and Estates, who shall be careless and negligent in searching after Heretics. ... The Fourteenth prohibits Laicks from having the Books of the Old or New-Testament, unless it be a Psalter or a Breviary, and the Rosary, and does not permit them so much as to Translate them into the Vulgar tongue." (The Council of Toulouse in the Year 1229)


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Edgar, Samuel

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Variations of Popery by Samuel Edgar The Variations of Popery
by Samuel Edgar

An 1850 Edition.

"The popedom, raised to the supremacy in church and state, challenged a controlling power over the partisans of heresy, schism and apostacy, as well as over kings. The sovereign pontiffs, in the madness of ambition and despotism, affected the dominion over all mankind, and called the arm of the civil magistracy to their aid, to enforce their pretensions. Schismatics and heretics, accordingly, though separated from the Romish communion, are reckoned subject to its authority, as rebels and deserters are amenable to the civil and military laws of their country. The traitor may be punished by the state for his perfidy; and the apostate, in like manner, may, from the church, undergo excommunication and anathemas. He may even, according to Aquinas, Dens, and the University of Salamanca, followed by that of Valladolid, be compelled by arms to return to the profession of Catholicism. This assumption of power and authority has given rise, as might be expected, to long and sanguinary persecutions."

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Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)

Jonathan Edwards was a Protestant Christian minister and American Revivalist preacher of the First Great Awakening. Edwards is the author of such well known works as, "Religious Affections," "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," and "The Life of David Brainerd."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections
by Jonathan Edwards

"If we be not in good earnest in religion, and our wills and inclinations be not strongly exercised, we are nothing. The things of religion are so great, that there can be no suitableness in the exercises of our hearts, to their nature and importance, unless they be lively and powerful. In nothing is vigor in the actions of our inclinations so requisite, as in religion; and in nothing is lukewarmness so odious. True religion is evermore a powerful thing; and the power of it appears, in the first place in the inward exercises of it in the heart, where is the principal and original seat of it. Hence true religion is called the power of godliness, in distinction from the external appearances of it, that are the form of it, 2 Timothy 3:5."

Also find author under:

Audio Books

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Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

Elizabeth I was a famous Protestant Queen of England and Ireland (1558-1603), the last ruler in the Tudor monarchy, known as the "Virgin Queen" and "Gloriana." Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII, sister to Protestant King Edward VI and Catholic Queen Mary I, known as "Bloody Mary."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Sermon on Psalm 77 Preached before Queen Elizabeth I A Sermon Preached before Queen Elizabeth I, at Greenwich, the 24th of February, AD 1590, on Psalm 77:20 "Thou didest lead thy people like sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron."

Originally Published in 1590, England.

"'To begin with God, ... by whom and to whom we lead and are led, and in whom all right leading both begins and ends. ... That is whosoever be the hands, God is the person, He is the Tu. Whose names forever we hear; whose hands soever we feel; whose countenance soever we behold, we must yet look up higher, and see God in every Government. To Him we must make our apostrophe and say, Thou leadest etc. For He it is that leadeth properly and, in strict propriety of speech, Moses and Aaron lead not; but God, by the hands of Moses and Aaron. ... God is the person that leadeth, and all other but hands under Him and unto Him."

ONLINE BOOK: A Sermon on Psalm 77 Preached before Queen Elizabeth I The Virgin Queen: The Marriage Speech of Queen Elizabeth I given to the House of Commons, February 1559, in answer to the House of Commons' Petition for the New Queen of England to Marry.

Originally Given in 1559, England.

"In a matter most unpleasing, most pleasing to me, is the apparent goodwill of you and my people, as proceeding from a very good mind towards me and the Commonwealth. Concerning Marriage, which ye so earnestly move me to, I have been long since persuaded, that I was sent into this world by God to think and do those things chiefly, which may tend to His glory. Hereupon have I chosen that kind of life which is most free from the troublesome cares of this world, that I might attend the service of God alone."

Also find author under:

Audio Books - Elizabeth I: The Virgin Queen - Marriage Speech (Feb. 1559)

Clay, William - Private Prayers of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth

Collins, William - The Bull of Deposition against Queen Elizabeth I

Froude, James - History of England from the Fall of Wosley to the Death of Elizabeth

Griffiths, John - Certain Sermons Appointed to be Read in the Time of Queen Elizabeth

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Elliott, Edward Bishop (1793-1875)

Reverend Edward Bishop Elliott or E. B. Elliott was an English Clergyman and eschatological writer. Elliott was vicar of Tuxford, Nottinghamshire (1824), prebendary of Heytesbury, Wiltshire, and incumbent of St Mark's Church (1849).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Horae Apocalypticae by E. B. Elliott (1851 Edition) Horae Apocalypticae (Hours of the Apocalypse)
by Rev. Edward Bishop Elliott

An 1851 Edition, in 4 Volumes.

"It seems, as both Foxe and Brightman report to us, that for some time following the Reformation the Romish Doctors were very shy of the subject. At its first outbreak indeed, on Luther's anti-Papal protest, some unguarded Doctors of the Papacy, in the true spirit of the 5th Council of Lateran, just then concluded, which had solemnly identified the then existing Romish Church with the New Jerusalem of the Apocalypse,—I say there were certain Doctors, as Prierio and Eck, so unguarded as to take up the Lateran theory, and broadly declare the Papal dominion to be Daniel's 5th monarchy, or reign of the saints. But what then of the little horn, or Antichrist; that was to intervene, according to Daniel's manifest declaration, between old Rome's iron empire and the saints' reign? The question was so puzzling that it must have been abundantly palpable to all thoughtful Romanists that such a Danielic theory was untenable; and that some better one must be taken up, if the Papal citadel were to be defended on prophetic grounds. The same of the Apocalypse. So at length, as the century was advancing to a close, two stout Jesuists took up the gauntlet; and published their respective, but quite counter opinions on the Apocalyptic subject:—the one Ribera, a Jesuit Priest of Salamanca, who about a.d. 1585 published an Apocalyptic Commentary, which was on the grand points of Babylon and Antichrist what we now call the futurist scheme: the other Alcasar, also a Spanish Jesuit, but of Seville, whose scheme was on main points what we now designate as that of the prieterists."

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English College at Rheims

The English College at Rheims was a Roman Catholic College of the Society of Jesus, which was created for the training of Jesuit Priests for the infiltration and re-conversion of England to Papal control, as well as for numerous assassination plots attempts against the Protestant Queen Elizabeth I and her government. The College was founded at Rheims, France by Cardinal William Allen and was later moved to Douay, France.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: 1582 Rheims New Testament (with Original Annotations)
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Translated Out of the Latin Vulgate, Diligently Copared with the Original Greek, and First Published by the English College of Rheims, Anno 1582, with Original Preface, Arguments and Tables, Marginal Notes, and Annotations.

by the English College at Rheims

ONLINE BOOK: An 1834 Reprint of the Original 1582 Annotated Edition of the Roman Catholic Rheims New Testament. The Rheims New Testament presented here is a 19th Century Protestant Reprinting of the 1582 Rheims New Testament (annotated edition). It contains the original translation and preface, and the notes and annotation that were included in the 1582 volume prepared by the English College at Rheims. The Testament is a translation made by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), as a tool of the Counter Reformation. The Jesuit translation was provided under the direction of Gregory Martin, an Englishman and the chief linguist at Rheims, who was an outspoken Catholic Apologist and Controversialist. The annotations in the Rhemish Testament were provided under the direction of Nicholas Saunders (Jesuit), a controversialist dedicated to countering the historical and scriptural proofs of the Reformation. This translation became the basis for the revised Douai-Rheims or Douay-Rheims Bible still used by Catholics today.

"Drunken of the blood. It is plain, that this woman signifieth the whole corp of all the persecutors that have and shall shed so much blood of the just: of the Prophets, Apostles, and other Martyrs from the beginning of the world to the end. The Protestants foolishly expound it of Rome, for that there they put Heretics to death, and allow of their punishment in other countries: But their blood is not called the blood of Saints, no more than the blood of thieves, mankillers, and other malefactors: for the shedding of which by order of justice, no commonwealth shall answer." (Original Annotation on Apocalypse 17:6)

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Erasmus, Desiderius (1466-1536)

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam was a Dutch Theologian and Priest in the Roman Catholic Church. Erasmus is famous for his Greek New Testament and his book "On Free Will," which the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) aptly refuted in his "Bondage of the Will."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Colloquies of Erasmus (1878 edition) The Colloquies of Erasmus
by Desiderius Erasmus

Originally Published in 1524. An 1878 Edition.

"There is nothing to be attained in this life without pains; and yet, let us get what we will, and what pains soever we are at to attain it, we must leave it behind us: why then should we think much to be at some pains for the most precious thing of all, the fruit of which will bear us company unto another life."


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Farquhar, John (1732-1768)

John Farquhar was a Protestant Christian Minister in the Church of Scotland. Farquhar was a minister at the Parish of Nigg (1757) and an active member of the Aberdeen Philosophical Society (1758).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: On the Parable of the Prodigal Son by John Farquhar On the Parable of the Prodigal Son
by John Farquhar

A Sermon from "The Protestant Preacher, Sermons and Discources." An 1780 Edition.

"The Almighty shows the value he has for a human soul, by preferring its renewal to every other sacrifice. There is a strange propensity in corrupt man, to endeavor to please God in some different manner; but this is the only way that is acceptable."

"His whole speech discovers the genuineness of his sorrow, and the deepness of his contrition; far from endeavoring to cover or palliate his transgressions, he confesses them in the most open and affecting manner."

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Fenner, William (1600-1640)

William Fenner was an English Puritan Divine. Fenner was a Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, a member of Oxford University (1622), and a Minister of Rochford in Essex (1629-1640).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Divine Message to the Elect Soul by William Fenner (1645 Edition) A Divine Message to the Elect Soul
by William Fenner

A 1645 Edition comprised of Eight Sermons.

"There is 'a day of salvation' (Isaiah 49:9); this is the day in which the Lord says to the prisoners, 'Come forth,' and to those that lie in their sins, 'repent and believe.' Now, if any will come forth and humble his soul before the Lord, let him come and welcome—for it is a day of salvation."

"Call as much to mind as thou canst, what evil thou hast done ever since thou wast born, what in the womb, what in thy cradle, childhood, youth, age .. what as a servant, what as a son, what as a neighbor, what as an inferior, what as a superior, either in though, or word, or deed; how often thou hast omitted good duties, or done them by halves. They shall remember themselves and turn unto the Lord, Psal. 22:27. First, they shall remember, and say, What have I done! O wretch! how carelessly have I lived! So meditating, they shall turn unto the Lord."

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Flavel, John (1627-1691)

Rev. John Flavel was an English Puritan Preacher and Minister of the Gospel at Dartmouth, England. Flavel was ejected as a Nonconformist Pastor under the Act of Uniformity (1662). In 1665, under the Five Mile Act, he was evicted from Dartmouth and moved to Slapton, five miles away, to continue his preaching. In 1671 he was able to return temporarily to Dartmouth.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Treatise on Keeping the Heart by John Flavel (1813 Edition) A Treatise on Keeping the Heart
by Rev. John Flavel

An 1813 Edition. Puritan Sermon on Proverbs 4:23, "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."

"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.' (Proverbs 4:23). The heart of man is his worst part before it be regenerated, and the best afterwards: it is the seat of principles, and the fountain of actions. The eye of God is, and the eye of the Christian ought to be, principally fixed upon it. The greatest difficulty in conversion, is, to win the heart to God; and the greatest difficulty after conversion, is, to keep the heart with God. Here lies the very force and stress of religion; here is that which makes the way to life a narrow way, and the gate of heaven a strait gate. ... The state of the whole body depends upon the soundness and vigour of the heart; and the everlasting state of the whole man upon the good or ill condition of the soul."

ONLINE BOOK: The Touchstone of Sincerity, or, Trial of True and False Religion, by John Flavel The Touchstone of Sincerity, or, Trial of True and False Religion
by Rev. John Flavel

Originally Published in 1667. An 1814 Edition.

"My design in these meditations, is not to shake the well founded hopes of any man, or to excite unreasonable apprehensions; but to discover the radical and fatal defects, in the basis of many men's expectations of future happiness. Men must judge of their religion by examining its foundation, if that fail, the superstructure is perishable and worthless. There is a laudable spirit of caution, cherished by the saints, which makes them sensible to the danger of self-deception, and renders them watchful and circumspect; there is also a culpable anxiety and fear, tending only to gloom and despondency, to which they sometimes give way: by the former they are guarded against evil; by the latter they incur needless grief, and are restrained from inward peace. Sometimes good men, indulging groundless fears of hypocrisy, are blind to the clearest evidences of their gracious state; but more frequently, the wicked, regardles of consequences, close their eyes upon the proofs of their guilt and jeopardy."

H&F Paperback Republications:

BOOKSTORE: The Touchstone of Christian Sincerity or The Trial of True and False Religion by John Flavel (2012 Paperback) The Touchstone of Christian Sincerity or The Trial of True and False Religion (Paperback)
by John Flavel

A 2012 Paperback Edition published by Hail & Fire. Originally Published in 1667.

"Examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith." 2 Corinthians 13:5.

Doubtless, many who profess faith in Jesus Christ are dangerously mistaken in regard to their own character, and although they draw around themselves the form of Christianity, they are strangers to its transforming efficacy, its living influence, and heavenly consolations. The trial of our graces or religious affections is all-important—for as they are, so is our prospect for a happy and glorious eternity. We must judge of our faith by examining its foundation; we must scrutinize our hearts in the light of divine truth and ascertain and demonstrate whether our affections are holy. To the test we must come and by the truth, we must be judged. Our eternal happiness stands or falls with our sincerity; bring your hearts, therefore, to the trial.

With the vivid, exhortative style distinctive of the English Puritans, John Flavel's Touchstone offers a straightforward and biblical aid to discerning true Christian graces, from false.

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Fliedner, Henry

Henry Fliedner is also known as Henri Fliedner and Heinrich Fliedner.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Martyrdom of a People: or The Vaudois of Piedmont and their History by Henry Fliedner The Martyrdom of a People: or The Vaudois of Piedmont and their History
by Henry Fliedner

Translated from the German Edition by Constance Cheyne Brady.

"About the year 1140, the Provost of Steinbach wrote as follows to the Abbot Bernard de Clairvaux: - 'Recently, in the neighborhood of Cologne, we have seen certain heretics, some of whom have voluntarily returned to the Church. On the other hand, one of their Bishops dared to speak in an assembly where there was an Archbishop and a great number of nobles. He openly defended his heresy, using the words of Christ and of the Apostles. They despise earthly grandeur, and aspire to be the foremost in imitating Jesus, so as to form the only true Church of Christ on earth. They endeavour to lead a pure life. They make a great deal of their temperance and the simplicity of their worship, and they compare themselves to the ancient martyrs, who fled from town to town like sheep among wolves. They blame the priests for their worldliness, and call them false prophets, accusing them of having destroyed the Word of God, and for being strangers to the sanctity of their vocation. They consider Purgatory a fable, reject the adoration of saints as blasphemy, and refuse to obey the Pope. In a word, everything in the Church which was not instituted by Christ, or the Apostles, they treat as superstition.'"

H&F Paperback Republications:

BOOKSTORE: The Martyrdom of a People: or The Vaudois of Piedmont and their History by Henry Fliedner (2010 Illustrated H&F Paperback Edition) The Martyrdom of a People: or The Vaudois of Piedmont and their History (Paperback)
by Henry Fliedner

A 2010 Illustrated Paperback Edition published by Hail & Fire from the 1914 Edition. Translated from the German by Constance Cheyne Brady. Preface from the 1914 Edition by J. Forbes Moncrieff.

"The Light Shines in Darkness."

A Christian History and Martyrology

Henry Fliedner's work offers a concise history of those known as the Vaudois or Waldensians—Christians of the pre-Reformation era. Fliedner traces their Bible only (Sola Scriptura) faith, and the horrific persecutions they endured, from ancient times to the early 1900's.

"They often travelled on horseback in different countries as hawkers, and, thanks to their bales of goods, obtained access to the rich and poor. ... While the merchant was doing business, he would observe the character of his customers, and when, at the end, they asked if he had anything else to sell, he would reply, 'Certainly, I have treasures much more precious than those which you have seen. ... a jewel which shines with such brightness, that it enables one to see, and to come to the knowledge of God.' ... The merchant then drew out of his pocket, or from a secret drawer of his travelling chest, a Gospel, and commenced to read." ... In this way the Vaudois found a means of spreading the Word of God more and more. ... What wonderful results might this seed-time have produced, if the storm of persecution had not broken out, reducing almost to naught the people of God."

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Foxe, John (1517-1587)

John Foxe or John Fox was an English Protestant Christian and Martyrologist.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Martyrdom of a People: or The Vaudois of Piedmont and their History by Henry Fliedner The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, A New and Complete Edition
by John Foxe

Originally published in 1563 under the title: "Acts and Monuments of these latter and perillous days, touching matters of the Church, wherein are comprephended and described the great persecutions and horrible troubles, that have been wrought and practised by the Romish Prelates, specially in this Realm of England and Scotland, from the year of our Lord a thousand, unto the time now present. Gathered and collected according to the true copies and writings certificatory as well of the parties themselves that suffered, as also out of the Bishops Registers, which were the doers thereof."

1838-1841 Edition in 8 Volumes: "A New and Complete Edition: with a Preliminary Dissertation, by the Rev. George Townsend, M.A." "Edited by the Rev. Stephen Reed Cattley, M.A."

"Parsons observes, - 'John Tudson, falling to be a ghospeller, was so obstinate and arrogant as the bishop of London was forced at length to condemne and burne him, under queen Mary.' And of another poor victim he says, - 'being obstinate in divers hereticall opinions, but especially about the sacrament of the altar, he was burnt also for the same, in Smithfield, after many means first used to reclayme him.' And again, - 'a poor labouringe man, borne at Histon, ... becoming a ghospeller, fell to be so forward in sowing and defending Calvinian opinions, as lastly he was burnt for the same, in Smithfield.' And again, we read of 'a poor woman burned at Canterbury, under queen Mary;' the next were 'two willfull poore women, also burned at Canterbury.' Of other victims, 'the first was an artificer, the second a poore ignorant woman, and burned for like opinions with the former.' And so we might go on, page after page, noticing the poor ignorant men and women put to death. No fact recorded by Foxe is denied. The victims are ridiculed and despised (That is, by Parsons. - H&F) , because they were poor, vulgar, mean, and low. The wretched bigot could not see, that whom the world most scorns, God most honours; whom the world most hates, Christ most loves." - the Editor.

ONLINE BOOK: The Book of Martyrs by John Foxe The Book of Martyrs or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs from the Introduction of Christianity to the Latest Periods of Pagan, Popish, and Infidel Persecutions
by John Foxe

Originally published in 1563. An 1850 Edition, abridged, modernized, and expanded to include: "The recent persecutions in the cantons of Switzerland; and the persecutions of the Methodist and Baptist Missionaries in the West India Islands; and the narrative of the conversion, capture, long imprisonment, and cruel sufferings of Asaad Shidiak, a native of Palestine. Likewise a sketch of the French Revolution as connected with the persecution compiled from Foxe's Book of Martyrs, and other authentic sources."

"Elizabeth Cooper ... had recanted; but, tortured for what she had done by the worm which dieth not, she shortly after voluntarily entered her parish church during the time of the popish service, and standing up, audibly proclaimed that she revoked her former recantation, and cautioned the people to avoid her unworthy example. She was taken from her own house by Mr. Sutton the sheriff, who very reluctantly complied with the letter of the law, as they had been servants and in friendship together. At the stake, the poor sufferer, feeling the fire, uttered the cry of Oh! upon which Mr. Miller, putting his hand behind him towards her, desired her to be of good courage, “for (said he) good sister, we shall have a joyful and a sweet supper.” Encouraged by this example and exhortation, she stood the fiery ordeal without flinching, and, with him, proved the power of faith over the flesh."

Also find prayers of John Foxe in:

Clay, William - Private Prayers of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth

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Fraser, James (1639-1698)

James Fraser of Brae was a Scottish, Protestant Christian Minister of the Gospel at Culrosswas.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Lawfulness and Duty of Separation from Corrupt Ministers and Churches Explained and Vindicated. Against the Sinful Compliances of his Day; and now published Against the Sinful Compliances of Ours. "But when diverse were hardened, and believed not, but spoke evil of that Way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples" Acts 19:9.
by James Fraser

A 1744 Edition printed from James Fraser's own original manuscript.

"The Author's Manuscript is intitled, 'An Enquiry into that so much debated Case, viz. Whether it be the Duty of the Lord's People in Britain and Ireland, to hear such as have submitted to the Prelatical Government, or to join with them while in the Exercise of such Acts as do belong to their pastoral Office.' ... Though this Treatise is particularly levelled against Compliance with Prelacy, and Communion with Prelatics, yet the Publication thereof, at this Time, is reckoned highly suitable unto our present Situation and Controversy in Scotland: For as the fond Reception, which Mr. George Whitefield, a Priest of the Church of England, and his latitudinarian Scheme, have met with, do plainly call us to arms against an Invasion of Prelacy; so the Arguments here pled are plainly applicable unto, and of equal Force against the sinful Compliances of our Day, with the Defections of the established Church of Scotland, and Communion with the Judicatories thereof, with whom Communion is now impracticable, without Involvement in that Current of Apostacy wherewith they are all carried down." (1744 Publisher's Preface to the Reader)

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Frith, John (1503-1533)

John Frith was an English Protestant Reformer and Christian Martyr under the Roman Catholic Church. Frith was schooled at Cambridge and tutored by the Catholic Bishop Stephen Gardiner, who later played a role in his death. Frith was acquainted with fellow Protestant Reformers and Martyrs Thomas Bilney (1495-1531) and William Tyndale (1484-1536). He first suffered imprisonment for the possession of Protestant books at Oxford. Afterwards he fled England and joined Tyndale in Antwerp. Frith did return to England and in 1532, the English Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas More, had him imprisoned for eight months in the Tower of London. He was afterwards transfered to Newgate Prison and finally condemned for heresy and burned at the stake in Smithfield, London in July of 1533.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Works of the English Reformers: William Tyndale and John Frith (3 Volumes, 1831 Edition) The Works of the English Reformers: William Tyndale and John Frith
edited by Thomas Russell, A.M.

An 1831 Edition in 3 Volumes, England.

"I thought it expedient therein to write my mind, trusting, by that means, to bring again the blind hearts of many unto the right way, and I doubt not but that the elect and chosen of God that know their Shepherd's voice, and have the spirit to judge all things, shall easily perceive whether this be conformable to their master's voice, and shall hereby be admonished to leave their wandering in the dark and loathsome ways which lead unto death, and to walk without stumbling in the comfortable light." ~ John Frith (from "A Mirror, or Looking Glass, Wherein You May Behold The Sacrament of Baptism Described.")

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Froude, James Anthony

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: History of England from the Fall of Wosley to the Death of Elizabeth by James Anthony Froude History of England from the Fall of Wosley to the Death of Elizabeth
by James Anthony Froude

An 1871 Edition in 8 volumes.

"The country knew ... that a successful rebellion is at best a calamity; and the bravest and wisest men would not injure an illustrious cause by conduct less than worthy of it, so long as endurance was possible. They had saved Elizabeth's life and Elizabeth's rights, and Elizabeth, when her time came, would deliver her subjects."

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Fulke, William (1538-1589)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Confutation of the Rhemish Testament
by William Fulke

An 1834 Protestant Reprint Edition. Originally published in 1582.

Confutation of the Rhemish Testament by William Fulke (1834 Edition) "We do not think it impossible that Peter might be at Rome, and die there, but we say it is not like to be so, because there is no mention thereof in the Acts of the Apostles. And is he were at Rome, because the Scripture doth not make mention of it, we affirm that it is not necessary to be known that he was there. ... The Church of Rome, had been happy still if she had continued in the doctrine of Peter and Paul, wherein she was first instructed, Augustin writeth against some that feigned, that Christ did write magic books to Peter and Paul, supposing Paul to have lived with Christ. 'For that they had seen Christ painted with Peter and Paul, in divers places of Rome. Because Rome doth more notably and solemnly commend the worthiness of Peter and Paul, even because of the same day of their passion. So by all means they were worthy to be deceived, which sought Christ and his Apostles, not in their holy books, but in painted walls.'" ("Answer to End of the Acts of the Apostles," page 167)


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Geddes, Michael

Michael Geddes was a Doctor of Laws and Chancellor of the Church of Sarum.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Miscellaneous Tracts by Michael Geddes Miscellaneous Tracts
by Michael Geddes

An 1709 Edition. Viz.: I. The History of the Expulsion of the Moriscoes, or Mahometans of the Moorish Race, out of Spain, in the Reign of Philip III. II. The History of the Wars of the Commons of Castile, in the Beginning of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. III. A View of the Spanish Cortes, or Parliament. IV. An Account of the Manuscripts and Reliques found in the Mountains of Granada, 1588. V. A View of the Inquisition of Portugal; with a List of the Prisoners which came out of the Inquisition of Lisbon, in an Act of the Faith, celebrated Anno 1682. And Another in 1707. VI. A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Inquisition in Lisbon, with a Person now living in London, during his Imprisonment there. VII. A Spanish Protestant Martyrology.

"About the year 1440, great numbers of people were, at the instigation of the Inquisitors, driven by the King's musqueteers out of the Highlands of Duringo in Biscay, to Valedolid and Domingo de Calcada, who were burnt alive at those places for refusing to abjure divers doctrines which are condemned as Heretical by the Roman Church.

We are not told what the doctrines were (that) such multitudes of people were thus put to death for professing; but it is more than probable, that they were the same with those of the Vaudois among the Alps; the primitive faith having, until about this time, been preserved entire in some mountainous and almost inaccessible countries by reason of their having never been before haunted by any Popish Friars or Inquisitors to corrupt it, or to punish its steadfast professors with death."

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Gordon, Janet

Janet Gordon also authored "Champions of the Reformation."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Spanish Inquistion: It's Heroes and Martyrs by Janet Gordon The Spanish Inquistion: It's Heroes and Martyrs
by Janet Gordon

An 1882 Edition.

"The Inquisition ... was a tribunal established for the discovery and punishment of all who might hold opinions ... differing in any degree from those religious dogmas which the Church of Rome has imposed ... she had the power, to punish with the utmost severity ... repressing all progress and freedom of thought ... One after another, the busy merchant, the eloquent preacher, the enlightened savant, the noble, ... were seen to disappear, to reappear again upon some morning of doom, ... at the fatal place of burning ... haggard, enfeebled, with limbs distorted by the rack and pulley, the trembling, shuddering actors in the ghastly auto-da-fé."

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Griffiths, John (Editor)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to Be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory (1864 Edition) Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory

An 1864 Edition.

"Considering how necessary it is, that the Word of God, which is the only food of the soul, and that most excellent light that we must walk by, in this our most dangerous pilgrimage, should at all convenient times be preached unto the people, that thereby they may both learn their duty towards God, their prince, and their neighbours, according to the mind of the Holy Ghost, expressed in the Scriptures, and also to avoid the manifold enormities which heretofore by false doctrine have crept into the church of God ... the Queen's most excellent Majesty ... willing also by the true setting forth and pure declaring of God's Word, which is the principal guide and leader unto all godliness and virtue, to expel and drive away as well corrupt, vicious, and ungodly living, as also erroneous and poisoned doctrines, tending to superstition and idolatry, hath, by the advice of her most honourable Counsellors, for her discharge in this behalf, caused a Book of Homilies ... to be printed anew, wherein are contained certain wholesome and godly exhortations, to move the people to honour and worship Almighty God, and diligently to serve him."

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Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645)

Hugo Grotius was a Dutch Protestant Christian Reformer.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Truth of the Christian Religion: in Six Books by by Hugo Grotius The Truth of the Christian Religion: in Six Books
by Hugo Grotius

1840 Edition in English. Corrected with notes by Mr. Le Clerc and translated into English by John Clark, D.D., Dean of Sarum. Originally published in Latin.

"The design of the book is to show the reasonableness of believing and embracing the Christian religion above any other; which our author does, by laying before us all the evidence that can be brought, both internal and external, and declaring the sufficiency of it; by enumerating all the marks of genuineness in any books, and applying them to the sacred writings: and by making appear the deficiency of all other institutions of religion."


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Henry, Matthew (1662-1714)

Reverend Matthew Henry was an English Presbyterian Minister and Bible Commentator. Henry was the son of Philip Henry, a Nonconformist Pastor who was ejected under the Act of Uniformity in 1662. Henry served as a minister in Chester (1687) and Hackney (1712). He is best known for his Complete Commentary on the Bible in six volumes, which was partially finished by thirteen other Nonconformist ministers after his sudden death in 1714. The preachers Charles Spurgeon and George Whitefield were admirers of Henry's Commentary.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Discourse on Meekness and Quietness of Spirit by Rev. Matthew Henry A Discourse on Meekness and Quietness of Spirit
by Rev. Matthew Henry

An 1859 Edition.

"The excellency of a meek and quiet spirit will appear, if we consider the credit of it, and the comfort of it - the present profit there is by it, and the preparedness there is in it for future blessings. Consider how creditable a meek and quiet spirit is. Credit or reputation all desire, though few consider aright either what it is, or what is the right way of obtaining it; and particularly it is little believed what a great deal of true honor there is in the grace of meekness, and what a sure and ready way mild and quiet souls take to gain the approval of their Master, and of all their fellow-servants who love him, and are like him."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Hoare, H. W.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Lineage of the English Bible by H. W. Hoare The Lineage of the English Bible (article)
by H. W. Hoare

An article originally published in 1902.

"It may be doubted whether among those who take up an English Bible there are more than a few who realize what a long history lies behind the version at which they are looking, and how rich in interest that history is. Yet the subject is one which appeals to a wide circle, and for such of our readers as may be unfamiliar with it a few pages may not be thrown away in the endeavor to sketch in outline the literary pedigree of what is perhaps the most notable work in the world. In severe strictness we can harldy carry our present printed Bible back beyond the Reformation. Its parent source, as we shall presently see, is Tyndale, and Tyndale's first New Testament dates from 1525, or the sixteenth year of the reign of King Henry VIII."

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Huss, John (1372-1415)

John Huss was a Bohemian or Czech Protestant Reformer who was Martyred under the Roman Catholic Church. Huss is also known as John Hus and Jan Hus.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: De Ecclesia or The Church by John Huss De Ecclesia or The Church
by John Huss

A 1915 Edition, translated, with notes and introduction by David S. Schaff, D.D., Professor of Church History at the Western Theological Seminary. Originally written in 1413.

"No one is held to believe anything except what he is moved by God to believe but God moves no man to believe what is false. Nemo tenetur quidquam credere nisi ad quod movet eum deus credere sed deus non movet hominem ad credendum falsum."

"I hope, by God's grace, that I am truly a Christian, not deviating from the faith, and that I would rather suffer the penalty of a terrible death than wish to affirm anything outside of the faith or transgress the commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ. Spero, ex Dei gratia, quod sum christianus ex integro, a fide non devians, et quod potius vellem pati dirae mortis supplicium, quam aliquid vellem prataer fidem asserere, vel transgredi mandata Domini Jesu Christi."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom from John Hus

Poggius: "Hus the Heretic or The Infallibility of the Pope at the Council of Constance: The Trial of [John] Hus, His Sentence and Death at the Stake in Two Letters by a Member of the Council, Fra Poggius, To his Friend and Brother in Christ, Leonhard Nikolai" by Poggius the Papist (read or listen free online)


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James, John Angell (1785-1859)

John Angell James was an English Congregational Minister and an ardent Abolitionist of Slavery. James served as a preacher at Carrs Lane Independent Chapel (1805) and was a founder of the Evangelical Alliance and Congregational Union of England and Wales. He was also a chairman of Spring Hill College in Birmingham.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Marriage Ring: or How to Make a Happy Home, by John Angell James (Christian Marriage) The Marriage Ring: or How to Make a Happy Home
by John Angell James

An 1842 Illuminated Edition.

"Intended as a manual for those just entering the marriage state. ... The secret of happiness lies folded up in the leaves of the Bible, and is carried in the bosom of Religion. Let the two parties in wedded life be believers in Christ Jesus, and partake themselves of the peace that passeth understanding ... united by love, and sanctified by grace."

"The charms of mind increase by acquaintance, while those of the exterior diminish ... the former easily reconcile us to a plain countenance, the latter excite, by the power of contrast, a distaste ... Instead of determining to stake our happiness upon ... blooming weeds ... let us ask, will the understanding, united with that countenance, render its subject fit to be my companion, and the instructor of my children?"

H&F Paperback Republications:

BOOKSTORE: The Marriage Ring or How to Make Home Happ by John Angell James (2010 Modernized Paperback Edition) The Marriage Ring or How to Make Home Happy (Paperback)
by John Angell James
Featuring added footnotes and an additional sermon by John Owen

A 2010 Paperback Edition published by Hail & Fire: Modernized and edited from the 1842 Edition.

"As the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." - Ephesians 5:24-25.

An exhortation on Christian Marriage and its Duties.

The secret of happiness lies folded up in the leaves of the Bible and is carried in the heart of true religion. A good Christian cannot be a bad husband or father and, as this is equally true in everything, he who has the most piety will shine the most in all the relationships of life.

A Bible placed between man and wife as the basis of their union, the rule of their conduct, and the model of their spirit will make up for many differences between them, comfort them under many crosses, guide them through many straits, support them in their last sad parting from one another and reunite them in that happy world where they shall remain forever. Let the two parties in wedded life be believers in Christ Jesus and partake themselves of the peace that surpasses understanding. And if happiness is to be found on earth, it will be enjoyed within the hallowed circle of a family thus united by love and sanctified by grace.

BONUS SERMON - included at back of book:
Right to Divorce and Remarriage in the Case of Adultery by John Owen

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Jewel, John (1522-1571)

John Jewel was Bishop of Salisbury in the Church of England and a Protestant Christian Apologist. Jewel was a friend and disciple of Peter Martyr and saw the reigns of the four Tudor monarchs in England, those of King Henry VIII, Catholic Queen Mary Tudor or "Bloody Mary," Protestant King Edward VI, and Protestant Queen Elizabeth I.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: An Apology or Answer in Defense of the Church of England, With a Brief and Plain Declaration of the True Religion Professed and Used in the Same
by John Jewel

An 1888 Edition. Originally published in 1562.

"But we truly, seeing that so many thousands of our brethren in these last twenty years have borne witness unto the truth, in the midst of most painful torments that could be devised; and when princes, desirous to restrain the Gospel, sought many ways, but prevailed nothing; and that now almost the whole world doth begin to open their eyes to behold the light; we take it that our cause hath already been sufficiently declared and defended ... against the will of emperors ... against the wills of so many kings, in spite of the popes, and almost maugre the head of all men, hath taken increase, and by little and little spread over into all countries, and is come at length even into kings' courts and palaces ... God Himself doth strongly fight in our quarrel, and doth from heaven laugh at their enterprises; and that the force of truth is such, as neither man's power, nor yet hell-gates are able to root it out. ... So many free cities, so many kings, so many princes, which have fallen away from the seat of Rome, and have rather joined themselves to the Gospel of Christ."

Also find author under:

Audio Books - The Apology of the Church of England

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J. H. C.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Historical Tales for Young Protestants Historical Tales for Young Protestants
prefaced by J. H. C.

Short historical tales, 1900's Edition, Religious Tract Society.

"Fact is as attractive as fiction, and is of much higher moral value. The pages of history contain incidents which equal in thrilling interest the most successful efforts of the human imagination. From its ample records, the following short stories, connected with the rise and progress of Scriptural Protestantism, have been selected. If it has been found necessary to advert to the dark deeds of the papacy, it is from the conviction that the principles and spirit in which they originated in former ages are not extinct in the present day. In supplying books for the young, it may be well to make them the means of fortifying their minds against soul-destroying error, and of establishing them in those great doctrines in the defence of which their forefathers suffered and died."


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Latimer, Hugh (1485-1555)

Hugh Latimer was an English Protestant Reformer, Chaplain to King Henry VIII, and Christian Martyr under the Roman Catholic Church. Latimer was first a Roman Catholic Priest and even argued publicly for the Pope's authority against the Protestant Reformer Melancthon. The Protestant Reformer Thomas Bilney became the means of converting Latimer, who afterwards looked upon "little Bilney" as the one who first opened his eyes. His favor and freedom fluctuated during the reign of Henry VIII; he was even chaplain to the King and rector of West Kington, Wiltshire. Latimer afterwards experienced great liberty of preaching under the Protestant King Edward VI. When Mary I assumed the English throne proceedings began against Latimer and fellow Reformers Thomas Cranmer and Nicholas Ridley. All three Reformers where imprisoned and condemed for heresy. In 1555 Latimer and Ridley were burned alive at the stake, followed by Cranmer in 1556.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Sermons on the Card and Other Discourses by Hugh Latimer (1883 Edition) Sermons on the Card and Other Discourses
by Hugh Latimer

Originally preached in 1529. An 1883 Edition.

"Let us trust upon His only death, and look for none other sacrifice ... Christ himself said, consummatum est: 'It is perfectly finished: I have taken at my Father's hand the dispensation of redeeming mankind, I have wrought man's redemption, and have despatched the matter.' Why then mingle ye him? Why do ye divide him? Why make you of Him more sacrifices than one? Paul saith, Pascha nostrum immolatus est Christus: 'Christ our passover is offered;' so that the thing is done, and Christ hath done it semel, once for all ... Why then, it is not the mass that availeth or profiteth for the quick and the dead."

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Lightfoot, John (1602-1675)

John Lightfoot, D. D. was an English Minister in the Church of England, a rabbinical scholar, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, and Master of Catherine Hall, Cambridge.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Whole Works of the Late Rev. John Lightfoot, D. D. Master of Catharine Hall, Cambridge (1825 Edition, 13Volumes) The Whole Works of the Late Rev. John Lightfoot, D. D. Master of Catharine Hall, Cambridge.
by John Lightfoot

An 1825 Edition in Thirteen Volumes.

"We suppose, therefore, that men, women, and children, came to John's baptism, according to the manner of the nation, in the reception of proselytes; namely, that they, standing in Jordan, were taught by John, that they were baptized into the name of the Messias, that was now immediately to come; - and into the profession of the doctrine of the gospel concerning faith and repentance; that they plunged themselves into the river, and so came out. And that which is said of them, that they were baptized by him, 'confessing their sins,' is to be understood according to the tenor of the Baptist's preaching; not that they did this man by man, or by some auricular confession made to John, or by openly declaring some particular sins; but when the doctrine of John exhorted them to repentance and to faith in the Messias, they renounced and disowned the doctrine and opinion of justification by their works, wherewith they had been before-time leavened, and acknowledged and confessed themselves sinners." ~ from "Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations Upon The Gospel of St. Matthew, Volume 11."

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Lollard Christians

Lollard was a name or term used for Protestant Christians in England during the begining of the Protestant Reformation. Detailed information about the Lollards can be found in the free online books, "The Lollards; or Some Account of the Witness for the Truth in Great Britain, Between the Years 1400 and 1546" and "An Apology for Lollard Doctrines" attributed to the Protestant Reformer John Wycliffe.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: LOLLARD, A 15th century Apology by a Lollard A Proper Dialogue between a Gentleman and Husbandman: each complaining to other their miserable calamite, through the ambition of the clergy
by a Lollard

2009 Edition by H&F Books featuring the original publication in parallel columns with an updated edition and additonal annotations. An apology written by a Lollard Christian about 1450 A.D. Originally published in 1530 from a unique copy in the British Museum: "A Proper Dyaloge between a Gentillman and husbandman: eche complaynynge to other their miserable calamite, through the ambicion of the clergye."

"O Christian reader, from rashness refrain; Of hasty judgment, and light sentence. Though some reckon it forwardness of brain, Thus to detect ye clergies’ inconvenience. Unto Christ’s words give thou advertence, Which saith nothing to be done so secretly, But it shall be known manifestly. Whereas men discern no grief of darkness, Full little is desired the comfortable light. The day is restrained to show its clearness, Till the clouds be expelled of the night. As long as we perceive not wrong from right, Neither holiness from false hypocrisy, The truth cannot be known manifestly."

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Luther, Martin (1483-1546)

Martin Luther was a German Protestant Christian Reformer, formerly a Catholic monk and priest.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: 95 Theses or Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences by a Martin Luther (Latin English Parallel) 95 Theses or Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences (Latin English Parallel)
by a Martin Luther

Originally published in 1517. In Latin and English parallel columns In Latin In English. From the Works of Martin Luther published by Adolph Spaeth, L.D. Reed, Henry Eyster Jacobs, et Al., Trans. & Eds. (1915) and "Disputatio pro Declaratione Virtutis Indulgentiarum" by Dr. Martin Luther, D. Martin Luther's Werke: Kritische Gesammtausgabe (1883).

"1. Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, when He said Poenitentiam agite, willed that the whole life of believers should be repentance. 2. This word cannot be understood to mean sacramental penance, i.e., confession and satisfaction, which is administered by the priests. 3. Yet it means not inward repentance only; nay, there is no inward repentance which does not outwardly work divers mortifications of the flesh. 4. The penalty [of sin], therefore, continues so long as hatred of self continues; for this is the true inward repentance, and continues until our entrance into the kingdom of heaven. 5. The pope does not intend to remit, and cannot remit any penalties other than those which he has imposed either by his own authority or by that of the Canons. 6. The pope cannot remit any guilt, except by declaring that it has been remitted by God and by assenting to God's remission."

ONLINE BOOK: Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians by Martin Luther Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
by Martin Luther

"The world bears the Gospel a grudge because the Gospel condemns the religious wisdom of the world. Jealous for its own religious views, the world in turn charges the Gospel with being a subversive and licentious doctrine, offensive to God and man, a doctrine to be persecuted as the worst plague on earth. ... These Jewish-Christian fanatics who pushed themselves into the Galatian churches after Paul's departure, boasted that they were the descendants of Abraham, true ministers of Christ, having been trained by the apostles themselves ... When men claiming such credentials come along, they deceive not only the naive, but also those who seemingly are well-established in the faith. This same argument is used by the papacy. 'Do you suppose that God for the sake of a few Lutheran heretics would disown His entire Church? Or do you suppose that God would have left His Church floundering in error all these centuries?' The Galatians were taken in by such arguments with the result that Paul's authority and doctrine were drawn in question. Against these boasting, false apostles, Paul boldly defends his apostolic authority and ministry. Humble man that he was, he will not now take a back seat. He reminds them of the time when he opposed Peter to his face and reproved the chief of the apostles."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom


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Martielhe, Jean

Young French Huguenot caught up in the persecution of the Protestant Christians in 1700 after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV. At sixteen years of age he was imprisoned for the Reformed faith and when he would not convert to Catholicism, he was sentenced to slavery for life on the French Royal Galleys. After being freed through the intercession of the Protestant princes of Europe, he wrote his Memoirs recounting his experiences.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Huguenot Galley Slaves by Jean Martielhe The Huguenot Galley Slaves. A Story for the Young
by Jean Martielhe

An 1882 Edition. As included in a history of the French Protestants by Johann Jacob Rambach (1693-1735), Published Originally in French (1759). Edited and abridged by Rev. Christian G. Barth, D.D. (1799-1862).

H&F Paperback Republications:

BOOKSTORE: The Huguenot Galley Slaves by Jean Martielhe (2011 Illustrated Paperback Edition by H&F) The Huguenot Galley Slaves (Paperback)
from the Memoirs of Jean Martielhe
Featuring additional footnotes and illustrations by Hail & Fire.

A 2011 Illustrated Paperback Edition published by Hail & Fire. Taken from the Memoirs of Jean Martielhe, as included in a history of the French Protestants by Johann Jacob Rambach (1693-1735). Published Originally in French (1759). Edited and abridged by Rev. Christian G. Barth, D.D. (1799-1862). Edited, updated, and footnotes and illustrations added by Hail & Fire. Translated from the German by Constance Cheyne Brady. Preface from the 1914 Edition by J. Forbes Moncrieff.

The captivating true story of Jean Martielhe, who, at sixteen, was forced to flee home and country in search of religious freedom. In the year 1700, a fresh revival of persecution against the Huguenots was storming across southern France under the command of the Duke de la Force.

King Louis XIV had issued the infamous “Revocation of the Edict of Nantes” in 1685 and 15 years later, still finding no end to the number of adherents to the Reformed faith, unleashed yet another wave of dragoonades in a determined effort to abolish Protestantism and unite France under Pope, creed, and King. Bibles were burned, children were taken from their parents, conversions were forced by every means, and the citizens were subjected to outrages, torture, and death. Such an unbridled fury against the Protestants excited an exodus of France’s most productive and pious citizens, and no further threat of penalty, imprisonment, slavery for life, torture, or execution, could stop it.

Follow our young Christian as he perseveres through imprisonments, attempts to bring him to renounce his faith, and ultimately his enslavement on the French Royal Galleys.

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Mead, Matthew (1629-1699)

Matthew Mead was an English Puritan Christian.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Almost Christian Discovered, or the False Professor Tried and Cast (Published 1661, 1819 Edition) The Almost Christian Discovered, or the False Professor Tried and Cast
by Matthew Mead

A Sermon Originally Published in 1661. An 1819 Edition.

"There is nothing in the doctrine that should be matter of stumbling or discouragement to weak Christians. The Gospel does not speak these things to wound believers, but to awaken sinners and formal professors. As there are none more averse than weak believers, to apply the promises and comforts of the Gospel to themselves, for whom they are properly designed; so there are none more ready than they to apply the threats and severest things of the world to themselves, for whom they were never intended. As the disciples, when Christ told them, "One of you shall betray me;" they that were innocent suspected themselves most and therefore cry out, "Master, is it I?" So weak Christians, when they hear sinners reproved or the hypocrite laid open in the ministry of the Word, they presently cry out, Is it I? It is the hypocrite's fault to sit under the trials and discoveries of the Word and yet not to mind them: and it is the weak Christian's fault to draw sad conclusions of their own state from premises which nothing concern them."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Melanchthon, Philip

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Augsburg Confession or The Confessio Augustana (Germany, Diet of Augsburg, 1530) The Augsburg Confession or The Confessio Augustana

Evangelical Protestant Confession of Faith, "Presented to the Invincible Emperor Charles the V., Caesar Augustus, at the Diet of Augsburg [Germany], in the year 1530."

"the remission of our sins and justification is apprehended by faith, as the voice of Christ testifies: 'When ye have done all these things, say, We are unprofitable servants.' Likewise do the ancient writers of the Church teach; as Ambrose says: 'This is ordained of God, that he that believes in Christ shall be saved, without works, by faith alone, freely receiving remission of sin.'"

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M'Gavin, William

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Protestant, Essays on the Principal Points of Controversy Between the Church of Rome and the Reformed by William M'Gavin The Protestant, Essays on the Principal Points of Controversy Between the Church of Rome and the Reformed
by William M'Gavin

An 1833 Edition.

"There is nothing among Papists more common, than to represent a large portion of the great, even the greatest, in our land, as like King Charles the Second, Catholics in heart, though Protestants by public profession; and, instead of considering this a disgrace, they consider it one of the great glories of their church."

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Millington, Thomas (editor)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Words To Win Souls: Twelve Sermons, Preached 1620 - 1650 (1851 Edition), editor T. Millington Words To Win Souls: Twelve Sermons, Preached 1620-1650 by Eminent Divines of the Church of England
by Eminent Divines, Church of England

Twelve Sermons Originally Preached between 1620-1650. An 1851 Edition.

quotation mark - begin quoteThere are many secret corruptions in [a man's] own heart that will be shown him in the preaching of the Word, which a man cannot abide to hear of; but he will be vexing and fretting and discontented at it (as we see in Ahab and divers others), unless he have patience to keep him from raging against the preacher and the Word preached to him. You have need of patience, that you may bear the reproofs and exhortations of the Word. Therefore saith the Apostle James, Receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls. There is no engrafting the Word in the heart, except those forms of impatience, those hindrances to the growth of the Word, be taken away."

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Minge, Jacques Paul (1800-1875)

Jacques Paul Minge was a French Roman Catholic Priest, Theologian, and Editor. Minge is best known for his encyclopedic compilation of the theological works of Roman Catholic Saints, Theologians, and Doctors of the Catholic Church, known as Patrologiae Cursus Completus including Patrologia Latina.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Oeuvres Très-Complètes de Mgr. F. J. de Partz de Pressy (Most Complete Works, Volume 1)
by Francois Joseph Gaston de Partz de Pressy
compiled & edited by Jacques Paul Minge

1842 Paris, Édition Français (French Edition) en Francais (in French) in 2 volumes. The Most Complete Works of Monsignor Francois Joseph Gaston de Partz de Pressy (1712-1789), a French Roman Catholic Theologian and the Bishop of Boulogne. Tome Premier (Volume 1): Contenant les instructions pastorales et dissertations thélogiquies sur l'accord de la foi et de la raison dans les mysteres considéres en général et en particulier (Containing the pastoral instructions and theological dissertations in accord with the faith and sense of the mysteries considered in general and particular).

"Les oeuvres inconnues sont pour le moins aussi étendues que toutes les Instructions Pastorales ensemble. Elles consistent 1° dans la dissertation que nous venons d'énoncer; 2° dans ce qui fait l'obiet de l'index du second vol., à partir de la colon. 284 jusqu'à la fin. Toutes ces matières sont d'une utilité générale bien que quelques-unes semblent au premier coup d'oeil spéciales au diocèse de Boulogne. Il n'est pas d'évêque qui n'y apprenne quelque bon point de discipline à introduire dans son diocèse, comme il n'est pas de prêtre qui n'y puise de quoi se gouverner saintement lui-même et sa paroisse, ni de fidèle qui n'y trouve de quoi s'affermir dans la foi et progresser dans la piéte. Cette seconde partie des travaux de M. de Pressy revèle le prélat pieux et zèlé, veillant tout à la fois sur son clergé et sur son peuple, de même que ses Dissertations Théologiques démontraient le prélat savant toujours sur la brèche pour la défense de l'Eglise entière."

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Monastier, Antoine

Antoine Monastier was a Waldensian Christian or Vaudois Pastor in the Cantone De Vaud, Native of the Vaudois Valleys of Piedmont.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A History of the Vaudois Church from its Origin, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont to the Present Day by Antoine Monastier A History of the Vaudois Church from its Origin, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont to the Present Day
by Antoine Monastier

An 1848 Edition.

"To demonstrate their close connexion with the primitive church founded by the apostles, to establish their right to call themselves a faithful church, and even to be regarded as forming the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth, the evangelical churches appeal to the conformity of their doctrines, their worship, and their internal life with the picture the New Testament gives us of the primitive church, and with the precepts, rules, and regulations taught by this same word. This internal argument is, in fact, the most important on this question; it has an irresistible force, and is of itself sufficient. Yet there is an external argument, which, without being conclusive, has a certain value; and which, if we are to believe the enemies of the evangelical churches, is altogether wanting to them, namely, antiquity of existence. ... The Vaudois church is a link that unites them to the primitive church. By means of it they establish the anterior existence of their constitution, doctrine, and worship, to that of the papistical idolatries and errors. Such is the object of the work we now lay before the public. It is intended to prove by the fact of the uninterrupted existence of the Vaudois church, the perpetuity of the primitive church, represented in the present day not only by the church of the Vaudois valleys of Piedmont, but by all her sister evangelical churches, founded solely on the word of God."

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Muston, Alexis

Alexis Muston was Pastor of the Protestant Church at Bourdeaux, Drôme, France.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Israel of the Alps; History of the Vaudois of Piedmont by Alexis Muston The Israel of the Alps; History of the Vaudois of Piedmont and their Colonies: prepared in great part from unpublished documents
by Alexis Muston

An 1857 Edition in 2 volumes, translated by the Rev. John Montgomery.

"'Why relate such atrocities?' more than one voice will exclaim with emotion. To inspire horror of the odious principles which have produced them. Do you suppose that an account of the blood which was shed will never be called for? Nay; these vile oppressors of mankind, tyrannizing by the sword, tyrannizing by deceit, tyrannizing by cupidity - these heroes of superstition and intolerance, who would have put an end to Christianity a thousand times over, if it could have been destroyed - these authors of so may wounds still bleeding in the world - must endure history to the last."


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Nevins, Willis

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Persecutions of Protestants by St. François de Sales The Persecutions of Protestants by St. François de Sales
(A generally suppressed Chapter of History)

by Willis Nevins

An 1880 Edition.

"He, who said to His Apostles, 'Go, teach all nations,' gave only to them the right of teaching. Public education belongs to the priests - for the lessons which take precedence of all others they alone can teach." "Give a free exercise to thought when it is on behalf of defence of truth. [Liberty is in one direction but not in the other. This is one of the points Protestants make against Catholics. Of course a Religion which claims infallibility can logically be more intolerant than one which only offers truth as a probability.]" "If you believe it for the good of religion to banish (chassér) Protestants from the public offices, do not hesitate." (Francis de Sales counsels the Duke of Savoy)


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Owen, John (1616-1683)

John Owen, D.D., was an English Nonconformist Minister, Puritan Preacher, and Chancellor of Oxford University.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Forgiveness of Sin - Exposition of Psalm 130 by John Owen The Forgiveness of Sin, a Practical Exposition of Psalm 130
by John Owen, D.D.

"He suffered men, indeed, to make trial of other ways; and when their insufficiency for the ends men proposed to themselves was manifested, it pleased him to reveal His way. And what are we, that we should contend about it with Him? God's rejection of the way of personal righteousness, and choosing the way of grace and forgiveness, he reveals, Jeremiah 31:31-34: 'Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah; not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers,' (in which administration of the covenant, as far as it had respect to typical mercies, much depended on their personal obedience,) 'but this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my law in their hearts, and will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more.' Let, then, this way stand, and the way of man's wisdom and self-righteousness perish forever."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom


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Paleario, Aonio (1500-1570)

Aonio Paleario or Antonio della Paglia was an Italian Protestant Christian Reformer (Italiano Protestante). Aonio was martyred in 1570 (Martyr Protestante).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Benefit of Christ's Death by Paleario Aonio The Benefit of Christ's Death: or, The Glorious Riches of God's Free Grace, Which Every True Believer Receives by Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified. Originally Written in Italian by Aonio Paleario; and Now Reprinted from an Ancient English Translation. With an Introduction by John Ayre, Minister of St. John's Chapel, Hampstead.
by Aonio Paleario

Originally Published in 1543 in Italian. A 19th Century Update of the 1638 English Edition.

"The charges against him were brought to a point by the publication, in 1543, of his treatise of the "Benefit of Christ's Death." The vast reputation which it had, and the eagerness with which it was read, being in the Italian language, increased the virulence of his opponents. Otho Melius Cotta, above mentioned, was his most determined enemy; and with this person three hundred leagued themselves in a resolution to destroy Paleario. And, in order to ensure his condemnation, twelve of these were selected to bear witness against him. He had, in consequence, to defend himself before the senate of Sienna, which he did with so much spirit, that for the moment his defence was successful. "There are some" said he, "so censorious as to be displeased when we give the highest praise to the author and God of our salvation, Christ, the King of all nations and people. For writing in the Tuscan language to show what great benefits accrue to mankind from his death, a criminal accusation has been made against me. Is it possible to utter or conceive anything more shameful?"

ONLINE BOOK: Benefizio della Morte di Cristo by Aonio Paleario (Originalmente pubblicato 1543; 1849 Edizione in Italiano, Pisa, Italia) Benefizio della Morte di Cristo
by Antonio della Paglia

Prenotare in Italiano in Italiano. Originalmente pubblicato 1543. 1849 Edizione in Italiano (Italian Edition), Pisa, Italia.

"Le' accuse contro di lui furono poi portate al l'estremo per la pubblicaziono del suo trattato sul "Benefizio della morte di Cristo" pubblicato nel 1543. L'incontro che ottenne, l'avidità ed il piacere col quale fu letto, per essere scritto in buon italiano, accrebbe l'ira e il veleno ne' suoi oppositori. Ottone Melio Colta sopra nominato fu il nemico suo più accerrimo, e con lui trecento si unirono ai danni di Paleario. Per la qual cosa a rendere più certa la sua condanna, dodici d'essi furono scelti a testimoniare contro di lui. In consegnenza di ciò egli dovette difendersi innanzi al Senato di Siena, e lo fece con sì buone ragioni da riportarne vittoria. Vi sono alcuni censori, egli dice, che sono dispiacenti, allorquando noi diamo le più alte lodi all'autore della nostra salvezza, Cristo, il re di tutte le nazioni e di tutti i popoli: perciocchè io ho scritto in lingua toscana, per dimostrare quanti gran benefizi derivano al genere umano dalla sua morte, fu fatta un accusa criminale contro di me! È egli possibile di proferire o iminaginar cosa alcuna più vergognosa?"

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Parr, Elnathan (1597-1632)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Grounds of Divinity. Plainly discovering the Misteries of Christian Religion by Elnathan Parr The Grounds of Divinity. Plainly discovering the Misteries of Christian Religion, propounded in Questions and Answers: Substantially proved by Scriptures; expounded faithfully, according to the writings of the best divines, and evidently applied by profitable uses. To which is prefixed a very profitable Treatise containing an exhortation to the Study of the Word
by Elnathan Parr

A 1633 Edition, London.

"For even as a house without walls and windows, and other neccessary furniture, is accounted forlorne; so that is a very forlorne and naked conscience which is destitute of the knowledge of the Word. And as it is an easy matter to lead the blind out of the way, so the ignorant are easily led and taken in the snares of the devil. And this reproves the negilgence of such who are not careful to apply themselves with all diligence to the study of the Word: our negligence herein being the cause of the barrenness of knowledge in these plentiful times. If men would bestow that time in the study of the word, which they for the most part bestow, some in hunting and hawking; some in dicing and carding; some in drinking, swilling and following bad company; some in sloth and idleness; thus wisely redeeming the time: then certainly knowledge would abound among us ... Even as in matters of the Word, though a man have never so good a trade; yet without labor and diligence he can do no good in it: and as the diligent shall bear rule and stand before kings: so knowledge shall increase to the diligent, when the negligent shall be under darkness."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Perrin, Jean Paul

Jean Paul Perrin was Pastor of the Protestant Church at Bourdeaux, Drôme, France.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Israel of the Alps; History of the Vaudois of Piedmont by Alexis Muston The History of the Waldenses
by Jean Paul Perrin

An 1624 Edition. Containing: "The History of the Waldenses commonly called in England Lollards: The First Book," "The Second Book of the History of the Waldenses: Containing that which is come to our knowledge, of the grievous persecutions, which they have endured for their Faith, for the space of more than four hundred and fifty years," "The First Book of the History of the Albigenses," and "The Third Part of the History of the Waldenses and Albigenses. The First Book containing the Doctrine and Discipline that hath been common among them. The Second Book containing the Discipline under which they lived. The Third Book containing a refutation of sundry Doctrines of the Church of Rome."

The Third Part, the Second Book, on the Discipline under which the Waldeneses and Albigenses lived: En qual modo lo poble se deo aver a aquilli que son de fora. Non amor le mond. After what manner a man must converse with those that are without. "Not to love the world. To fly evil company. If it be possible to have peace with all. Not to contend in judgment. Not to revenge. To love our enemies. To be willing to suffer labors, slanders, threats, contempts, injuries, all manner of torments for the truth. To possess our weapons in peace. Not to be coupled in one yoke with infidels. Not to communicate with the wicked in their evil ways, and especially with those that smell of idolatry, referring all service thereunto, and so of other things." Jean Paul Perrin, 1624

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Peyran, Jean Rodolphe (1752-1823)

Jean Rodolphe Peyran was a Protestant Christian Pastor of Pomaret and Moderator of the Waldensian Church.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: An Historical Defence of the Waldenses or Vaudois, Inhabitants of the Valleys of Piedmont by Jean Rodolphe Peyran An Historical Defence of the Waldenses or Vaudois, Inhabitants of the Valleys of Piedmont
by Jean Rodolphe Peyran

An 1826 Edition, London.

"The writer of the following French treatises - Jean Rodolphe Peyran - was a native of the valleys of Piedmont; where both his father and grandfather had been raised to the office of Moderator of the Waldensian church. He studied at the University of Geneva; and for many years before his decease officiated as pastor of the church of Pomaret, and, agreeably to the office of Moderator which he also sustained, visited the other Vaudois churches, and exercised superintendance over his co-pastors. ... the following treatises are submitted to the public attention; namely,- Letters respecting the Vaudois addressed to his Eminence Cardinal Pacca; - A Reply to the Bishop of Pinerolo's charge; - The Moderator's charge to his co-pastors; - A Letter to M. Ferrary, a Roman catholic priest; - and a late Waldensian Confession of Faith; - the whole, from the nature of the subjects they include, forming an "Historical Defence of the Waldenses." (from the Preface)

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Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Hus the Heretic or The Infallibility of the Pope at the Council of Constance: The Trial of [John] Hus, His Sentence and Death at the Stake in Two Letters by a Member of the Council, Fra Poggius, To his Friend and Brother in Christ, Leonhard Nikolai
by Poggius the Papist

A 1930 Edition in English. Originally published in 1523.

"'Alas, drag my poor carcass to death, so that you cannot sin any longer against an innocent victim!' cried the derided man [John Hus]. 'Leave the mercy or punishment of my soul to Him who is a just judge and not like you unfortunate blind ones. My trust is in the Almighty God and in my Lord Jesus Christ, who has redeemed me and has called me to preach His Gospel to the last breath of life. I fervently hope that he may have mercy upon me and receive me in grace and that he will hand to me the cup of eternal salvation and will never take it from me. I also truly believe that he will hand me this cup today, out of which I shall drink bliss and my salvation in eternity. His blessed name be praised by all!'"

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Pope Pius V (1504-1572)

Pope Pius V, or Antonio Ghislieri (born 1504, died 1572), was the ruling head of the Roman Catholic Church from 1566 to 1572. Pius was a zealous Roman Catholic, a Dominican Friar from his youth, and an Inquisitor in Milan and Lombardy, tasked with finding and punishing heretics, (Bible Christians,) who refused the teachings of Catholicism in favor of the unaltered teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, as handed down in the Holy Scriptures. In 1557, Pope Paul IV elevated him to the position of Cardinal, and made him Inquisitor General over all of Christendom. Pius V issued an official Papal Bull on March 5, 1569 against Queen Elizabeth I in an attempt to depose her from the throne of England, by officially excommunicating her from the Catholic Church, and commanding her subjects and nobles to rebellion against her, under pain of similar excommunication. Pius V was beatified in 1672 by Pope Clement X, and officially canonized as a Roman Catholic Saint in 1712 by Pope Clement XI. Pius V remains a venerated Saint of the Catholic Church even today.

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Audio Books - "Pretended Queen of England" - Papal Bull Deposing Elizabeth I

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Porteus, Beilby (1731-1809)

Beilby Porteus or Beilby Porteous D.D. was an Anglican Christian preacher, a Chaplain to King George, Bishop of Chester (1777) and Bishop of London. Porteus was also a leading abolitionist.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Brief Confutation of the Errors of the Church of Rome by Beilby Porteus A Brief Confutation of the Errors of the Church of Rome Extracted from Archbishop Secker's Five Sermons Against Popery; and Published for the use of the Diocese of Chester, by the Rev. Beilby Porteus, D.D. Bishop of Chester
by Beilby Porteus, D.D.

An 1785 Edition, Dublin.

"As Jesus Christ is the sole Author of our Faith (Hebrews 12:2), those things, and those alone, which he taught himself, and commissioned his disciples to teach, are parts of our faith. What his doctrine was we find in no less than four accounts of his life and preaching given in the Gospels. To what belief his disciples converted men, we find in the Acts. What they taught men after their conversion, we read in the Epistles. These several books, which make up the New Testament, all Christians allow to contain an original, and undoubtedly true account of our religion. The only possible question is, Whether they contain a full and clear account. Now such a one they without question intended to give, for what could induce them designedly to give any other? Besides, St. Luke, in the very beginning of his gospel, tells us, that having a perfect understanding of those things which were believed among Christians, he had taken in his hand to set forth a declaration of them, that those he wrote to might know the certainty of what they had been instructed in. And St. John, in the conclusion of his, tells us, that though our Saviour did, and doubtless said also, many things that were not written in that book; yet these, says he, are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, are that believing ye might have life through his name (John 20:30-31)."


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Religious Tract Society (publisher)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Historical Tales for Young Protestants Historical Tales for Young Protestants

"Fact is as attractive as fiction, and is of much higher moral value. The pages of history contain incidents which equal in thrilling interest the most successful efforts of the human imagination. From its ample records, the following short stories, connected with the rise and progress of Scriptural Protestantism, have been selected. If it has been found necessary to advert to the dark deeds of the papacy, it is from the conviction that the principles and spirit in which they originated in former ages are not extinct in the present day. In supplying books for the young, it may be well to make them the means of fortifying their minds against soul-destroying error, and of establishing them in those great doctrines in the defence of which their forefathers suffered and died."

ONLINE BOOK: The Lollards; or Some Account of the Witness for the Truth in Great Britain, Between the Years 1400 and 1546; with a Brief Notice of Events Connected with the Early History of the Reformation The Lollards; or Some Account of the Witness for the Truth in Great Britain, Between the Years 1400 and 1546; with a Brief Notice of Events Connected with the Early History of the Reformation

An 1826 Edition. Originally published as a Series of Tracts.

"Fact is as attractive as fiction, and is of much higher moral value. The pages of history contain incidents which equal in thrilling interest the most successful efforts of the human imagination. From its ample records, the following short stories, connected with the rise and progress of Scriptural Protestantism, have been selected. If it has been found necessary to advert to the dark deeds of the papacy, it is from the conviction that the principles and spirit in which they originated in former ages are not extinct in the present day. In supplying books for the young, it may be well to make them the means of fortifying their minds against soul-destroying error, and of establishing them in those great doctrines in the defence of which their forefathers suffered and died."

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Ribera, Francisco (1537-1591)

Francisco Ribera, S.J. was a Roman Catholic Doctor of Theology and a Jesuit Priest of the Society of Jesus (Francisci Riberae Villacastinensis Presbyteri Societatis Iesu, Doctorisque Theologi). Sometimes called the "Father of Futurism."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: In sacram beati Ioannis Apostoli and Evangelistae Apocalypsin Commentarii by Francisco Ribera, S.J. In sacram beati Ioannis Apostoli and Evangelistae Apocalypsin Commentarii
by Francisco Ribera, S.J.

A 1602 Edition in Latin In Latin. Francisco Ribera's Counter-Reformation commentary on the Apocalypse or the book of Revelation of the holy saint John, the apostle and evangelist.

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Roberts and Donaldson (translators and editors)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Church Fathers Down to A.D. 325 by Roberts and Donaldson The Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of the Writings of the Church Fathers Down to A.D. 325
by Alexander Roberts & James Donaldson

1867-1872 Roberts and Donaldson Edition published in 24 Volumes; translated and edited by Alexander Roberts, D.D., and James Donaldson, LL.D., etc.

VOLUME I: THE WRITINGS OF THE APOSTOLIC FATHERS: TABLE OF CONTENTS: The First Epistle of Clement, to the Corinthians. The Second Epistle of Clement. The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians. The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The Epistle of Barnabas. The Epistles of Ignatius (Shorter and Longer). The Epistle to the Ephesians. The Epistle to the Magnesians. The Epistle to the Trallians. The Epistle to the Romans. The Epistle to the Philadelphians. The Epistle to the Smyrneans. The Epistle to Polycarp. The Epistles of Ignatius After the Syriac Version. The Epistle to Polycarp. The Epistle to the Ephesians. The Epistle to the Romans. The Martyrdom of Ignatius. The Epistle to Diognetus. The Pastor of Hermas. Book I. Visions. Book II. Commandments. ...


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Sacheverell, Henry

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Christian Triumph: or, The Duty of Praying for our Enemies by Henry Sacheverell (A 1713 Edition) The Christian Triumph: or, The Duty of Praying for our Enemies, Illustrated and Enforced from our Blessed Savior's Example on the Cross
by Henry Sacheverell

A Sermon Originally Preached at St Saviour's in Southwark on Palm Sunday in 1713. A 1713 Edition.

"Now before any person can be supposed to pray at all for another, it must be taken for granted that he is in perfect charity with him himself; that he has not only entirely discarded all resentments of any injuries, and wrongs, affronts, and abuses of all kinds that he may possibly have received from him in a state of enmity, but also so clearly to have purged his soul of the whole leaven of malice that the very seeds and principles of rancor and revenge lie dead and buried within him. Otherwise, what a provoking affront does he himself offer to God, who dares thus hypocritically, to mock him with his lips, when his heart is thus far from him? Who comes with a mouth breathing forth the gentle Spirit of charity and forgiveness and has nothing but hatred and vengeance raging in his breast? Who pretends to reconcile another unto God, to whom he is not reconciled himself?"

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Saurin, Jaques

Jaques Saurin was a French Huguenot Preacher, Pasteur a la Haye.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Tome 1 - Sermons sur divers textes de L'Ecriture Sainte by Jaques Saurin Sermons sur divers textes de L'Ecriture Sainte (Tome I)
par Jaques Saurin

Édition Français (French Edition) en Francais (in French). A 1749 Paris Edition in Nine Volumes. Tome I (Volume 1).

"Cherches l'Eternal pendant qu'il se trouver, invoquez-le tandis qu'il est près. Esaïe 60:6. C'est un éstrande Serment que celui qui est rapporté au Chap. 10. de l'Apocalypse. St. Jean vit un Ange; cet Ange étoit environné d'une nuée, l'arc en ciel étoit sur sa tête, son visage étoit comme le soleil, et ses pieds comme des colomnes de fue. Il se tint sur la terre et sur la mer. ... Nous montrerons dans la fuite, que la Révélation est d'accord avec la nature sur cet article, et que tout ce que l'Ecriture nous enseigne et sur l'efficace de la Grace, et sur les secours miraculeux de l'Esprit de Dieu, et sur le Trésors de Miséricorde qui nous sont ouverts sous l'Evalgile, ne savorise en aucune manière le renvoi de la conversion."

ONLINE BOOK: TOME 7 - Sermons sur divers textes de L'Ecriture Sainte by Jaques Saurin Sermons sur divers textes de L'Ecriture Sainte (Tome VII)
par Jaques Saurin

Édition Français (French Edition) en Francais (in French). A 1749 Paris Edition in Nine Volumes. Tome VII (Volume 7).

"Cherches l'Eternal pendant qu'il se trouver, invoquez-le tandis qu'il est près. Esaïe 60:6. C'est un éstrande Serment que celui qui est rapporté au Chap. 10. de l'Apocalypse. St. Jean vit un Ange; cet Ange étoit environné d'une nuée, l'arc en ciel étoit sur sa tête, son visage étoit comme le soleil, et ses pieds comme des colomnes de fue. Il se tint sur la terre et sur la mer. ... Nous montrerons dans la fuite, que la Révélation est d'accord avec la nature sur cet article, et que tout ce que l'Ecriture nous enseigne et sur l'efficace de la Grace, et sur les secours miraculeux de l'Esprit de Dieu, et sur le Trésors de Miséricorde qui nous sont ouverts sous l'Evalgile, ne savorise en aucune manière le renvoi de la conversion."

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Secker, Thomas (1693-1768)

Thomas Secker was an Archbishop of Canterbury in the Church of England. Secker was acquainted with the Puritan Isaac Watts and the Anglican Minister Samuel Clarke. He served as Rector of Houghton-le-Spring in Durham (1724), Rector of Ryton, Co. Durham (1727), Canon of Durham, Rector of St. James' in Westminster (1733), Bishop of Bristol (1735), Dean of St. Paul's in Oxford (1750), and Archbishop of Canterbury (1758).

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Porteus, Beilby - A Brief Confutation of the Errors of the Church of Rome

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Seiss, Joseph Augustus (1823-1904)

Joseph Augustus Seiss was a Lutheran Pastor and a Doctor of Divinity.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Apocalypse. A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ with Revised Test (Volume 1)
by Joseph Augustus Seiss

Originally published in 1869-1881. An 1909 Edition in 3 Volumes.

"There is a widespread prejudice against the study of the Apocalypse. Though it is the great prophetic Book of the New Testament, the last of all the writings of Inspiration, a special message from the ascended Saviour to His Churches on earth, and pressed upon every one's attention with uncommon urgency, there are religious guides, sworn to teach "the whole counsel of God," who make a merit of not understanding it, and of not wishing to occupy themselves with it. If such treatment of an acknowledged part of the Sacred Canon is compatible with ministerial fidelity and Christian duty, the author of these Lectures is very much mistaken in his understanding of Christ's commands, as well as in his estimate of the purposes for which a Divine Revelation has been given."

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Sherlock, Bishop

Sherlock was a Bishop in Church of England.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Duty of Maintaining the Christian Faith by Bishop Sherlock The Duty of Maintaining the Christian Faith
by Bishop Sherlock

A Protestant Christian Sermon, 1780 Edition.

"But it is to little purpose to exhort men to be zealous for the Christian faith, unless you can give them some sure and certain mark to know what the right faith is. If you enquire of particular churches or societies of Christians, which is the true faith, each of them will answer, that the faith professed by them is the true one, and that other societies have fallen into errors and mistakes. In this divided state of things, therefore, no church has a right to be believed on its own word merely, without giving a reason of the faith which is in them: and yet this pretence of authority is the only thing that can be said, and therefore it always is said, to justify the dominion which the Church of Rome has usurped over the faith of Christians. With how much better grace might St. Jude have dictated to the Christians of his time, and told them upon his own authority, what the true faith was, in opposition to corrupt teachers? But does he so? By no means: so far from it, that he gives them another rule to examine the faith by, and sends them to enquire, what the faith was, which was once, or from the beginning, delivered to Christians."

ONLINE BOOK: Discourse on Philippians 2:12-13 Work out your Salvation with Fear and Trembling by Bishop Sherlock Work out your Salvation with Fear and Trembling
by Bishop Sherlock

A Sermon, 1755 Edition.

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.' An argument which may at first sight seem rather to lead to confidence and assurance, than to fear and trembling. For if God be for us, who can be against us? Or what is there to fear, or to tremble at, when we are thus supported and maintained in our spiritual warfare?"

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Sherlock, William (1641-1707)

William Sherlock, D.D., was Rector of St. George's in London (1669), Prebendary of St. Paul's (1681), Master of the Temple (1683), and Dean of St. Paul's in England (1691). Sherlock wrote "A Practical Discourse Concerning Death" during a temporary suspension he received for refusing to swear oaths to William and Mary when they took the throne of England by invasion.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Practical Discourse Concerning Death by William Sherlock, D.D. A Practical Discourse Concerning Death
by William Sherlock

A 1723 Edition, London.

"What a deplorable state is this, when we are dying, to be uncertain and anxious, what will become of us to eternity? Now there is no possible way to prevent these fears when we come to die, but by giving all diligence to make our calling and election sure, by living such holy and innocent lives, that our consciences may not condemn us; and then we shall have confidence towards God. But this is such a remedy, as few of these men like: they would be glad to be sure of heaven, but yet would go as near hell as they can, without danger of falling into it; they will serve God, but must reserve a little favour and indulgence to their lusts; though they dare not take full draughts of sensual pleasures, yet they must be sipping now and then, as often as they can pacify their consciences, and get rid of the fear of God, and of another world; and therefore they are very inquisitive after other cures for an accusing and condeming conscience; are mighty fond of such marks and signs of grace, as will secure them of heaven, without the severities of mortification, or the constant and uniform practice of an universal righteousness: and a great many such signs have been invented which like strong opiates asswages their pain and smart, till their consciences awake when it is too late, in the next world."

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Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635)

Richard Sibbes, (Sibbs or Sibs,) 1577-1635 A.D., Anglican or English Puritan, "Preacher to the Honourable Society of Grayes-Inne, and Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Returning Backslider, or A Commentarie Upon the Whole XIIII Chapter of the Prophecy of the Prophet Hosea. Wherein is shewed the large extent of Gods free Mercy, even unto the most miserable forlorne and wretched sinners that may be, upon their Humiliation and Repentance.
by Richard Sibbes

"Go and Proclaime these words towards the North, and say, Returne thou Backsliding Israel, saith the Lord; and I will not cause mine Anger to fall upon you: for I am mercifull, saith the LORD, and I will not keepe Anger forever. Onely acknowledge thine Iniquity." – Jeremiah 3:10-11.

Originally published in London 1639.

"Walking is an action of life, there must be life before there can be walking, a man must first have a spiritual life, whereby he may be just, and then hee will walke as a just man. For as wee say of a bowle (it is Austins comparison) it is first made round and then it runnes round, so a man is first just and then he does justly. It is a conceite of the Papists that good works doe justifie a man: Luther sayes well, that a good man doth good works. Good works make not the man, fruit makes not the tree, but the tree the fruit. So we are just first; and then we walke as just men. We must labour to be changed and to have a principle of spirituall life, then we shall walke and have new feete, eyes, taste, eares, and senses: all shall then be new."

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Stillingfleet, Edward (1635-1699)

Edward Stillingfleet was a Protestant Christian Bishop of Worcester, a Preacher, and an Apologist.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome Truly Represented in Answer to a Book Entitled A Papist Misrepresented and Represented by Edward Stillingfleet The Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome Truly Represented in Answer to a Book Entitled "A Papist Misrepresented and Represented"
by Edward Stillingfleet

An 1845 Edition.

"No great evil can prevail in the world, unless it be represented otherwise than it is; and all men are not competent judges of the colours of good and evil; therefore, when the designs of those who go about to deceive begin to be laid open, they then betake themselves to the fairest representations they can make of themselves, and hope that many will not see through their pretences."

"Even the Gentile idolaters, when they were charged by the Christians that they worshipped stocks and stones, complained they were misrepresented, for they were not such idiots to take things for gods which had neither life, nor sense, nor motion in them. And when they were charged with worshipping other gods as they did the Supreme, they desired their sense might not be taken from common prejudices, or vulgar practices, but from the doctrine of their philosophers; and they owned a sovereign worship due to him that was chief, and a subordinate and relative to some celestial beings, whom they made application to as mediators between him and them."

ONLINE BOOK: The Jesuit's Loyalty manifested in three several Treatise lately written by them against the Oath of Allegeance by Edward Stillingfleet The Jesuit's Loyalty manifested in three several Treatise lately written by them against the Oath of Allegeance
by Edward Stillingfleet

A 1677 Edition, London.

"I hope you will forgive me the not setting your Names before this Address, although I am not wholly a stranger to them: for however it be against the usual custom, yet you have reason to take it more kindly from me. I assure you, my design is, not to do any injury to your Persons, but only to let you and the world know, we are not altogether unacquainted with your present Principles, or Practices. And although, like the Plague, you walk in darkness, and do mischief; yet I intend only to set such marks and characters upon you, that when others see them, they may take the wind of you, and avoid the Infection. ... It may be you will be ready to ask me, if I account these Treatises such, why I venture to publish them. Because some Poisons lose their force when they are exposed to the open air: And it may do good to others, to let them understand what Doses you give in private to your Patients."

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Strype, John

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and Other Various Occurences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's Happy Reign: Together with an Appendix of Original Papers of State, Records, and Letters
by John Strype

An 1824 Edition in 8 volumes.

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Sully, Duc de

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Mémoires du Duc de Sully par le Duc de Sully Mémoires du Duc de Sully
par le Duc de Sully

Paris, 1822 Édition en Française (French Edition) en Francais (in French) in 6 volumes. Originally published in 1638.

"Mémoires depuis l'année 1570 jusqu'à l'année 1580. Etat des affaires du conseil de France, et de celles des calvinistes, à la paix de 1570. Idée du gouvernement sous Henri II, François II, et pendant les premières annees de Charles IX. Artifices de la reine Catherine de Médicis et de son conseil pour perdre les huguenots. Blessure de I'amiral de Coligny, et autres sujets de défiance que la cour donne aux protestans. Dissimulation profonde de Charles IX. Massacre de la saint Barthélemi. Détail, remarques et réflexions sur cet événement, sur la conduite de Charles IX et sur l'amiral de Coligny. Comment le roi de Navarre et Rosny échappent au massacre. Éducation de Rosny. Les calvinistes reprennent courage, et rétablissent leurs affaires."


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Thatcher, Oliver (editor)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Library of Original Sources: Enactments from the Codex Theodosianus by Oliver Thatcher Library of Original Sources: Enactments from the Codex Theodosianus

A 1907 Edition.

ONLINE BOOK: Library of Original Sources: Wycliffe and Pope Gregory XI by Oliver Thatcher Library of Original Sources: Wycliffe and Pope Gregory XI

A 1907 Edition.

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Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667)

Rev. Jeremy Taylor was Chaplain to King Charles I and Lord Bishop of Down.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Holy Living and Dying Together with Prayers containing the Whole Duty of a Christian by Jeremy Taylor Holy Living and Dying Together with Prayers containing the Whole Duty of a Christian
by Jeremy Taylor

Originally Published in 1651. An 1851 Edition.

"In every sickness, whether it will or will not be so in nature and in the event, yet in thy spirit and preparations resolve upon it, and treat thyself accordingly, as if it were a sickness unto death. For many men support their unequal courage by flattery and false hopes; and because sicker men have recovered, believe that they shall do so; but therefore they neglect to adorn their souls, or set their house in order: besides the temporal inconveniences that often happen by such persuasions and putting off the evil day, such as are dying intestate, leaving estates entangled and some relatives unprovided for, they suffer infinitely in the interest and affairs of their soul; they die carelessly and surprised, their burdens on, and their scruples unremoved, and their eases of conscience not determined, and, like a sheep, without any care taken concerning their precious souls. Some men will never believe that a villain will betray them, though they receive often advices from suspicious persons and likely accidents, till they are entered into the snare; and then they believe it when they feel it, and when they cannot return; but so the treason entered, and the man was betrayed by his own folly, placing the snare in the regions and advantages of opportunity. This evil looks like boldness and a confident spirit, but it is the greatest timorousness and cowardice in the world. They are so fearful to die, that they dare not look upon it as possible; and think that the making of a will is a mortal sign, and sending for a spiritual man an irrecoverable disease: and they are so afraid lest they should think and believe now they must die, that they will not take care that it may not be evil in case they should. So did the eastern slaves drink wine, and wrapped their heads in a veil, that they might die without sense or sorrow, and wink hard that they might sleep the easier. In pursuance of this rule, let a man consider that whatsoever must be done in sickness ought to be done in health; only let him observe, that his sickness, as a good monitor, chastises his neglect of duty, and forces him to live as he always should; and then all these solemnities and dressings for death are nothing else but the part of a religious life, which he ought to have exercised all his days : and if those circumstances can affright him, let him please his fancy by this truth, that then he does but begin to live."

ONLINE BOOK: A Dissuasion from Roman Catholicsm by Jeremy Taylor A Dissuasion from Roman Catholicsm, Originally Published as "A Dissuasive from Popery"
by Jeremy Taylor

A 1664 Edition, London.

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Taylor, Thomas (1576-1633)

Thomas Taylor, D. D. was an English, Protestant Christian clergyman who was schooled at Cambridge, fellow of Christ's College, and incumbent of St Mary Aldermanbury's in London (1625). When Taylor was 25 he preached before Queen Elizabeth I at St Paul's Cross in London.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Parable of the Sower, and of the Seed by Thomas Taylor (1621 Edition) The Parable of the Sower, and of the Seed
by Thomas Taylor

A 1621 Edition.

Photo of The Parable of the Sower and of the Seed by Thomas Taylor (1621 Edition) sermon "As seed hath a natural heat, life, and virtue in it, by which it increases and begets more seeds like unto itself: so the Word cast into the good ground of a believing heart, hath a supernatural heat in it, being as fire, Jer. 5:14, and a lively power to frame men like itself, to make them of fleshly, spiritual; of blind, quick sighted; of dead in sin, alive in grace. And as one grain quickened, brings sundry tillowes, and many grains in each: so one Christian converted, and receiving this power in himself, gains many, unto God, desiring that everyone were as he is, except his bands and sins."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Thompson, R. W.

R. W. Thompson, ex-secretary of the Navy.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Footprints of the Jesuits by R. W. Thompson Footprints of the Jesuits
by R. W. Thompson

An 1894 Edition.

"Every American mind should be duly impressed by this portion of English history, showing, as it does, how fierce and protracted was the struggle which led, in the end, to popular government, and the civil and religious freedom which it alone has guaranteed. Elizabeth was undoubtedly a great queen - great in the qualities of her intellect, in the steadfastness of her purposes, in that manly courage which "mounteth with occasion." When she became queen, the people of England, both Protestants and Roman Catholics, were tired of religious persecution, and anxious to put an end to it. She favored and recommended to Parliament measures of pacification, in the spirit of liberality and toleration. If, obeying the dictates of her own conscience, she preferred Protestantism to Roman Catholicism, she had such respect for the conscientious convictions of others as to desire that all her subjects should be secured in the right to accept either the one or the other at their own discretion."

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Traill, Robert (1642-1716)

Robert Traill was a Scottish born, Presbyterian Minister in England.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Select Practical Writings Sermons and commentary on Galatians, Hebrews, Ephesians, Philippians, etc. & Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine of Justification Its Preachers & Professors, from the Unjust Charge of Antinomianism Select Practical Writings: Sermons and Commentary on Galatians, Hebrews, Ephesians, Philippians, etc. and Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine of Justification; Its Preachers and Professors, from the Unjust Charge of Antinomianism
by Robert Traill

Originally Published in 1692. An 1845 Edition.

"The party here suspected of Antinomianism, do confidently protest, before God, angels, and men, That they espouse no new doctrine about the grace of God and justification, and the other coincident points, but what the reformers at home and abroad did teach, and all the Protestant churches do own. And that in sum is: 'That a law-condemned sinner is freely justified by God's grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ; that he is justified only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to him by God of his free grace, and received by faith alone as an instrument; which faith is the gift of the same grace.' For guarding against licentiousness, they constantly teach, out of God's word, 'That without holiness no man can see God: That all that believe truly on Jesus Christ, as they are justified by the sprinkling of his blood, so are they sanctified by the effusion of his Spirit: that all that boast of their faith in Christ, and yet live after their own lusts, and the course of this world, have no true faith at all; but do, in their profession, and contradicting practice, blaspheme the name of God, and the doctrine of his grace; and continuing so, shall perish with a double destruction, beyond that of the openly profane, that make no profession.' And when they find any such in their communion, which is exceeding rarely, they cast them out as dead branches. They teach, 'That as the daily study of sanctification is a necessary exercise to all that are in Christ; so the rule of their direction therein, is the holy spotless law of God in Christ's hand: That the Holy Ghost is the beginner and advancer of this work, and faith in Jesus Christ the great mean thereof: That no man can be holy till he be in Christ, and united to him by faith; and that no man is truly in Christ, but he is thereby sanctified. They preach the law, to condemn all flesh out of Christ, and to shew thereby to people the necessity of betaking themselves to him for salvation.' See the savoury words of blessed Tindal, called the apostle of England, in his letter to John Frith, written Jan. 1533, (Book of Martyrs, vol. ii. p. 308). 'Expound the law truly, and open the veil of Moses, to condemn all flesh, and prove all men sinners, and all deeds under the law, before mercy have taken away the condemnation thereof, to be sin, and damnable; and then as a faithful minister, set abroach the mercy of our Lord Jesus, and let the wounded consciences drink of the water of him. And then shall your preaching be with power, and not as the hypocrites. And the Spirit of God shall work with you; and all consciences shall bear record unto you, and feel that it is so. And all doctrine that casteth a mist on these two, to shadow and hide them, I mean the law of God, and mercy of Christ, that resist you with all your power.' And so do we. What is there in all this to be offended with? Is not this enough to vindicate our doctrine."

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Tyndale, William (1494-1536)

William Tyndale was an English Protestant Christian Reformer, Apologist, Bible Translator, and Martyr at the stake under the Roman Catholic Church. Tyndale is also known as William Tindal and William Tynsdale. He is famous for his translation of the Bible into English.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue by William Tyndale An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue
by William Tyndale

Originally published in 1531. An 1850 Edition.

"And thus are we come into this damnable ignorance and fierce wrath of God, through our own deserving; because, when the truth was told us, we had no love thereto. And to declare the full and set wrath of God upon us, our prelates whom we have exalted over us, to whom we have given almost all we had, have persuaded the worldly princes (to whom we have submitted ourselves, and given up our power) to devour up body and soul, and to keep us down in darkness, with violence of sword, and with all falsehood and guile; insomuch that, if any do but lift up his nose to smell after the truth, they swap him in the face with a fire-brand, to singe his smelling; or if he open one of his eyes once to look toward the light of God's word, they blear and daze his sight with their false juggling: so that if it were possible, though he were God's elect, he could not but be kept down, and perish for lack of knowledge of the truth."

ONLINE BOOK: The Prophet Jonah with An Introduction by William Tyndale (1621 Edition) The Prophet Jonah with An Introduction
by William Tyndale

Originally Published in 1531. An 1621 Edition.

"The scripture contains three things in it: first the law to condemn all flesh: secondarily, the Gospel that is to save, promises of mercy for all that repent and acknowledge their sins at the preaching of the law and consent in their hearts that the law is good and submit themselves to be scholars to learn to keep the law and to learn to believe the mercy that is promised them: and thirdly, the stories and lives of those scholars both what chances fortuned them and also by what means their schoolmaster taught them and made them perfect and how he tried the true from the false."

ONLINE BOOK: The Supper of the Lord After the True Meaning by William Tyndale The Supper of the Lord After the True Meaning of John 6 and 1 Corinthians 11 and WM. Tracy's Testament Expounded
by William Tyndale

Originally published in 1531. An 1850 Edition.

"He bade them work for that meat that should never perish, telling them that to believe in him whom God hath sent was the work of God; and whoso believeth in him, should never thirst nor hunger, but have life everlasting. Confer also this that followeth, and thou shalt see it plain, that his words be understood spiritually of the belief in his flesh crucified, and his blood shed; for which belief we be promised everlasting life, himself saying, 'Whoso believeth in me hath life everlasting.' Here, therefore, their question, 'How may this man give us his flesh to eat it?' - is solved; even when he gave his body to be broken, and his blood to be shed. And we eat and drink it indeed, when we believe stedfastly that he died for the remission of our sins."

ONLINE BOOK: The Works of the English Reformers: William Tyndale and John Frith (3 Volumes, 1831 Edition) The Works of the English Reformers: William Tyndale and John Frith
edited by Thomas Russell, A.M.

An 1831 Edition in 3 Volumes, England.

"As a father over his children is both Lord and Judge, forbidding one brother to avenge himself on another, but (if any cause of strife be between them) will have it brought unto himself, or his assigns, to be judged and correct; so God forbiddeth all men to avenge themselves, and taketh the authority and office of avenging unto himself; saying, Vengeance is mine, and I will reward. (Deuteronomy 32)." ~ William Tyndale (from "The Obedience of a Christian Man.")

Also find author under:

Audio Books - The Prophet Jonah with an Introduction

Quotations: Words of Wisdom


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Udall, John

John Udall was a Puritan Extremist.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: State of the Church of England by John Udall State of the Church of England laid open in a Conference between Diotrephes a Bishop, Tertullus a Papist, Demetrius a Usurer, Pandochus an Innkeeper, and Paul a Preacher of the Word of God
by Udall, John

An 1895 Edition. Originally published in 1588.

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United States of America

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and Applied to the Christian State and Worship by Isaac Watts The Constitution of the United States of America

Originally Published 1787.

"We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

ONLINE BOOK: The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America (1776) The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America

Originally Published 1776.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

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Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Vaudois (1870 article about the persecution and slaughter of the Vaudois Christians) The Vaudois (article)

An 1870 Article about the persecution and slaughter of the Vaudois Protestant Christians.

"The early pastors of the Vaudois were called 'barbes' (uncle); and in a deep recess among the mountains, hidden from the persecutor's eye, a cave is shown where in the Middle Ages a throng of scholars came from different parts of Europe to study the literature of the valleys. The barbes were well qualified to teach a purer faith than that of Rome: a Vaudois poem, written about 1100, called the "Noble Lesson," still exists, and inculcates a pure morality and an apostolic creed; a catechism of the twelfth century has also been preserved; its doctrines are those of modern Protestantism. The Vaudois church had no bishop; its head was an elder, majorales, who was only a presiding officer over the younger barbes. But in that idyllic church no ambition and no strife arose, and each pastor strove only to excel his fellows in humility and in charitable deeds."


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Varillas, Antione (1626-1696)

Antione Varillas was a French Roman Catholic Historian (Historien Français).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Histoire du Wiclefianisme. Ou de la Doctrine de Wiclef, Jean Hus, et Jerome de Prague. Avec celle des Guerres de Boheme, qui en ont esté les suites
by Antione Varillas

A 1682 Édition Français (French Edition) en Francais (in French). A Roman Catholic history of Wycliffism or the Doctrines of Wycliffe, Huss, and Jerome of Prague, and the Wars of Bohemia.

"Il est vrai que l'Histoire des Heresies de Luther & de Calvin, semble satisfaire pleinement cette curiosité, mais on peut dire qu'il manque quelque chose dont on ne peut s'instruire que par une connoissance un peu exacte de l'Histoire de l'Heresie de Viclef, de Jean Hus, & de Jerôme de Prague. En effet c'est cette heresie qui est la veritable source des deux dernieres, & elles se ressemblent tellement, soit qu'on examine leurs dogmes, soit que l'on considere les motifs qui les ont produits, ou que l'on fasse reflexion sur la conduite de leurs Auteurs, sur les moiens qi'ils ont emploiez, & sur le succez qu'ils ont eu, qu'on prendroit plûtost l'Heresie de Luther & de Calvin pour cette de Viclef & de Jean Hus ressuscitée, que pour une nouvelle Heresie."


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Watson, William (1559-1603)

William Watson was a Roman Catholic, Jesuit Priest trained at the Rheims College in France.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Watson's "Important Considerations," or A Vindication of Queen Elizabeth from the Charge of Unjust Severity Towards Her Roman Catholic Subjects, by Roman Catholics Themselves: Being Important Considerations in the Name of Certain Secular Priests
by William Watson

Originally published in 1601. An 1831 Edition with Preface and Notes by the Protestant Rev. Joseph Mendham, M.A. Originally published as "Important Considerations, which ought to move all true and sound Catholics, who are not wholly Jesuited, to acknowledge without all equivocations, ambiguities, or shiftings, that the proceedings of her Majesty, and of the State with them, since the beginning of her Highness's reign, have been both mild and merciful. Published by Sundry of us the Secular Priest, in dislike of many treatises, letters, and reports, which have been written and made in diverse places to the contrary: together with our opinion of a better course hereafter, for the promoting of the Catholic faith in England. Newly Imprinted 1601."

"The Contention (dear Catholics) betwixt the Secular Priests and the Jesuits, is known not to you alone, but to all our Catholic Friends in other Nations; to all our common Adversaries at home and abroad; to all or the greatest part of the Christian World, as we verily do imagine, and in some sort do know it for true. ... The intent of this Discourser in the Name of the Secular Priests in general is, not to impeach any one particular Person of the Catholic Laity, of Matters of Treason or State; but rather to excuse us all, as well those that have been abused by sinister inveigling persuasions to rush upon their ruins, as those that have been Actors, Abettors, Connivents or Fautors of their Arch-Plotter's practices."

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Watson, Thomas (1620-1686)

Thomas Watson was an English Puritan Divine and a Nonconformist Preacher under the Act of Uniformity 1662. Watson was schooled at Cambridge, pastor of St Stephen's in Walbrook (1646), and the well known author of such works as "The Godly Man's Picture" and "The Doctrine of Repentance." Watson suffered a temporarily imprisonment in 1651 for participating in a plot to restore Charles II to the throne of England, but was released in early 1652.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Divine Cordial, or The Trancendent Privilege of those that Love God and are Savingly Called by Thomas Watson A Divine Cordial or The Transcendent Privilege of those that Love God and are Savingly Called
by Thomas Watson

Originally Published in 1657. An 1838 Edition. Puritan Sermon on Divine Encouragement.

"There are two things, which I have always looked upon as difficult: the one is, to make the wicked sad; the other is, to make the godly joyful. - Dejection in the godly, arises from a double spring; either because their inward com­forts are darkened, or their outward comforts are disturbed - to cure both which troubles, I have put forth this ensuing piece, hoping, by the blessing of God, it will buoy up their desponding hearts, and make them look with a more pleasant aspect; I would prescribe them to take, now and then, a little of this Cordial: All THESE THINGS SHALL WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD (Romans 8:28). To know that nothing hurts the godly, is a matter of comfort; but to be assured that ALL things which fall out, shall co­operate for their good, that their crosses shall be turned into blessings, that showers of affliction water the withering root of their grace, and make it flourish more; this may fill their hearts with joy till they run over."

ONLINE BOOK: The Christian Soldier or Heaven Taken By Storm by Thomas Watson The Christian Soldier or Heaven Taken By Storm, Showing the Holy Violence a Christian is to put forth in the pursuit after glory. To which is added, The Happiness of Drawing Near to God, and The Saint's Desire to be with Christ.
by Thomas Watson

An 1816 Edition. Puritan Sermon on Ephesians 6:11: "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

"Truth has noble effects. Truth is the seed of the new birth. God does not regenerate us by miracles, or revelations, but by the Word of truth, James 1:18. As truth is the breeder of grace, so the feeder of it, 1 Timothy 4:6. Truth sanctifies, John 17:17. Sanctify them by thy truth. Truth is the seal that leaves the print of its own holiness upon us; it is both speculum and lavacrum, a glass to show us our blemishes, and a laver to wash them away. Truth makes us free, John 8:3. it bears off the fetters of sin, and puts us into a state of Sonship, Romans 8:2. and Kingship, Revelation 1:6. Truth is comforting; this wine cheers. When David's harp and viol could yield him no comfort, truth did, Psalm 129:50. 'This is my comfort in my affliction, for thy Word hath quicked me.' Truth is an antidote against error."

Also find author under:

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and Applied to the Christian State and Worship by Isaac Watts The Psalms of David, Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and Applied to the Christian State and Worship
by Isaac Watts

With "The Life of Isaac Watts," by Dr. Johnson, from his lives of the most eminent English Poets.

"Arise, my gracious God, And make the wicked flee; They are but thy chastising rod To drive thy saints to thee. Behold the sinner dies, His haughty words are vain; Here in this life his pleasure lies, And all beyond is pain. Then let his pride advance, And boast of all his store: The Lord is my inheritance, My soul can wish no more. I shall behold the face Of my forgiving God, And stand complete in righteousness, Wash'd in my Saviour's blood. There's a new heaven begun, When I awake from death, Drest in the likeness of thy Son, And draw immortal breath." ~ Psalm 17 Hymn.

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Welldon, James Edward Cowell (1854-1937)

James Edward Cowell Welldon or J. E. C. Welldon, D.D. was an English Clergyman, master of Dulwich College (1883), Headmaster of Harrow School for boys (1885-1898), Bishop of Calcutta, India (1898), Canon of Westminister (1902), the Dean of Manchester (1906) and Durham (1918).

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Be Strong: Lessons for Young Lives by J. E. C. Welldon Be Strong: Lessons for Young Lives
by J. E. C. Welldon

Short sermons for young adults, 1907 Edition, The Religious Tract Society.

"It is sometimes assumed that virtue is always attractive everywhere. But is it so? Are there not minds so dark, so foul, that when they see goodness, they try to defile it, and, if they cannot succeed in defiling it, hate and persecute it? Does he love virtue - the boy ... who would deliberately ... corrupt boys younger and more innocent than himself? Does he love virtue - the man who makes his boast of betraying and ruining and consigning to destruction the pure souls and bodies of the maidens who trusted him? Nay, to him virtue is not lovely, it is a reproach and an offence to him, he delights in violating its sanctity. Now look with me for a moment at the case of Judas Iscariot. I believe that from the time when he entered the society of the Lord's disciples he began to hate Him for His holiness. The divine words which awoke the consciences of others stirred in him only bitter malignant feelings. He could not bear to look upon His deeds of mercy. He could not sit by and see Him honoured by the loving gratitude of the souls which He had saved. He felt for the Saviour that very loathing which none can feel but such as have seen the vision of purity, and have turned their backs upon it and have committed that 'sin against the Holy Ghost' which, if it be anything, can be nothing else than the hatred of goodness just because it is so good."

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White, Francis

Sir Francis White was a Protestant Christian Controversialist, a Doctor of Divinity, Chaplain to King James I.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: A Reply to Jesuit Fisher's Answer to Certain Questions Propounded by His Most Gracious Majesty King James I, Hereto is annexed, A Conference of the Right R. B. of St. David's with the Same Jesuit by Sir Francis White A Reply to Jesuit Fisher's Answer to Certain Questions Propounded by His Most Gracious Majesty King James I, Hereto is annexed, A Conference of the Right R. B. of St. David's with the Same Jesuit
by Sir Francis White

A 1624 Edition.

"Most gracious, and religious sovereign, it is apparent, that the external tuition and protection of Orthodoxall Veritie, and Religion, next under the Almighty, does principally belong to Christian Princes, which are by office and vocation, the Lord’s Anointed, sons of the most High, and supreme Regents of this inferior world, under God. The Donates in times past denied the lawful authority of Christian Princes, in supervising and external governing Ecclesiastical causes, saying, Quid est Imperatori cum Ecclesia? What hath Imperial (or Regal) Majesty to do with the Church?"

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Whittier, John Greenleaf

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Poems by John G Whittier (Protestant Christian Poetry) Poems
by John G. Whittier

An 1893 Edition of Protestant Christian poetry.

"Not always thus, with outward sign Of fire or voice from Heaven, The message of a truth divine, The call of God is given! Awaken in the human heart Love for the true and right, - Zeal for the Christian's better part, Strength for the Christian's fight." ~ from The Call of the Christian.

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Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)

William Wilberforce was a Protestant Christian author, an English politician and Member of Parliament for Yorkshire (1784-1812), a philanthropist, and a leading abolitionist in England. In 1807 Wilberforce saw the successful passing of the Slave Trade Act that abolished the slave trade in the British Empire.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Real Christianity by William Wilberforce (1797 Edition) Real Christianity or Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity
by William Wilberforce

An 1797 Edition.

"That the sacred name of Religion has been too often prostituted to the most detestable purposes; that furious bigots and bloody persecutors, and self-interested hypocrites of all qualities and dimensions, from the rapacious leader of an army, to the canting oracle of a congregation, have falsely called themselves Christians, are melancholy and humiliating truths, which (as none so deeply lament them) none will more readily admit, than they who best understand the nature, and are most concerned for the honor of Christianity. We are ready to acknowledge also without dispute, that the religious affections, and the doctrine of divine assistances, have almost at all times been more or less disgraced by the false pretences and extravagant conduct of wild fanatics and brain-sick enthusiasts. All this, however, is only as it happens in other instances, wherein the depravity of man perverts the bounty of God."

Also find author under:

Audio Books

Quotations: Words of Wisdom

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W.L.S.G. (1627-1704)

W.L.S.G., Rev., a Friend to St. Peter, Professor of Stenography; and Author of "Four Dialogues between the Apostle St. Peter and His Holiness the Pope of Rome."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: Trial of Antichrist, otherwise the Man of Sin, for High Treason against the Son of God. Tried at the Session House of Truth, before the Right Hon. Divine Revelation, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Equity; the Hon. Justice Reason, of said court; and the Hon. Justice History, one of the Justices of His Majesty's Court of Information.
by Rev. W.L.S.G., a Friend to St. Peter

An 1830 Edition.

"Cardinal Bellarmine, Sworn. Q. Are you the Bellarmine that wrote what is called the Fifteen Marks of the True Church, to prove the Church of Rome the only true Church, &c.? A. I am. Q. Do you know the prisoner at the bar? A. Yes, I am intimately acquainted with him. Q. Are you not a Roman Catholic by profession? A. I am. Q. Did you not write and publish several books to vindicate his authority? A. I did. Q. Did you publish in your 4th book de Pontiff, as follows: 'In good sense and judgment, Christ hath given to Peter, (and consequently to the Pope) the power of making that to be sin, which is no sin, and that which is no sin to be sin?' A. Let me see the copy. It was shewn to him. Q. Do you acknowledge it to be your own writing and publishing? A. I do acknowledge it. Q. Did you publish this book, with others, by the prisoner's authority? A. I did. I acted by his commission, and was supported by his government."

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Worsfold, J. N.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Vaudois Of Piedmont by J. N. Worsfold The Vaudois Of Piedmont, A Visit to their Valleys, with a sketch of their Remarkable History as a Church and People to the Present Date, with Map of the Valleys
by J. N. Worsfold

An 1873 Edition.

"How long have the Waldenses lived in the locality from which they derive their name? Da ogni tempo, da tempo immemoriale - from all time, from time immemorial - is the claim set up by them in their earliest documents, and repeated over and over again in their petitions to the House of Savoy for liberty of conscience. Nor is there any attempt to refute this claim of antiquity on the part of their princes or their persecutors. To this statement of the Waldenses themselves we will add corroborative testimony from others. Their enemies. We begin with Reinerius the Inquisitor, a.d. 1250. He refers to the Waldenses under the term of Leonists, and says that this sect has been of longer continuance (than the others to which he refers), having lasted, some say, from the time of Pope Sylvester (314 ad), and others from the time of the apostles."

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Wycliffe, John (1324-1384)

John Wycliffe, or John Wyclif or John Wickliffe, was a Protestant Christian Reformer in England, known as the "Morning Star of the Reformation."

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: An Apology for Lollard Doctrines by John Wycliffe An Apology for Lollard Doctrines
attributed to John Wycliffe

An 1842 Edition. From 14th Century Manuscript preserved at the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. With an Introduction and Notes by James Henthorn Todd, D.D.

"It will naturally be expected that the following treatise should be introduced to the reader by some account of the manuscript from which it has been transcrived, and some statement of the grounds upon which it has been attributed to the pen of Wickliffe. The manuscript is preserved in the library of Trinity college, Dublin, among the valuable remains of ancient literature collected by the celebrated Archbishop Ussher, and presented by King Charles II. to the University."

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Wylie, James H.

Free Online Books:

ONLINE BOOK: The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus by James H. Wylie The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus, being Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in 1900
by James H. Wylie

A 1900 Edition. Originally delivered as lectures at the University of Oxford.


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